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Everything posted by ProNuBs

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  5. Another github I made a while back (https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/229) Some things that could give the spawn some love and possibly more activity Create a marker in every gym that gives a full heal (can only be used by boxer spawn) Give boxers the ability to not get wanted when hitting/killing other boxers Option to Alt Gr, click on a different boxer and challenge them for a duel (possibly with the option to add money to it)
  6. Made a github a while back but still good to see how the community feels about this: Adding an AltGr function "Offer Repair" by clicking on the hood (handy for 1 seaters, people with afk'ers in their car, just making sure the random mechanic you drove up to won't end up stealing your vehicle) Github link: https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/230
  7. You don't seem to pay any more attention to this topic, we'll consider that as not interested anymore. Reapply in 2 weeks if you still wish to join.
  8. Seems like you managed to get yourself banned, we want to keep our roster clean therefore your application has been denied. You can reapply again in January if you manage to keep a clean sheet until then. Kind regards, SAM HQ-Team.
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  13. ^[] Don't think you'll be getting away with copying someone else their application. If you are actually interested in joining SAM then you can reapply 1 December. (And write your own apply if you reapply)
  14. Royalty is part of the SAES - team (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members) Request denied.
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  16. @jojofromjory said in Donation: jojofromjory (Amount 50.00 GBP): @Crash said in Donation: jojofromjory (Amount 50.00 GBP): You can also request a Special interior Or 1 large interior Or 1 medium and a small Or 2 small ones I would like "Large interior #22" at my property "7 Dutch Faggots Close" in LV Thanks in advance! Interior has been added
  17. 7 days have passed without any bids (that matched the starting bid) so this topic is being archived, feel free to make a new auction.
  18. 7 days have passed without any bids (that matched the starting bid) so this topic is being archived, feel free to make a new auction.
  19. Promotions: AIR: Hoodie --> <RD> Griffin --> <RD> EMS: FIlex --> <SP> SEA: None
  20. 7 days have passed without any bids so this topic is being archived, feel free to make a new auction.
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  22. Pretty sure someone had the same issue yesterday, might be worth scrolling trough the help and support channel on discord
  23. 7 days have passed without any bids so this topic is being archived, feel free to make a new auction.
  24. 7 days have passed without any bids so this topic is being archived, feel free to make a new auction.
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