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Everything posted by TaJ

  1. ^[] -Inter TMH Racing.- Participants: @TaJ @DavidFox @Kurupted @Scorpyo @Mixpeko Location: Race Track. Winner & Prize: TaJ ; No Prize. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PoRaiWb
  2. ^[] -TMH Takes on Camel and (unexpected) Sam- Participants: @TaJ @DavidFox @Kurupted @Camel @Sam-B Location: Around Las Venturas. Winner & Prize: Saes>Sam first (somehow) ; No prize. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BAD2nqK
  3. ^[] TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 9th of December - 16:30. TMH Technicians Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH. Location: ThC HQ (personal appointment). Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 15-20 vehicles Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Omb2Kat
  4. -TMH Takes on [AA].- Type: Around LV race. Participants: @TaJ and @Pazoo. Location: LV X. Winner & Prize: TaJ. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. -TMH Takes on [AA]Pazoo.- Type: Around LV race. Participants: @TaJ and @Pazoo. Location: LV. Winner & Prize: TaJ ; No prize. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. ~[D]~(#438a00)ate and Time: 08/12/18. ~[N]~(#438a00)umber of Members Online: 7 ~[S]~(#438a00)creenShot(s)/If Any: ::: :::
  7. -Inter-TMH "Flag-Racing".- Type: Flagrace. Participants: Plenty of TMH members-wanabes and fellow racers. Location: TR. Winner & Prize: Harb. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/sHr4wMR :::
  8. -Inter-TMH "Flag-Racing".- Type: Flagrace. Participants: Plenty of TMH members-wanabes and CS. Location: TR. Winner & Prize: Vektor. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Tt3TsWr :::
  9. -Inter-TMH "Flag-Racing".- Type: Flagrace. Participants: Plenty of TMH members and wanabes. Location: TR. Winner & Prize: Xpooks. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/4ivfzsk :::
  10. ^[] ~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 06/12/18 - Afternoon. ~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 5. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: ^[]
  11. ^[] ~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 06/12/18 - Morning. ~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 4. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: ^[]
  12. ^[] ^[~[THE MOTOR HEADS IS NOW AN OFFICIAL GROUP!!!]~(black,#4a962e)] ^[We did it boys!! This ain't stopping. This is rather the kick start beginning.] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] - On behalf of TMH HQ team, TMH Founder and Leader, TaJ.
  13. ^[] ^[] Event number : 34. Event's name and type: Cars race @G6 Arena. LWS Hoster: Kowalski. Date of event: 2nd December 2018. Screenshots: ::: Click Here for the Screenshots. ::: ^[]
  14. ^[] ~[E]~(green)vent Number: 115. ~[E]~(green)vent Type: Cars race @G6 Arena. ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: @Kowalski. ~[D]~(green)ate: 02/12/18. ~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,500,000. ~[W]~(green)inner(s): BloodZ*>Radrick. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here for screenshots sir!
  15. ^[] ^[~[Oww.. mocking The Company did not end sweet did it, Mate?]~(black,grey,grey,grey,black)] ^[RP Participants : [ThC]TaJ - @TaJ ; TMH|XpookS - @XpookS ; O|King - @King01 .] ^[RP Story :] The day was no less than a dream. I, TaJ, who had always been dreaming to become a part of one of those bad boys around, was now a member of The Company. The daddies of all the bad boys. My entry wasn't a new news now, yet it seemed like I was just recruited. With this same christma always in my eyes, I used to follow all the commands of ThC High Council and do the jobs they demand me to. This same thing happened today when in the morning I was asked by a Headquarter to get the prolly most used vehicle in the storage.. the BMW F10 M5 was now starting to show signs of old age. Unlike humans who TheCompany can easily treat, this automotive department was something out of our league and hence as the leader of The Motor Heads was a friend of mine, and hence they were now the most advanced yet cheap auto mechanics in the town; I took the car to the nearest TMH Garage... the Blueberry one. The car which was totally damaged both externally on the graphics and for sure internally, due to carelessly driving which isn't a thing of surprise coming from a gangster. We take care of our guns better than anything and hence this made me realize that our rides were equally important. Anyways, I then started my journey to the garage and after a miserable ride along the bridge, I finally arrived and met Mr.xPooKs. ^[] ^[] ^[] A recently recruited yet extremely talented Motor heads' Technician. The technician took a look of the car and explained that he was actually surprised on how it was this fragile to go through all of those unbearable driving conditions and lack of maintenance. I told him trying to control my temper, to do his job and take care of the car in the most effective and yet the most efficient way. He was smart enough to guess the danger I was and hence started working on the car. ^[] ^[] ^[] At this moment came a guy from "Outfit". He was acting to be the biggest lord around and hence upon his countless poking to the technician to be quick, I had jumped into the situation. I told him that my car was in a near death situation and it's repairs are now done just in matter of few minutes and hence he should wait or change his mechanical destination if he is in a huge hurry. The guy, rather than agreeing to my kind appeal, tried to become badass and started mocking The Company with words like "Oh you are a part of those homeless morons... Meh.. no wonder why your car was about to die. Go earn yourself a living you faggot, leave this garage for me." Upon this position I was filled with immense anger and I asked him to put a stop on his mouth. ^[] ^[] Looking over the increasing heat between us two, the technician came around and told me that my car was just ready. After 5 minutes of we two trying to ignore each other, Pooks told that my car was now ready to be taken and it was now turn of the Outfit guy. I simply went forwards to take delivery of the vehicle and at that moment this guy again said something I wish he did not say. He took a dig at ThC, once more. ^[] ^[] This just made my angry reach its height and after taking the car out for a spin. I went near a position from where I could look over his actions further. The person was now laughing hard and talking to the mechanic which made me certain that he was talking about us yet again. ^[] At this position, I could not stop myself from getting my sniper rifle from the boot of recently repaired vehicle and use it to assassinate the little joker. ^[] I then went nearby and now it was my time to take a dig at him. The technician who was a little horrified was planning to escape but I asked him to relax as it was nothing about him but about this little clownface. This marked my time to take the body and put it into the boot of the f10 M5 and take it for a spin until I reach a dump ground. ^[] ^[] Special thanks to TMH and O for participating! -Thanks for reading!-
  16. @Laser said in HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDIAN TAJ!: March and November, I don't see difference I do see a difference! It isnt my birthday guys lmao
  17. It's not my birthday neither India's!! and @Element Lmaooo:joy: great effort xD
  18. @James said in HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDIAN TAJ!: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Arkantos said in HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDIAN TAJ!: Happy Birthday NOTHNGG!! It's not my birthday guys :face_palm: :face_palm: I blame this shitty @Xtream
  19. @Xtream said in HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDIAN TAJ!: dont keep it a secret fag! HBD BRO my birthday is fuckin 5 months awayyyy, delete this ffs!
  20. Omg! wasn't this just limited to discord? It's not my birthday you faggot!!
  21. Happy birthday you orusupu... enjoy the day
  22. Ooou something new ha .. great luck @Lucifer and team :clap: and before you say anything, shut up @Kristiina :slightly_smiling_face:
  23. @Lincoln said in Public Event Hoster spawn: @TaJ said in Public Event Hoster spawn: Hey people... Well I am here to sort of defend the existence of groups like LWS. Having myself lead a group to success, Shadap what succes Let's talk after a few valuable days pass by ? Or, before that, let's have a chat in the members area maybe...
  24. Hey people... Well I am here to sort of defend the existence of groups like LWS. Having myself lead a group to success, I can surely say it would not be fine to just bring some substitute out of nowhere to threat the need of groups like LWS. I got a little better idea actually, and it is simply to have a new spawn, yes, but this one shall be all under "LWS" (or even G6, cuz sorry, I never understood a lot about G6 because who mostly helps us is lws, in a respective way..). That spawn can be "LWS Trainee", more like zip trainee (but as I don't really know a lot about zip trainee, so I would rather explain more on my idea). LWS Trainee spawn can be made with little lesser tools than that of a real LWS. It can get people added by LWS HQs only, mainly people like LWS Applicants, or long time helpers/hosters (like someone is eligible if he makes like 10 Events in a given time period). This spawn can have like 1-sentence advertisements (just to not get ads spammed by "non-trusted" people), and less objects in construction panel, and mainly they stay at same dimension. These people can host events like car shows, chicken shooters etc and can help real LWSes in hosting bigger type of events. How this would help is, first, it would have only non-retarded people who LWS HQs themselves trust in representing the group's name, secondly it won't have almost everyone spawning but like 5-6 people at a time, making it possible for LWS to recruit ready-with-knowledge people in future, and accessible for the community having more number of event organizers ready to help (even smaller events, but atleast they can keep stuff going on rather than keep asking about free LWS/G6). I hope you liked my idea, even if not, Goodluck getting on some solid conclusion. Thankya:wave:
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