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Everything posted by PsyGhost

  1. Date: 28/07/2024 Activity: Stopping BB BR (3/8) Participants: @Skes @Aveyro @Manny @MrYolo @Gotchi @Jojo @Dinaz @Zarc @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  2. Address: Lolitas Soggy Mexicans Business Account name: riseagain Last seen: 10th May 2024 Screenshots:
  3. Date: 28/07/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Skes @Aveyro @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  4. Date: 28/07/2024 Activity: Stopping BS BR (7/8) Participants: @Skes @Aveyro @BOB @Jojo @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  5. Vehicle ID: 411 (Infernus) Wrap access: thepsyghost, officialjosuea Type of wrap: Custom Thread for reward change: Wrap image: Translations: (if custom wrap) Kachisemayahone - Something on japanese (even google didnt know about that)
  6. CC Activity Number: #25 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes Duration: 50+ mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/34EvifX
  7. Date: 26/07/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Skes @Yukii @Jojo @Zarc @Skinner @snowdeN @Crank @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  8. Date: 26/07/2024 Activity: Stopping LV BR (5/8) Participants: @Skes @Yukii @Jojo @Zarc @Skinner @snowdeN @Crank @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  9. Date: 23/07/2024 Activity: Stopping LV BR (7/8) Participants: @niceez @Yukii @GetAway @Mistigun @Zarc @Crank @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  10. This is an automated post for: PsyGhost Donation: GBP 12.00 GBP (X2 points, 24 DP) Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: Custom wrap Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD, custom wrap (to be requested) Usernames to lock: thepsyghost Where you want it placed: Next to prop (LS, Jefferson Block 4) + Unused 10 dontation points Vehicle Type: S.W.A.T. Tank Vehicle Colour: Any Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD, nitro x10 Usernames to lock: thepsyghost Where you want it placed: Next to prop (LS, Jefferson Block 4)
  11. CC Activity Number: #24 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes Duration: 30 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/b8wcqK2
  12. Date: 21/07/2024 Activity: Stopping massive JB Participants: @Winter_Soldier @Dinaz @Markus @Manny @Crank @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  13. CC Activity Number: #23 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes Duration: 30+ mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lCIbs5r
  14. CC Activity Number: #22 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes Duration: 60+ mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/M313Yu0
  15. CC Activity Number: #21 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes @Winter_Soldier @JellyFish Duration: 68 mins Screenshots:
  16. I want you guys to update just names. Name of the wrap: thepsyghost_1 Thank you!
  17. ehicle ID: 540 - Vincent Wrap access: thepsyghost, rabyewiw, milicajac Type of wrap: Custom Thread for reward change: Wrap image: UPD: Link for 512x512 image
  18. Date: 01/07/2024 Activity: Stopping massive JB Participants: @Winter_Soldier @Dinaz @SKY-911- @Markus @Yukii @Aveyro @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  19. Date: 30/06/2024 Activity: Stopping NLV CR (0/8) Participants: @Winter_Soldier @Dinaz @Yukii @Skes @Aveyro @Gotchi @BOB @Pandashi @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  20. Date: 30/06/2024 Activity: Stopping LS BR (0/8) Participants: @Winter_Soldier @Dinaz @Yukii @Skes @Aveyro @flappy @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  21. CC Activity Number: #20 Participants: @PsyGhost @n0vis0ry Duration: 59 mins Screenshots:
  22. Date: 29/06/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Winter_Soldier @Yukii @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  23. Date: 29/06/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @GetAway @Aveyro @PsyGhost Screenshots:
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