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Everything posted by IG8820

  1. My deepest sympathies go out to him and his family. I was genuinely shocked to hear this, till next time.
  2. I am so confused right now. Both sexually and physically.
  3. Is there just an inherent need to complain regarding everything? If you guys want to push 'RP' so hard, let's bring in permanent death for characters and force everyone on TeamSpeak because 'text chat isn't realist enough'. The hospital system in GTA is based on the fact that your character is not killed but rather hospitalised, instead coming out of the hospital 6 hours after being 'wasted'. Now this premise is brought into SAES into a more crude way but it's there with a respawn at the hospital. Now would the cops let you walk out of hospital after committing a serious crime in real life? No, no they wouldn't. You'd still be jailed once you've recovered for a serious wrongdoing. So as a matter of fact, this new feature is more true to 'RP'. Isn't it boys and girls?
  4. U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Office of the Executive San Andreas, 700-xxx 12/08/2018 -=(maroon)[FBI'S MOST WANTED]=- As of 11/08/2018, all remaining bounties have expired and can no longer be claimed (A new and updated list may be expected in the subsequent weeks to follow)
  5. You know, if I had a pound for every time a spastic screeched "fBi dEaD, FbI DeaD" I'd probably be a millionaire...
  6. Let's be real, I'm way worse than this.
  7. -=(maroon)[BOUNTY CLAIMED]=- The bounty for PerroLoco has been claimed by @Dufabo (Contact @Qweezy ingame to be awarded your reward)
  8. Unfortunately @Cornelius, the Federal Bureau of Investigation isn't after assholes. We're after criminals who pose a risk to the general public. Unless creating god awful memes become a public offence in the near future, you will never find yourself up on that list. Don't respond here again. Yours sincerely, Michael Payne FBI Director, Office of the Executive
  9. You get my seal of approval. +1
  10. There's nothing I like better than making some other poor bastard die for his country.
  11. -=()New FBI Discord:=- https://discord.gg/GJB9MrN
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