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Everything posted by ProNuBs

  1. Failed to claim the property within 48h so the property has been put up for public sale
  2. Sorted This was your 2nd request this week.
  3. Sorted
  4. user is not inactive, you used "mahma" instead of "magma" magma was last seen 10th of august. Request denied
  5. Make a new working EMT pager
  6. Sorted
  7. Sorted
  8. Sorted
  9. @Rocky, we don't take copying other people their application lightly, therefore your application has been denied. If you do wish to join you will have to write your own application You can re-apply in October.
  10. @Ramos said in [SF/FC] Whetstone Service Station - Interior/ATM/Medium Sized Base: Property has been taken by me. /lock Done
  11. Sorted
  12. Property has already been requested : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11268/inactive-ls Request denied
  13. No bids were made in the past 7 days, therefore this auction is being archived. Feel free to make a new auction if you still want to sell this property. @Jim
  14. No bids were made in the past 7 days, therefore this auction is being archived. Feel free to make a new auction if you still want to sell this property. @davidgrlmz
  15. No bids were made in the past 7 days, therefore this auction is being archived. Feel free to make a new auction if you still want to sell this property. @Hassantt
  16. If @Kilios didnt buy this property then no valid bids have been made and this topic will be archived for that reason. if you still wish to sell this property then you're free to make a new auction, @Carbon
  17. No bids were made in the past 7 days so this topic is being archived, feel free to make a new auction if this property hasn't been sold yet, @Lily
  18. No bids were made in the past 7 days, therefore i'm archiving this topic. feel free to make a new auction @Slash
  19. Archiving this topic as no bids were made in the past 7 days, feel free to make a new auction
  20. There have been no bids for the past 7 days so this topic will be archived, feel free to make a new auction, @davidgrlmz
  21. @Joshbond , @cocko has this been sorted or should I keep the topic open ?
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