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Issue Tracker [Donation Vehicle Shaders]
Everything posted by ProNuBs
[For Sale] SF House near from SR/Bank with CarSpawn
ProNuBs replied to Skinner's topic in Housing Auctions - Archive
Will do -
Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 60GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? back on the old forum sometime iirc Why do you need this change? Re-adding vehicles Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/39500-donation-pronubs-amount-4000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/100761-donation-pronubs-amount-2000-gbp/?tab=comments#comment-1828101 Links to your previous donation changes requests: / ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed / ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Ambulance (10x Nitro, Off-road wheels, FFFFFF Primary, 4CC417 Secondary) Shader to be added at a later time. Location: LS Hospital (Jefferson, behind the 2nd public ambulance) Username: iampronubs Vehicle 2: Ambulance (10x Nitro, Off-road wheels, FFFFFF Primary, 4CC417 Secondary) Shader to be added at a later time. Location: LS Hospital (All-Saints, in the grass) Username: iampronubs Vehicle 3: Ambulance (10x Nitro, Off-road wheels, FFFFFF Primary, 4CC417 Secondary) Shader to be added at a later time. Location: LV Hospital (Somewhere in the parking lot) Username: iampronubs EDIT: messed up a copy paste
@Colo said in Player names Invisible , can't see Nicknames: @Spicey said in Player names Invisible , can't see Nicknames: did you tryed to re-install the mta? I did 2 but nothing happened.. Try asking in the help-and-support channel on discord, someone will probably know a fix for this
I made a medic tutorial back in the day on the old forum and did an update for it in october 2017 as well (which should still be up to date as of now) https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/95493-paramedic-guide-october-2017/?tab=comments#comment-1770097 if this is usefull I can go over it once again and update it to current standards
@Markus said in Biker class: Drugs :x: Melee weapons :heavy_check_mark: +1 for this
Roster updated as of 5th of August. (Contact HQ is you're missing or missplaced)
I voted keep the rules as changing it will give people more reasons to start DM wars and discussions. And you're kind of responsible for the vehicles you leave behind as there's a lock funcion. (and theres not really a diffrence between shooting your car to get it back or some other person f*ing it up with their shitty driving, you'll have to fetch a diffrent one either way) That's my point of view though
Username: iampronubs Amount Donated: 60 GBP Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): July 26 2013 (40GBP) https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/39500-donation-pronubs-amount-4000/ April 18 2018 (20GBP) https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/100761-donation-pronubs-amount-2000-gbp/?tab=comments#comment-1828101
Increase the size of the fuel tanks of the vans in the game.
ProNuBs replied to ProNuBs's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Currently all the vans (Burrito excluded) seem to only have a 125L fuel tank. When using the Delivery man spawn you're kind of forced to tank every 2 trips when they're to a diffrent city. I've checked and it seems like Trucks have a 250L tank and all the cars have a 200L . Upgradding the tanks to 200L to even them out with cars would be nice or giving them a slightly bigger one with 225L which would still make them smaller than the truck tanks. -
Adding Burrito to the Delivery Man vehicles
ProNuBs replied to ProNuBs's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Suggestion to add the burrito as one of the available vehicles for Delivery man. -
Hello all, I've made a discord server to use as a vehicle market place. The Server is using a bot called Auction Bot which makes it easy to check what cars are for sale or what people are looking for. Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/JMxbZZ9 Making a listing: Use >sell [VehicleName] [Price] (Example: >sell Caddy 50000) After using this command you will get the option to add aditional information (Do not type > but make sure to add : otherwise this will not work) Desc: This is the description of the vehicle so here you can add what upgrades the vehicle has (for example: desc: AWD, v8, Nitro x 10) Category: Category for the vehicle you want to sell , please add this every time you make a listing and use the name of the car as the category as well so people can look for all vehicles in that category (for example: category: Caddy) Note: This is just a message that will be sent to the person that buys your vehicle After adding the properties you just have finish placing your order by typing submit and it will go into the market-list Editting a listing: Use >edit [code] [property] [changes] to edit one of your listings Properties when editting a listing: Price: Price you want for the vehicle Amount: irrelevant Description: Type what upgrade the vehicle has Image: Does not seem to be working properly Note: Message to the buyer UnitCost: irrelevant Increment: irrelevant Reserve: irrelevant Buyout: irrelevant Currency: irrelevant Category: Add the name of the vehicle to make sure people can find it when looking for a certain category List of commands: (use > in front of these commands to make them work on discord) sell [item] [price] - Add an item to the market buy [code] -Buy an item using the item code edit [code] [property] [changes] - Edit an item using the item code view item [code] - View the details of an item using the item code view market [category] - View all items for the specified category (this is why it's handy to add the car name as category) sales alert - Receive a DM when your item is sold sales deal [code] [new price] - Discount the value of an item using the item code sales profile [user mention] - View the mentioned users sales profile
Reviving the Medical Side
ProNuBs replied to JohnnyEnglish's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Would be handy if the script for reviving could be looked over as people die all the time without being able to revive them. (Not talking about people who were recently revived) Possibly adding something like an adrenaline shot (which would work as speed) or a bandage (something people can buy from medics to be consumed at a later stage) EMT pager overhaul have medic calls displayed on it and be able to confirm you're going to the person who requested it. as mentioned before add something to show people that a medic is close when they die and either request a revive or just skip the revive which would remove the revive text from the pager so the medic knows not to go over and heal the person (had many cases where people actually got pissed cause they got revived) As for the damage proof part, possibly make it 2 times as strong like said above but only when the vehicle is stationary (so people don't start spawning medic to abuse ambulances as tanks or escape vehicles) -
Having multiple screens fixes this problem.
Should ask haveer if he's still around somewhere or any of the people who do radio stuff might be good options
New Farmer script suggestion
ProNuBs replied to ProNuBs's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@master-chief said in New Farmer script suggestion: what about making it like the trucker job? plant 100 wheat and you will be able to plant weed and plant 300 weed and you will be able to plant LSD or speed and we get more money This would make it more of a criminal spawn again, trying to go with some civilian stuff, could be a nice idea for a new crim job tho -
New Farmer script suggestion
ProNuBs replied to ProNuBs's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@akkie said in New Farmer script suggestion: Awesome! I really liked that and also 16K per one not bad it would be useful than the transporter The payout is just a placeholder atm, saes hq will have to decide what they find fitting, the way it is setup now you'll still be earning more as a Trucker but you do make a decent amount -
New Farmer script suggestion
ProNuBs replied to ProNuBs's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
As there are no polls on the forum atm : https://strawpoll.com/b7dg65fy -
New Farmer script suggestion
ProNuBs replied to ProNuBs's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Hello community, as everyone knows the civilian side of the server isn't really getting a lot of love. Therefore @jonas13362 and me decided we wanted to get some changes into the civilian side to make it more appealing. We've been working on this together however all the scripting has been done by @jonas13362 so full credit to him for making this. So how does this script work ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrRWwDb7nE8 As you can see in the youtube video above the job works in 3 stages: Planting crops Harvesting crops and turning them into bales Collecting bales and bringing them to a drop off point As you saw there is a marker where you can spawn the needed vehicles to do the job, when you leave the vehicle you have 5 seconds to get back into it or it will be despawned. People cannot steal any vehicles you spawned from you so don't worry about that. If you spawn a new vehicle your old one will be despawned as well. -=(orange)Step 1=- You just drive over the field and crops will be planted automatically, some space if left between each crop so if it isnt planting try driving a bit further. This works in a 360 degrees radius so if you start a new line make sure you left enough space between your new one and the first one otherwise your crops won't be planted. -=(orange)Step 2=- You get yourself a combine harvester and drive over the crops on the field ( all of your crops have a blip on the mini-map so you don't miss out on crops), when you drive over your crop a bale will spawn behind your combine harvester. -=(orange)Step 3=- You get yourself a DFT from the marker and start driving up to the bales, you can put your bales on your DFT by clicking on them ( in the video this is done with the F1 command but on the server you'll be able to use ALT GR). A DFT can fit up to a maximum of 15 bales which can be dropped of at the drop off in exchange for money. -=(red)BEWARE:=- if you leave your DFT and it despawns you will lose all bales on the DFT.