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San Andreas Housing Agency
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Posts posted by Stay

  1. @Hassoni said in [SUGGESTION] | Reworking the SAES Dogfighting (Hydra) System:

    BUMP on this cause I think this suggestion is really needed. Here's another clip of a DF i did recently


    pretty damn shitty system as you can see, cause when Im locked (red marker) only one out of every 10 missiles launch or so. Compare this to the video of dinosaur's DF system i linked above and you'll see what a truly refined system looks like. @SAES-Developer consider howlze's hooker deal it's a win win for everybody

    LMAOOO, imagine my case I play with keyboard due I don't have such a mouse/pc for that, and when I manage to track the enemy the heat seek doesn't work, Bruhhh xD please fix it mens, Dfing is fun.

  2. @Bartman said in Nametags lowering FPS:

    also just to show difference why old nametags better (besides fps lags):
    new nametags: "find waldo find ardron"
    alt text

    alt text

    old nametags: find HS sweman:
    alt text
    or find nathan : D
    alt text

    as can see, with new nametags finding someone in crowd is hard, even harder when people mooving, older nametags easyer & if someone dont know that blue = swat/purple = AA, who thefuck cares?

    yeah man, these were the times, Can we please get something regarding this @SAES-HQ-Leader aka the black dude :P, we the community desire them back

  3. Even bone agrees with most of the community on how things are changing, my pleasure to have had you in the community, Mister Weed Man, Farewell @Bone

  4. Undoubtedly magnificent How some cops argue to a valid and perfectly reason of why they shouldn't do certain things amazes me Waooooooow, Regardless yeah you're right we criminals are the " OP " side, /me returns back to his cave

    PS: They're like Feminists

  5. @Kybali0n said in Drug-sell:

    @Tut-Greco said in Drug-sell:

    @Teller said in Drug-sell:

    Atleast allow us to kill any criminal selling drugs to cops to even things up.

    this is allowed according to BR rules

    I got adminjailed for killing the cop spawned as drug dealer by JhonnyEnglish.

    they allow you if your gang is the one currently robbing, which is soo stupid. a criminal is a criminal let him do his job, cops can get drugs from any squad member spawned as a drug dealer, it is like if there was a rule for squads that'd say Only you can buy drugs from your squad member spawned as Drug Dealers? Makes no sense right?...

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