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Everything posted by PsyGhost

  1. I support most ideas as save money for your own PC. Its much better than pay money to an guy to play. Also you can search for PC in use. Lot of for sale on eBay. Good luck;)
  2. @blade if you destroy it - pay tax. About 10k(or more) from your bank account. You also pay if u damage it. Like if in paint&spray repair will be cost 500$ and if you park to rent spawn payment should be 2x more.
  3. Hello guys, so I want to buy Apple Watch series 3. Maybe someone of you have it. Tell about your experience or just your opinion about it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello, well show here your PC photos, mb you bought new parts or you already got cool PC. We can keep form like this one: Whats inside(CPU, GPU,RAM, etc) Photo of PC or your workspace. Since I am not rich ruski guy I am updated my PC a bit. ::: :::
  5. @blade that beard makes you older, so thats why you was in ALT cuz all truckers wear beard
  6. @ar48953 said in Hi good, I play SAES banned because?: Hi good, I play SAES banned because? Man, when you login in to the server there a red warning that if you will break rules (in F1 menu) you will get banned from the server. First what you should to do - read rules and follow them. Ignorance of the server rules is not an excuse. Follow terrys guide. Take it seriously. Peace. @terry said in Hi good, I play SAES banned because?: Create a topic in this section: https://saesrpg.uk/category/23/banned-from-saes-rpg-server Use the following format: Nickname: Username: Ban Date: Banned By: IP: Serial: Ban Reason: Why should we unban you?:
  7. @blade why you seems like 30+ men?
  8. @marko no, its just army vehicle. Tank is different. And yeah we can, why not lol
  9. here we go here i am on the left( and yeah its Army vehicle)
  10. In 2009 I downloaded CS:Source(sure it was unlicensed). By default there was nick ThePsyFamily. So I changed it to ThePsyGhost. When I started to play at SAES most of players call me PsyGhost or just Psy. And since I joined SAPA I just cant use [SAPA****]ThePsyGhost. So I set [SAPA****]PsyGhost. So Psy means - like an crazy person. Ghost - I was like to being silent as an ghost and kill by knife in cs:source. Thats It. #ruskiest?#p90rushB#SukaBlyat.
  11. Address: Beachflat 1 Owner: [NNB]Coma|Lipa (zoomspeed) Last seen 17th June. Ty
  12. In-game name: PsyGhost Username: thepsyghost Age: 20 y.o. Nationality: Russian Previous bans/punishments: Yeah i got one long time ago cuz i was young and noob. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: Well i think it would be interest to me to do saha staff job. So if something is interesting for me - i'll be good at it.
  13. @mega9 I paid him 20k to teach me new words in that old times. I was so pro after 2 weeks and get in swat with cool engles. Thx to Bartmans school
  14. @ganja men, I dont even said that its an bet for $$$. That I were said Ill give u 100k just find me in game - it was my pleasure to you, not a ticket to sperm me. When you will press Tab and there is [SWAT]PsyGhost - just fucking msg me. Thats all.
  15. Hello everyone sukablyat I want to say THANK YOU SAES Community for being here, being active. Because of Founders, Admins, Players, most of us can get more experience in English or learn it here by just playing and taking fun, not sit at boring lessons as ICE patrols. This server gave me interest to learn English, better to say people at this server. THX all for read my shit. Cya ingame. ::: Sukablyat mi engles is still cool.mb. :::
  16. @mr-smith here we go Painted by me. Ruski Lada 2107. Now car going to trash
  17. How to made spoiler here sukablyat Found it ::: Sukablyat why photos under spoiler is not working or just phone version, or just my hands? :::
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