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Everything posted by PsyGhost

  1. Hello, @Doom After thorough evaluation, we have decided to go forward with your application and accept it. You may find a PC tester in-game for further instructions. Make sure you are part of the SAPD Discord server and you may also tag PC tester at #request-a-tester channel to arrange your PC test. Congratulations and looking forward to see you at the test stage. Regards, SAPD Staff.
  2. CC Activity Number: #34 Participants: @PsyGhost Duration: 34min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CmSUvCL
  3. CC Activity Number: #33 Participants: @PsyGhost Duration: 34min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QlgbeNs
  4. Date: 7/09/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Crank @MrYOLO @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  5. Date: 7/09/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Crank @Sou @MrYOLO @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  6. Date: 7/09/2024 Activity: Stopping BB BR (3/8) Participants: @Crank @Aoxy @Dinaz @MrYOLO @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  7. Date: 7/09/2024 Activity: Stopping TR BR (3/8) Participants: @Crank @Aoxy @NouNou @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  8. Date: 3/09/2024 Activity: Stopping RC BR (1/8) Participants: @Crank @Winter_Soldier @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  9. Hello, @M8N Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Pro Cops. After a thorough analysis of your application we've concluded the following: Part III "Rules Check" - Make sure you are writing a brief of each rule in your own words. You can summarize it, you don't need to word for word write the whole thing and just change up a couple of words, just your understanding on the rule itself. Take your time to make edits properly. Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance. Thank you. PsyGhost On behalf of PC Staff.
  10. Date: 29/08/2024 Activity: Stopping SR's (LS, WH) Participants: @niceez @Sou @General @Manny @MrYOLO @Crank @flappy @Jojo @kellerman @Curvy @DJO @Winter_Soldier @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  11. CC Activity Number: #32 (Impounding, lil party, and impounding again) Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes; JellyFish, Afufu Duration: 2+hrs Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/q9tcLoX
  12. CC Activity Number: #31 Participants: @PsyGhost @Winter_Soldier @Skes Duration: 1hr+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/q9tcLoX
  13. Name: Alexander (known as PsyGhost ingame) Username: thepsyghost Age: 26 Nationality: Russian Squad: S.W.A.T. Policing Groups: Desert Eagles Pro Cop Since (date): I was PC years ago but was removed due to switching to crim side. Link to Pro Cop Sign-in Post: N/A Previous Experience: The SAPA experience as CPT and had a bit of experience as SAC tester. Why would you make a good tester?: Years of experience at cop side might be a good additional for my skills. Also as it been required I have good Eng skills, so wont be a problem to explain something tricky or special.
  14. CC Activity Number: #31 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes Duration: 1hr 27min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NpePdF0
  15. Address: 1 Steephill Account name: dhia555 Last seen: 6th July 2024 Screenshots:
  16. Account name: thepsyghost Icon name: 7 Walloper road
  17. Account name: thepsyghost Icon name: Domins motel room #14
  18. Address: Appartment block 146 Account name: m4sta972 Last seen: 21st May 2024 Screenshots:
  19. CC Activity Number: #30 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes Duration: 20+ min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/I4BnicK
  20. Date: 12/08/2024 Activity: Attend of stopping LV BR (8/8) Participants: @Skes @Aveyro @ziad @Winter_Soldier @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  21. Date: 11/08/2024 Activity: Attend of stopping SF BR (8/8) Participants: @Manny @Crank @Doom @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  22. CC Activity Number: #29 Participants: @PsyGhost Duration: ~30 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wxvuLsg
  23. CC Activity Number: #28 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes (Pasha - CC wannabe) Duration: 1.5 hr Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Uwo662u
  24. CC Activity Number: #27 Participants: @PsyGhost (?|Kmimch - CC wannabe) Duration: 1hr Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Tqpa9hV
  25. CC Activity Number: #26 Participants: @PsyGhost @Skes Duration: 80 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/U8aljZj
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