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Everything posted by TaJ

  1. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 06/01/18 - Evening] ^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Roadtrip!] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse, Click Here Sir!] ^[Thanks to everyone for participating!]
  2. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 06/01/18 - Evening] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 6] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[] ^[]
  3. 7 (my lucky birthday date; and yea i got xbox)
  4. Looks good.. and great start for something spicy for you @TheClaw ! Great luck guys.
  5. ^[] -TMH Taking on Infinite Competitors.- Participants: @TaJ and too many others. Location: LV X. Winner & Prize: TaJ ; 50k to my own pocket. Screenshots: Click here sir!
  6. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 04/01/18 - Evening] ^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Roadtrip!] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse, Click Here Sir!] ^[Thanks to everyone for participating!]
  7. ^[] ^[RP Number : 336.] @MartinJames said in Hell Raisers MC | Media Archive: *#16th Roleplay Mechanical Roleplay Short Scenario: MartinJames was riding and having fun in the road , suddenly the engine have a problem so he called a mechanic , TaJ comes and bring Martin's bike to TMH base , he repaired it shortly after that he repair it so nice and MartinJames can ride and have fun in the road again. Participants: @TaJ @martinJames Organizations: ~[TMH]~(#4b8a08) , ~[HRMC]~(#473131) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qDPxoml
  8. ^[] ^[RP Number : 335.] @NRG said in NRG's TEC Activities: ^[] #25 RP Participates: SAES>Ardron|TSAC, David_Jr, TMH|TaJ|L ,[SWAT]Carter RP Story: I woke up and i went to the taxi station. I got a phone from government. My job is taking "The Motor Heads Leader/Commander." from Las Venturas Airport. First i went to White House for being sure about it. Because if it is a phone joke it won't be funny. I talked with Mr.Ardron and i am sure about this job. I went to Las Venturas Airport and i waited for them. The government talked with one of DoT member for it. Finally i got both of them(passangers) and i went to White House. I talked with Mr.David and we got into the White House. We dealt with Mr.David for money. I earned 10.000$ and case closed. RP Screenshots: Here!
  9. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 03/01/18 - Evening] ^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Roadtrip!] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse, Click Here Sir!!] ^[Thanks to everyone for participating!]
  10. ::: [Disclaimer - made with a fun intention, should be taken with the same.] :::
  11. ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 02/01/18] ^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Roadtrip] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[] ^[Thanks to everyone for participating! Special thanks to @Ardron.]
  12. @Ramos yeah they are "glued". Damn you are smart mate (plus I never saw anything like that anyways) *edit : and wait a second.. so you are in favour of Glue staying? In that case your organization must be satisfied with just 1 vehicle I suppose, cuz that is what "realistic" is afterall..:clap:
  13. @Silence said in Limit "Glue" ?: EDIT: On a more serious note though, there is nothing like being a police officer and seeing 15 criminals piled on top of a vehicle like an indian train during rush hour. Vice versa for crims. You know either way who's gonna win I'd like to see it removed aswell, or the very least decrease its usability so it only works for certain vehicles Okay.. just to satisfy you, yes using "Indian train" did catch my attention, goodjob. And yea, glue ain't a "realistic" option so make some changes as suggested by the good people above
  14. -TMH Technicians Working on 19/12/18 - Evening.- TMH Technicians Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH. Location: TMH HQ (i.e. Big Ear), Bone County. Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10-15. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iDrGR0G
  15. @FastYounq oh right mate.. and all i actually said meant nothing related to inside. It just threw some light on the fact that you founded a MC gang with your friends... A week later you are in ICE tags. That is not how leadership is my friend trust me I know a little better. If you could not control it, better dont brag shit about somebody who dared enough to take this tough role and make it get to that level 2. Even rejoining the official MC as a HQ after all this did not make you respect them but instead hate more.. omfg. With your knowledge, behaviour and skills, I am sure even a level 1 would be a huge deal. Anyways goodluck disturbing the calm mindsets of cops now.. Great luck in future :call_me_hand:
  16. First.. sorry to reply if it is prohibted because I just wanted to bring out some stuff which can not be controled. As being the one of the initial supporters of the gang, it truly is sad to see it go but thats not first time this is happening and it tried alot, congrats on having accomplished all you have. Now.. @FastYounq, rather than being a clown face who just laughs or tries to make people laugh at silliest subjects possible, you could rather understand your duty as a founder and not let them get to this situation. It is no where being funny or being proud of. I usually dont get into all this stuff but this one sounded legit enough. Start respecting people and the work they do if you wish to get back same.. Goodjob bbmc, hope to see a comeback in the future if or not I am here any longer. Rip and gl with your careers.
  17. ^[] -TMH and Helpers Racing.- Participants: @TaJ and @Spicey. Location: LS Race Track. Winner & Prize: 1st Skinner; 2nd TaJ. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JOda2l8
  18. ^[] -TMH and Helpers Racing.- Participants: @TaJ @Mechul @Spicey. Location: LS Race Track. Winner & Prize: 1st - Mechul, 2nd - TaJ, 3rd - Skinner. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gJsf4Af
  19. ^[] TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 13th of December - Noon. TMH Technicians Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH. Location: ThC HQ (personal appointment). Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 6-8 vehicles Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kYlkFbI
  20. ^[] -Flagrace Action.- Participants: @TaJ @Mechul @RadiO and PewD (from WA). Location: SF Hill (Near B~B Base). Winner & Prize: Mechul, Radio and PewD. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/M1VibpF
  21. ^[] TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 11th of December - Noon. TMH Technicians Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH. Location: ThC HQ (personal appointment). Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: about 4-6 vehicles Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Z2tJ2Zd
  22. ^[] ^[] ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TMH|TaJ|L. ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing. ~[P]~(green)articipants: From TMH: TaJ, Harb and Pump. From The Public: Mechul, Judyes and (unfortunately) skerdi. ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: TMH has grown no doubt. But this doesn't means that we forget our roots. Main purpose of TMH had been to produce new racers and motor heads. That continues along with our new clothes and few more cars. TMH, who now had an legal entity of using the Los Santos International Racing Track had thought of hosting a little training after a lot of months, under my own supervision. Today's training was all about : Apex. They were told everything theoretically but to clear all their queries, Racer.TaJ|TMH took a vehicle and made em all observe him go into a corner. He did a whole lap and made them see how a "Apex" is supposed to be taken. Having known to rules such as : No Corner Cutting. Keep it clean and stay professional. The perfect apex you take, the better your corner goes . Don't take it stressful or else it would distract you. The racers were now setup to go against each other and TaJ. The race started with a flag drop by Arms Assassins friend Epichu. The race went clean for almost everyone unless we consider the little corner crashes, the track being quite narrow. TaJ, having Harb as his co-driver met with an accident at the starting corner which was mainly due to a helper's wrong turn, yet TaJ continued his race few positions back. The race ended with Mechul showing his greatness and achieving 2nd, while the 1st was from TMH as usual.. the Technical division headquarter Pump. He showed that when needed, the techys have enough race knowledge as well. If they can assist the racers, they can beat them too. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Instructions : ::: ::: Illustrations : ::: ::: Race time : ::: ::: In case Screenshots are bugged, CLICK HERE! - We, at TMH, would like to thank everyone that joined our first ever Racers Training since spawn. We hope to see you guys at the many more upcoming trainings.
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