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Everything posted by TaJ

  1. ^[] ^[Participants:] ^[From J : @TaJ, From Cluck : @Narcilius.] ^[Story:] ^[Law. A thing everyone bows in front of. Let's know why.. Shall we? This possibly is because the law is simply "imposed" on them. This was why today, a Delivery Boy from "Cluckin' Bell", the new restaurant in town which was "ruling the foods" now-a-days had made a visit to my cabin at Los Santos Court. He was here because he had gotten a ticket for "not obeying traffic lights". This 18 years old was on his first job and hence was tensed a sure lot, for knowing nothing about the procedure. I offered what my job was, that is to help him pay for the ticket. It didn't took long for filling his details on the website of LS Court, and paying the fine digitally. The guy sounded relieved and hence thanked me together with my fee. He then bidded me a goodbye upon getting his delivery bike's keys out of his pocket and moving towards the door leading towards outside.] ^[Story:] ::: :::
  2. ^[] ^[] Event number : 35. Event's name and type: Dumper Destruction Derby. LWS Hoster: Ramos. Date of event: 4th February 2019. Screenshots: ::: Click Here for the Screenshots. ::: ^[]
  3. ^[] Event Number: 192 Event Type: Dumper Destruction Derby LWS/G6: Ramos Prize(s): 1,000,000 Winner(s): TougeStar ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Zrw1BaQ
  4. ^[] ^[~['Let's bring this old beast back to life, friends.']~(#b03c6c,black,#4b8a08)] ^[Role Play Number:] ^[329.] ^[Participants in The RP:] ^[From TMH - @TaJ @Reacher @RadiO ;] ^[From AA - @Willy @Yoko_Kurama @Daglow and AA Helper, @Steven .] ^[RP Scenario:] ^[Engine. Although just a word, yet in todays world it is enough to disturb all your plans if it does not work. This was something our friends, those with big guns faced today. Yes, I am talking about Arms Assassins and yes, unlike their weapons, their vehicles can and do stop working sometimes or the other. This is a case from today, when the marvellous free sunday turned into a hustle-bustle one just with 1 phone call. The caller was Willy from Arms Assassins. A new recruit yet an essential one when it came to their active working on the roads.] ^[Our car isnt working as usual, free to help, friend? said he when he called me, the leader of The Motor Heads. Our contract as well as my love for the organization, both restricted me from denying the poor guy. And hence I called him here. The vehicle which could barely run a few miles somehow managed to bring them all up the hill of Bone County to a safe shelter, i.e. TMH Base.] ^[Upon their long expected arrival at evening, TaJ who was with fellow workers, Reacher the honorable and RadiO the hardworker, greeted them. Willy was not alone but had brought some man-force with him. His fellows were known as Yoko and Daglow with a helper called Steve. All of them then got in a chat with TaJ and fellow technicians and Willy explained how the issues had started.] ^[The thing started this morning stated Willy when he further explained that the vehicle was behaving like a shy girl from starting. It would give some troubles at ignition and after constant tries by him, it even started giving black smoke which wasnt a good sign as per the gun-guys little automotive knowledge. This was the confirmed by the leader of automotive organization before he assured the assassins that the vehicle will be back to its position as at 80s when it came out of the showroom for the first time.] ^[He then assigned the task to Reacher and RadiO to park it inside the garage where the Arms Assassins were called later on and the investigation had begun. The quick check by the Technicians brought to everybodys attention that the cars few component were too much near to start rotting soon. They were at their last stage. This included vital components like spark plugs and piston rings. This could only happen if it wasn't sent for maintenance in a long-long time which no, it has not been to some mechanic daddy for long by Yoko had confirmed.] ^[This being said, the Technicians started on their job. Minute to minute supervision by TaJ and hardwork put in by the technicians was the prime reason of yep, its all done! by RadiO. The car was then checked by TaJ before the keys been handed over, and its revvs were back alive. Yep, that's my old horse said Daglow upon taking the delivery. TMH had once again helped AA at an important time.] ^[Screenshots :] ^[] ^[-Thanks buddies, AA for participating.] ^[-Credits to @Reacher for the edited screenshots face.]
  5. ^[] Roleplay #328 Participant(s): @TaJ @XpookS ; @chemist Story: A sunny evening, sun about to go home but not TMH Technicians who were at the Los Santos Garage. TaJ who was present there got a call. The call was from Chemist from Arms Assassins, the friendly organization. She was in a trouble. Her bobcat was not working as it used to yesterday. TaJ invited the AA Member to their LS Garage. Upon her arrival, XpooKS, the fellow experienced technician, was asked to make a check on the car. The check wasnt as expected by the AA member. It came to a conclusion of the car having an issue in the transmission which was indeed a serious issue. Chemist then urged him to do anything, but fix it. This being said, TaJ helped pooks with some tools of choice and hence he started working on the issue in detail. After a hour or so, the car was better. It would no longer choke. Chemist was then allowed to go on a test drive which them came up successful and hence the car was delivered after all the fixtures and paperwork. Screenshot(s): Click here!
  6. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 02/02/18 - Evening] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 9 (joined by others a little later)] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  7. Rest in peace guys... goodluck to everyone of you
  8. ^[] ^[] ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: Kenneth ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing. ~[P]~(green)articipants: From TMH: @TaJ @chemist @XpookS @Andre @Scorpyo @NORI999 From CS: @Element @Rythm @Benny @Colobria and more. From AA: @Phoenix @Siirtuga ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: Friday at 4 o'clock TMH decided to have a good day by calling their racing brothers from across the nation, they had a meeting in Bone County near TMH base, which was joined by members from friendly groups such as CS and AA which usually do stunting or arms dealing respectively, yet wanted to try what the thrill of "speed" looked like. They came with their fastest/hottest cars to the meeting, after some hours Kenneth showed up, he's the one who did organize it, he told them to park their car, after that Kenneth started a speech, he came with a great idea, his idea was a race with some prices on the line, the winner will get 1 million dollars, after 10 minutes Kenneth explained them what they shall do to win that money, he told them to race from TMH base to LV X, so they raced to LV x, after getting to the finish Kenneth told them to race from LV X to MC, and after that they decided to have a last race with a prize, from MC to SF bank, the winner was Benny, he decided to customize his car with the 1 million that Kenneth gave him, after the awesome races of our brothers we decided to go back to TMH base cause few of them was out of fuel, and we decided to finish our day by having a little party. AA and CS people seemed highly amused from the training as they learned some new stuff and had a fun evening. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here!! ^[- We, at TMH, would like to thank everyone who joined us in the training and congratulations to the cash price winners!]
  9. dang promising!! goodluck stay and boys
  10. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 01/02/18 - Evening] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 7] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[] ^[]
  11. ^[~[TMH now has a NEW PROMOTION VIDEO!!]~(#4b8a08,black,#86ba32)] https://youtu.be/6M9HUXAJzP4 ^[All thanks to @NORI999 !] ^[Let's keep doing it brah!]
  12. ^[] ^[~[Intelligently Outlooking the Narcotic Bureau.]~(black,grey,grey,grey,black)] ^[RP Participants :] ^[[ThC]TaJ - @TaJ ; [NNB]Stay|ASAC - @Stay] ^[RP Story :] ^[The Company. A name common on everyone's mind when crime is talked about. The gangsters of ThC do not just do "crime", they do it "logically". Crime is a thing that gives as big profit as the risk invested. Risk never means just going out as some "rambo" and committing the sin in-front of hundreds; Rather it is going out "smartly" and committing the crime in front of those capable of catching you. With these same words inspiring him, ThC's promising "guy" TaJ had thought of doing a job of the intelligence division to prove something. Proving that all these things do not just look good on paper, but on ground as well.] ^[With the same passion and agression, yet required "logic" and "calmness", When TaJ was outside his secret apartment in Los Santos, chilling out around his Super GT, received a phone call. The call was from his senior manager at ThC notifying him about the latest in Crime World as usual. This time the news was that "National Narcotics Bureau" which was lately known for it's greatness when it came to catching drug dealers, had recently caught a cartel at a Vinewood Hideout from where just 1 narcotic agent was driving the goods back to NNB HQ in Los Santos central which wasn't very far from TaJ's little hide spot.] ^[TaJ was then asked to go to the Headquarter and with proper safety measures, in order to keep an eye on the agent and note their procedure of dealing with such seized narcotic material so as to plan a big robbery in future. As noted by TaJ with all his patience, the stuff which the agent was unloading from the car's boot as then going to the storage bay's entrance where he was just dropping it for further transport inside by the servants. This was a prime time for the robbery to take place which the agent's worry and constant re-checking was clearly showing. Today was not the time because TaJ was alone yet one such day would come.] ^[By this time, TaJ went quite near to the agent and the storage bay entrance where while noticing the activity he noticed that the agent was now more conscious and had gotten an idea of TaJ's presence at the prohibited location and the wrong time. TaJ then ran to the side in order to hide and was successful in fooling the agent who then did not care to check thoroughly and hence left the area after notifying the servants for further job as told. TaJ sneaked out of the dangerous location successfully and reported whatever he saw with The Company's HQ by the next morning.] ^[Screenshots :] ^[Click Here for Screenshots sir!] ^[Special thanks to NNB for participating!] ^[--Thanks for reading!--]
  13. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 28/01/18 - Evening] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 5] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[] ^[]
  14. ^[] ^[SF BANKROB - 27-01-19] ^[] ^[Thanks for viewing! Hope you have a great day ahead!]
  15. ^[] ^[Role Play Number: 311] @Tapi said in Cluckin' Bell - Media Archive: Participants: @TaJ And the TMH RT Team. Story: Well this early morning we go a call from the TMH HQ Team, Saying they are going to need some big space in the restaurant for about 20 people, So we arranged a place out side the BC Cluckin' Bell. Where they arrived after their Road Trip, And got some good Cluckin' Bell Meal, And they all were happy with the service, Was organized very well by our staff members. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GGIWT0X
  16. ^[] ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 19/01/18 - Evening] ^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Roadtrip and Food-Fun with @Cluckin-Bell ( @Tapi )!] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse, Click Here Sir!] ^[Thanks to everyone for participating!]
  17. ^[] ^[Hanging Around Posts is now also a thing and hence added in the format. This makes it easier for you guys to show your interest by just having "fun" alongside us. However other tougher type of posts will have a higher value determination yet this is a good way to show that you want to be one of us. Happy posting and goodluck.]
  18. ^[] -TMH Takes on STF.- Participants: @TaJ and @SWID Location: LV X. Winner & Prize: TaJ ; 50k to my own pocket. Screenshots: Click here sir!
  19. You just stole my plan. Fuck you @Filex , Anyways.., HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR VL
  20. ^[] ~[E]~(green)vent Number: 178. ~[E]~(green)vent Type: Bullet Race @Sam 's Track! ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Sam. ~[D]~(green)ate: 11/01/18. ~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000. ~[W]~(green)inner(s): UE|Petrow ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here for screenshots sir!
  21. Hello and Welcome to The Motor Heads HELPERS' Media Archive. Here, You helpers (aka "wannabes") will be able to show your interest in joining our group by doing several posts such as Role-plays, Events and much more! Refer below for detailed TMH's detailed Formats. Our Post Formats Hang-Around Number: TMH Members Involved: Duration of Hang: Screenshots: Role Play Number: Participants in The RP: RP Scenario: ScreenShot(s): Event N°: Event Type: LWS: Prize: Winner(s): ScreenShot(s): Date and Time: Number of Members Online: ScreenShot(s)/If Any: Hoster of the Training: Nature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Participants: About the Training [Little Story]: ScreenShot(s): RACING DIVISION POST. TMH Racers Take On: [Name of your opponents here] Type: Participants: Location: Winner & Prize: Screenshots: TECHNICAL DIVISION POST. TMH Technicians Working on: [Date and Time of working] TMH Technicians Involved: Location: Estimated Duration of Working: Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: Screenshots:
  22. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 09/01/18 - Evening] ^[~[N]~(green)umber of Members Online: 6] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,] ^[] ^[]
  23. ^[] ^[~[D]~(green)ate and Time: 09/01/18 - Evening] ^[~[T]~(green)ype of Activity: Roadtrip!] ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse, Click Here Sir!] ^[Thanks to everyone for participating!]
  24. ^[] ^[-TMH Technicians Working on 08/01/18 - Evening.-] ^[TMH Technicians Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH; <Cluck> @Tapi and others.] ^[Location: TMH Insta-Garage, LV-LS Highway, SA.] ^[Estimated Duration of Working: 20 minutes.] ^[Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10-15.] ^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/toQzM9C] ^[Special thanks for Snacks provided by Cluck (@Cluckin-Bell) at the work zone.]
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