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San Andreas Housing Agency
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Posts posted by Stay

  1. @Blackyy

    As the post from above shows, this property was requested 2 days ago actually and cannot be requested again. Make sure you request these types of properties on the days they should be requested, this being 00:00 server in-game hour

    To be locked.

  2. ^[alt text]
    Date: 12/01/2021

    RC BR 8/8
    *Description: A new pyramid has been built and with it @Immortal appeared, UE: We in, We out, done

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    BONUS: Maduro and His colony decided to host an Old school event where we were located at Los Santos jail we stood there for 20 mins, unfortunately, the cop side wasn't able to De-Throne Maduro's forces

    Hosters: Underground Empire
    Winner: NONE
    Time: 20 Minutes

    DROP IT:
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  3. Hello there everyone. This is something that's been going on for a little while now, And, now it is more like an option, as we all have already experienced the constant gang's growth,
    it has pushed us to certain limits, " I'm not saying that what we have is not enough " but I genuinely believe there's always room to improve ", However, I would recommend to the administration team of SAES, the suggestion of; the implementation of 2 new banks for the remaining counties which have been left behind, as a result of this, both sides cop/criminal would have the chance of taking in mind those 2 additions, and, the factor of having more criminal/cop activity in territory terminology. We, criminals, know that squad members and regular cop players enjoy assisting an on-going BR, it excites them and does for us

    Therefore, I have decided to pull this idea into a cast-votation.

    Note: everyone is welcome to improve the main idea. suggesting certain changes that would have a positive result.
    thanks for reading

  4. alt text
    Date: 06/01/2021

    LS BR 8/8
    *Description: Colony decided to YOLO a bank the election was Los Santos, one in, one out. over.

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    SF BR 8/8
    *Description: Maduro needed to reconnect due to his soo called internet of 1GB. as he didn't come on time, Others yolo'ed the bank

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    UEs online for the activity: 15
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  5. Your ingame username: stayalive
    Your ingame alias: UE|stay
    Your year of birth: I was born in 1998, on January 7th.
    Your gender: Male.

    Nationality: Venezuelan/Colombian
    Country of residence: Venezuela

    How long you have been playing SAES: I've been playing on the server since 2014. so that would make it 6 years and a couple of months.
    Qualities you can offer: I consider myself as an active respectful player, I've been in positions where I had to lead, organize and guide others, as a matter of fact once as a gang leader of a Latino gang where I needed to be partial and neutral when it had to be with responsibilities and the sorts of member matters, I'm that person who knows how to be listened to, and, the one who express things where both parties would get a better ending. I'm friendly, organized, I totally leak any sort of laziness, short words I'm a Polite person, However, I am not perfect, indeed I have my ups and downs like everyone else, Nevertheless, I had tried to apply for a community staff position before which resulted in me been rejected a couple of times actually, so it has come to my mind that perhaps I don't fit that position just yet, therefore, I've decided to aim to a SAHA position as I can see myself executing the job nicely. Normally when a SAHA's regard takes place, for me it is easy to be there as my time zone allows me to, I would like to communicate to this community that they can have someone there at late nights sorting their things out, for those who work and can't be in-game when the SAHA agents are normally/regularly available, I'd like to be that last hope for them.
    Your weaknesses: Well if we are honest we can't even begin to count how many weaknesses we actually have, But I would say that mine is; sometimes overthinking things, and its result is not what I was expecting to be for which sometimes I feel sad. but the good thing is this happens to everyone besides me so I guess this is how life is, and I would like to be more real when it comes to this regard.

    Do you have Discord Installed: Yeah pretty active on it.

    Reason for application: Well I've been always having this feeling of being helpful and useful, on the other hand, there is something about being part of the SAES team that attracts me on which is me learning things that I haven't experienced before, Improving myself by performing this task I'm applying for, maybe a way others would notice my good efforts shown on the server. I would be thrilled if I get the opportunity to work and embody this role, as this gives you the tool to help that community you really want to help out, which is mostly the Latino community, why? 7/10 Latinos don't speak english well, this resulting in their leak of expression and communication, perhaps they'd like to have someone who can understand them when no one else does.

    Server Memberships:

    Underground Empire - Supervisor
    Outbreak Organization - Captain
    ZIP - Architect
    Cuban Embassy - Immigrante Cubano

    Additional information: Henderson cruz 22 years of age. Proudly Latino. Hard worker. Organized. Truthful, humble, currently working as a Professor. Someone who's always learning and reading books

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Well a few mutes for Spanish reasons, others as a sort of troll coming from my admin friends.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: Never been.

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