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Everything posted by Faysal

  1. Address: Tierro Betting Shop Account name: joshbond Last seen: 30th October 2023 screenshots:
  2. Event Number: 1589 Event Type: Lucky Nade Prize(s): 1,000,000$ LWS Helper(s): @alone Winner(s): Butcher Screenshots:
  3. Address: 7 Butfux Road Account name: bzgc Last seen: 23rd March 2023 screenshots:
  4. Address: Blueberry Sprunk Store Account name: sayat2k Last seen: 13th october 2023 screenshots:
  5. Event Number: 1585 Event Type: Lucky Nade Prize(s): 1,000,000$ LWS Helper(s): @MaRoO Winner(s): MarveeL Screenshots:
  6. Construction Title: Fallout. Construction_number: #3 Number of objects: 100 Link to the code pastbin: https://pastebin.com/A2p8VGY6 Link to the Album:
  7. Construction Title: Coffee Place. Construction_number: #2 Number of objects: 110 Link to the code pastbin: https://pastebin.com/VcsJNDr5 Link to the Album:
  8. Construction Title: Roadblock. Construction_number: #1 Number of objects: 345 Link to the code pastbin: https://pastebin.com/QB19LSDQ Link to the Album:
  9. Hi and Welcome to my ZIP portfolio, I'm your host Faysal, Enjoy your stay. Username: sakami852 Current Rank as ZIP: Worker Additional infos: Just play for fun, I like to build and mess with people for the entertainment. I also love the idea of being creative on your own and here I'll share whatever I believe is great fit. (Topic is inspired by my fellow peer Jiirak)
  10. A day to remember. F
  11. @Youssef-1 Mag3ad ftw <3 @Manda Thank you <3 @Versace Appreciated my man <3 @JohnnyEnglish King we will be back <3
  12. There's no specific tutorial ingame that can be done ingame (as you suggest) for various reasons that are kinda obvious. The things SAES are based on are just things you should keep on your mind as an active roleplay player not just a player who is willing to enjoy a shooting type of game. The only tutorials that can be shown ingame are simply how to move and jump and maybe crouch if that's possible for most of the games. Since games are getting more and more complicated, specific games will ensure to give you hints/ideas in order to process in the game not because it's about you respecting an npc within the game or u might get punished for killing somebody. It's about how it should be played. In reality, gta SA is just the game we all know since it's released. Giving it some more options and more effects that make the game different somehow is something else which can't be expressed by the game developers themselves in specific situations, like SAES. It's not a bunch of mini games to show you what the concept of the game you're playing but it's about communication, "roleplaying". The only tips/ideas you might need can be found in an article or someone should explain them to you because it can't be shown in the actual game itself or it can be provided jn specific videos on Youtube just like how FiveM servers wok, they make their own server, own script (but they are mostly the same, they just change the logo and name) then they provide videos / admins that can resolve issues regarding the gameplay for you. Long story short, SAES can't have some tutorials given ingame and even if that magically happens, the tutorials will be larger than the script of the server itself lol.
  13. ~[With the Camels]~(#ff4500) Helping O With Their 2 BRs (LV/RC) 06/09/2021 ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  14. ~[With the Camels]~(#ff4500) Helping Z With Their BR (LS) 03/09/2021 ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  15. ~[With the Camels]~(#ff4500) Helping GSF & HS With Their BR (SF/RC) 02/09/2021 ::: ----------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------------- ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  16. ~[Activity Number:]~(#824135) -25- ~[Date:]~(#824135) 09/02/2021 ~[Activity Type:]~(#824135) Patrol. ~[Cuban Cars's members (if they are there):]~(#824135) Judyes & Anas. ~[Other participants:]~(#824135) Youssef, Cha, Bisollini and a lot of other people who joined us. ~[Any Information that can be provided:]~(#824135) I've said and again it's always fun to have those two guys who show how much they love each other by killing or kicking them. That's Judy and Anas right there, had a really fun night with them along the other people who came too. ~[Screenshots:]~(#824135) ::: :::
  17. ~[Activity Number:]~(#824135) -24- ~[Date:]~(#824135) 08/29/2021 ~[Activity Type:]~(#824135) Roleplay ~[Cuban Cars's members (if they are there):]~(#824135) Marskman ~[Other participants:]~(#824135) Youssef, Bisollini, GamerZ, Jean, BurakO and Christian. ~[Any Information that can be provided:]~(#824135) While I was on LV garage with my partner Youssef, I recieved a text from Mr. Marksman who told me that he is going to open the garage near BC. So, we immediately answered the call and drove my tow-truck to the location. When I first arrived I saw my partners Youssef and Swindler there, I greeted them and we spoke a little bit until Mr. Marksman came with a car. He drove the car inside and parked it where we should start our work, then he told us that we can start working on that car. The issue was the bumper of the car was a bit broken. So, Mr. Marksman asked us to change it to something new and that was our first task. As we were going to start some other partners joined in and luckily a custumer came by so they we had to devide ourselves and start working on both vehicles. Me and partner Youssef kept working on the same vehicle that Mr. Marksman gave to us. First thing we did is we grabbed our tools that are mainly screwdrivers and wrenchs. Then we started removing the old bumper, partner Youssef helped me to detach the piece as it's a bit heavy then we took it to the back then, I asked Mr. Marksman if there's another bumper that suits the car we can use, he guided me to the warehouse and I begin searching. Eventually, I was able to find the right bumper and slowly grabbed it back to the car. My partner Youssef helped me fix it, he holds it and I use the screwdriver. After few minutes, we were done with the vehicle and it was ready to go ! After a while, Mr. Marksman wanted to take things futher up. So, he drove 3 different cars with different issues. We divided ourselves again into 3 groups, I was with my partner Youssef again, Mr. Marksman gave us an old truck but judging by how fast he parked it, it's not really how it sounds like. He told us to change the hydraulics, doing so require taking out the wheels. So, I asked Mr. Marksman if we can change the wheels too to something even better and he agreed, I suggest off road tires as the vehicle is used by farmers and get into mountains. He agreed and thought it's a good suggestion. After that, Youssef and I started working, I asked my partner to grab us the tools we need in order to take out the wheels. He grabbed what it takes and gave me so I can start working aswell to finish faster. I used some bricks that I found near by to hold the vehicle while taking out the wheels. After that, I tried to search for new wheels and Youssef went to grab new hydraulics. It took me a lot of minutes to find the proper wheels. Eventually, me and Youssef met at the same time as he grabbed the new items. We installed them immediately and the wheels were done. After that, Mr. Marksman asked us to change the trunk but we couldn't do much just some cleaning and adjusting it a little bit. Then, we were done with our vehicle and parked it outside so Mr. Marksman can take a look at it. After a while, Mr. Marksman came to check on us and ask few questions about our work. We had really nice experience and lovely one with him as he made sure we understand everything we're doing, we also got to know that our vehicle had V8 engine and the inside was pretty clean so you really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Finally, he thanked us for our work and we had a good time and that was it for today.
  18. ~[Activity Number:]~(#824135) -23- ~[Date:]~(#824135) 08/29/2021 ~[Activity Type:]~(#824135) Patrol. ~[Cuban Cars's members (if they are there):]~(#824135) Judyes. ~[Other participants:]~(#824135) Youssef, Burako, Swindler and meckilla. ~[Any Information that can be provided:]~(#824135) After our shift with Mr. Marksman we recieved a call from Mr. Judy so we all headed there and started patrolling. We had a fun time and good chat together ! ~[Screenshots:]~(#824135) ::: :::
  19. ~[Activity Number:]~(#824135) -22- ~[Date:]~(#824135) 08/29/2021 ~[Activity Type:]~(#824135) Roleplay ~[Cuban Cars's members (if they are there):]~(#824135) MarksMan ~[Other participants:]~(#824135) Youssef, Cheer, Pain, Cha and Bisollini. ~[Any Information that can be provided:]~(#824135) I was away working on another garage helping others as I heared Mr. Marksman has opened his garage. I tried to finish the car I was working on really fast so I can catch up with the others. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get there at the exact time but finally made it there. When I first arrived I saw many things and the garage was really loaded with people. I greeted everyone there and spoke with Mr. Marksman to start my shift, I saw him busy with an Admiral that was fixed and ready to pump by Youssef and Pain. I saw the others taking care of other cars. I waited for them to finish as I saw their progress with the car and they actually did a pretty good job. After few mins, Mr. Marksman asked me to change the wheels for the car as it's the final thing for it to be done. I took a closer look at the current wheels and asked him if there are specific types of wheels I should use or I can use whatever I can. Mr. Marksman told me about the specific type which are 225/40r18 tires, a really good choice I'd say. Then, I told my partner Youssef to park the vehicle in a specific area so we can start working. Eventually, we were done with our work. Mr. Marksman thanked us for our efforts and we had a small conversation, it was pretty nice. Also we hung around for a few mins and that was it.
  20. ~[Activity Number:]~(#824135) -21- ~[Date:]~(#824135) 08/29/2021 ~[Activity Type:]~(#824135) Roleplay ~[Cuban Cars's members (if they are there):]~(#824135) N/A ~[Other participants:]~(#824135) Nobody (Couldn't find any hh) ~[Any Information that can be provided:]~(#824135) I was by myself in LS repair shop waiting to start my shift, I recieved a call from my friend Kruger who wanted me to come repair a vehicle that an owner requested in ALT garage. He asked me to do it since he is busy with something else and he have to leave the garage, I told him to leave the vehicle and go but he couldn't since it's not the first time he kept the owner waiting for so long. So, he have to start working now before things get messed up between him and the customer. I didn't hesitate to answer his request as Kruger helped me so many times. I agreed and then drove my towtruck to his garage. When I arrived there, Kruger already left the place, I found the gate open so I entered and parked my truck. I found the car that Kruger told me about, a black Admiral that had it's doors damaged. The owner claims as Kruger told me that the vehicle got stuck between two walls in a small road down town. They barely were able to get it out and the doors were broken along with smashed windows. I checked the vehicle myself and started testing out the doors. The right front door can't close properly nor open it. The left front door was a bit damaged but gladly there was no problem with it's function of opening and closing. The left back door was had it's lock actuator and it's latch destroyed so the door was not able to close at all. The common thing about these 3 doors is they have smashed windows, the right back door was fine thankfully. Also there were some scratches on the sides. After I noted every issue I saw, I searched the place to grab the tools I needed to start working, mainly it was a wrench, some screwdrivers, pliers and a hammer. Then, I started working on the right front door, the door after trying some attempts to close it, was malfunctioning indeed, I saw that the door checker was also damaged so while closing and opening the door there was some weird noises. I grabbed my wrench and tighten the door checker and the hingers so the noises will disappear and the door's movement will be smooth. For the left front door, I used my hammer to fix the damaged area of the door to turn back to it's place with some other tools as it's just a small thing. Last but not least, for the left back door I had to use my screwdriver to remove lock actutaor and the latch and replace them with new ones gladly I found in the garage. After an hour, I was done fixing the inside of the doors, I kept closing and opening them to see if the issues are fixed and it was fine. After that, I was ready to change the windows, I searched the garage to find some new glass and gladly I found some with the right shape of the car. I grabbed them and went to remove the old broken glass and change them with the new ones. After a while, I was done with repairing the glass. For the last part, I grabbed some black spraying cans and moved the car to a propper place so I can start spraying the scratches. It was not too much also wasn't deep so just spraying will do the trick. After a while, I was finally done with the car. I parked it in another place so Kruger can see it when he comes. I kept trying to open the doors and close them as a final test and things were good. Aslo I checked the windows tried to roll them up and down, everything was working properly. I phoned Kruger telling him about what I've done, he thanked me for that and I left the car.
  21. ~[Activity Number:]~(#824135) -20- ~[Date:]~(#824135) 08/28/2021 ~[Activity Type:]~(#824135) Patrol. ~[Cuban Cars's members (if they are there):]~(#824135) Leonard. ~[Other participants:]~(#824135) Me & Youssef. ~[Any Information that can be provided:]~(#824135) It was a quick one before we had to leave ! Me, Leonard and Youssef met and started cleaning the road from vehicles, we had a really good chat and enjoyed ourselves. ~[Screenshots:]~(#824135) ::: :::
  22. 27/08/2021 ~[B]~(#ff4500)efore: ::: ::: ~[A]~(#ff4500)fter: ::: ::: ~[CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]~(#ff4500)
  23. Sorry for being late.. Happy birthday @Skinner :moistpepe: :birthday_cake:
  24. ~[Activity Number:]~(#824135) -19- ~[Date:]~(#824135) 08/27/2021 ~[Activity Type:]~(#824135) Patrol. ~[Cuban Cars's members (if they are there):]~(#824135) Riley. ~[Other participants:]~(#824135) Me & Youssef. ~[Any Information that can be provided:]~(#824135) I found Riley patrolling around so I decided to join him. After a while of chatting and listening to Croatian radio and Riley speaking Tunisian language with me, Youssef joined us aswell with Anas and Blue who decided to make an event on our DFT (Land on DFT). Eventually after many attempts, someone was able to win. Then, I hanged a bit with Blue and it was fun ! ~[Screenshots:]~(#824135) ::: :::
  25. ~[Activity Number:]~(#824135) -18- ~[Date:]~(#824135) 08/27/2021 ~[Activity Type:]~(#824135) Roleplay ~[Cuban Cars's members (if they are there):]~(#824135) N/A ~[Other participants:]~(#824135) Youssef ~[Any Information that can be provided:]~(#824135) It was night time and we were almost gonna close, we were working at TMH base as our friend "Jeff" who is a former member of TMH, was helping us to get things done and repair vehicles. Suddenly, Jeff recieved a call from someobdy as he told him that his vehicle is facing some misfires, a loss in power and acceleration, a decrease in fuel efficiency. So, Jeff bringed the vehicle to TMH garage, me and Youssef started checking it out to see what's the problem exactly. We tried to check hood first and at the same time try to start the vehicle to see how it's performance. It took me few attempts in order for the engine to start so I knew the issue is the fuel pump but not sure what part exactly, I checked with Youssef the car's fuel tank and pump, it was all dirty and dusty. Also, as Youssef checked the hood for the Nozzle rail and found that fuel nozzles are really bad and old. I spoke with Youssef about what I found and told him to ask Jeff if he can find us new fuel nozzles, new fuel filter and new electrical pump. He did what I said and then Jeff came to see the issue and know the type of parts that we need. Later on, we took all the old parts and Jeff took them with him to ALT garage to meet our friend Kruger. After 15 mins, Jeff made it to ALT base as he found Kruger there waiting for him since I spoke with him in the phone to make sure he knows that Jeff is coming. He welcomed him inside and Jeff told Kruger about the pieces that we need and showed him to old ones. He asked for new ones as the old ones can't be cleaned nor modified. Kruger went with him inside and started collecting the required items. After few mins, Jeff and Kruger were able to collect the exact required parts that we need and drove back together to the garage. When they reached TMH base, they didn't find me nor Youssef as we went to get some fresh oil and cleaning tools so we can repair the fuel pipeline and clean the hole circuit. Meanwhile, Jeff and Kruger grabbed the new parts and immediately installed them in the car, now the changes made to the car were new electrical fuel pump, new fuel nozzles and a new fuel filter. After that, Jeff thanked Kruger for his time and for giving us the new items and then drove back together to ALT base. As they left, Youssef and I were done collecting the things we needed and made it back to the garage, we found the vehicle with the new parts added by Kurger and Jeff. So, we immediately grabbed our tools and started cleaning the rest of the fuel circuit, we cleaned the fuel tank, the nozzle rail and fuel pipeline. Then, we added new fuel to the car and it was ready to be tested. Youssef hopped in and turned on the engine and it immediately worked. We drove the vehicle outside and tried it even more, it was working properly ! We were happy about the results and parked it so the owner can come tomorrow and have it back nice and clean.
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