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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Stay

  1. This is a SAES member. SAES>Versace, cannot be requested. @Versace it seems you´re making this an internal joke of yours ahha
  2. Sorted 2/2 enjoy
  3. Sorted 1/2 enjoy!
  4. @Brophy Reading this marvelous idea.
  5. No bids were placed for a whole week, so we are closing this auction.
  6. No bids were placed for a whole week, so we are closing this auction.
  7. No bids were placed for a whole week, so we are closing this auction.
  8. No bids were placed for a whole week, so we are closing this auction.
  9. No bids were placed for a whole week, so we are closing this auction.
  10. account name: stayalive address: 3 downtown appartment
  11. Address: 1 Grassyknoll square Account name: dororo Last seen: 20th January 2025 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/QiKoZsX
  12. Already requested here
  13. Already requested here.
  14. Sorted enjoy!
  15. Kelani, I highly suggest you open up a Discord account. 1: join SAES discord. 2: Use the channel that says help and support (there are some Microsoft nerds and Apple users that might know some shit about it) 3: This is SAES: RPG discord: https://discord.com/invite/MR64u4T
  16. Sorted, enjoy! 1/2
  17. Invalid request, must be posted on 15th February 2025. Please do so
  18. - Week #4 January - BRs. Miscs.
  19. - Week #3 January - Turfs BRs.
  20. Too early. 14th January player becomes inactive on Jan 15th. should be requested tomorrow at this time. Denied
  21. Houses removed, make sure you use the right thread for that next time.
  22. Houses removed, make sure you use the right thread for that next time.
  23. @I-Gun pls check my inactive request
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