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Everything posted by Stay

  1. ^[] #4 Area where the workers from Las Venturas can show up their creativity, Moreover, to build and chill. It counts with an area for briefing and Planning builds, Time-off area for architects and workers from the Company,* ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  2. Address: Construction Tools Shop Account name: Koe Last seen: December 30th, 2020 Screenshots:
  3. Nicely done, Possible to do a custom wrap for Maduro? I will pay you in-game if needed, hit me on discord so I will give u all the details
  4. ^[] Date: 29/01/2021 SF BR 8/8 Description: time-space line time decided to gather Greek Zeus, Turk English teacher, Mutant Monkey, Maduro lord of Venezuela, Bulgarian padawan, Pyramid master, Cow leader to rob the shit out of SF bank, Mint and a half > mario. ^[] ^[] Date: 29/01/2021 TR BR 8/8 Description: As we wanted to dance Salsa a bit more than a Mint and a half, we decided to play another song, which lasted about the same. ^[]
  5. ^[] Date: 28/01/2021 SF BR 8/8 Description: We got in and out like knife cuts the butter ^[] ^[] Date: 28/01/2021 LV BR 8/8 Description: Summoned Maduro army to play Mario ^[]
  6. ^[] Date: 28/01/2021 LV BR 8/8 Description: We as a truthful Empire hired and bribed some Pacos(oink) by that we were able to rob Le bank. Maduro and his army committed the purpose implemented. Zeus most known as Fugitive was pretty useful with his lightning master bolt "fingers" ^[]
  7. ^[] Date: 27/01/2021 LV BR 8/8 ^[] Date: 27/01/2021 SF BR 8/8 ^[]
  8. ^[] Date: 25/01/2021 LV BR 8/8 ^[] ^[] Date: 25/01/2021 BC BR 8/8 ^[]
  9. @snome said in Replacing vehicle mods: remove everything
  10. @Zwolle I mean I've seen the video and by the looks of it, one could show/express both sides would enjoy new playability that would appear. Furthermore, bringing something new with such detail it's always good for the eye. looking forward to seeing this implemented. Big support.
  11. ^[] Date: 22/01/2021 SF BR 8/8 BR lasted only 1:56 mints of Fugitive's Changa song-tracks ^[]
  12. ^[] Date: 21/01/2021 LS BR 8/8 Description: Maduro had a hunch which later on led to a glorious victory . The empire managed to defeat all the odds . Zeus himself @Fugitive came down all the way from the Olympus and saved the last safe . Maduro approved a visa to him afterwards ^[]
  13. @SAES-Gang-Managers What's the chance of this being considered?. If possible let us know what're the odds.
  14. ^[] Date: 25/01/2021 LV BR 8/8 ^[] ^[] Date: 25/01/2021 BC BR 8/8 ^[]
  15. ^[] Date: 18/01/2021 LV BR 8/8 *Description: olympus sent aphrodite to BR with maduro ^[]
  16. ^[] Date: 17/01/2021 LS BR 8/8 *Description: Maduro let the momentum take over ^[]
  17. @Blackyy As the post from above shows, this property was requested 2 days ago actually and cannot be requested again. Make sure you request these types of properties on the days they should be requested, this being 00:00 server in-game hour To be locked.
  18. ^[] Date: 15/01/2021 BC BR 8/8 *Description: YOLO ^[]
  19. ^[] Date: 14/01/2021 TR BR 8/8 *Description: It was a really tough BR. thanks to the elite troops there working we managed to succeed ^[]
  20. ^[] Date: 13/01/2021 LV BR 8/8 *Description: For the haters! ^[] BONUS: UNDERGROUND EMPIRE: DROP IT! ^[] ^[]
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