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Everything posted by Norwing

  1. https://www.twitch.tv/joeneter/clip/OnerousAverageReindeerDancingBanana?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time
  2. Good luck!
  3. @McJoni ~[Denied]~(red), also group died!
  4. Welcome back boiz!!
  5. @tong said in Current Official Squads Levels - 2018 / 2019: pls sir NSWC lvl 1 Ye Sir please NSWC lvl 5 ftw
  6. @Spicey @Thing FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT !
  7. klk boiz, gl!
  8. Hah n1
  9. @-xJuDe Even though you canceled your application, you're ~[denied.]~(red) Reapply after 2 weeks if you are still interested. EMXC - Team HQ
  10. Address: Crazy collector shop Account name: Criistiian46 ( banned user) Last seen: 25Th January Screenshots
  11. Good, luck!
  12. Mmmm, Good luck!
  13. SECTION 1 Name: Matias In-game name: Officer.Norwing Age: 15 Sex: Masculine English proficiency: 8/10 Native language: Spanish Other language(s): English & Portugues Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: SAES 9 months / MTA 2 years Total gameplay (hours): 1207 Hours Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 8-10 hours Average FPS: 45 - 50 Average ping: 200-250 Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: Squads : SAFP: very comfortable but I left it for personal problems after that an HQ again invited me to accept but the vicelider kicked me because I should have been on the blacklist. 2nd time: I left it for an fight with the HQs. ICE: I was in 2 times It's a good squad but I left it because it was when I decided to start my criminal career in SAES also in the 2nd time I was invited but I did not feel comfortable and I left. / STF: Private reason pm me FBI: Inactive Gangs: CDC: It's a good gang I was also in 2 times in the 1st time: I was kicked by Killer because I went to a turf as a cop. 2nd time: After that Killer invited me again but I left him the next day because he didn't have a good reputation since there were complaints against me due to the fact that many DM members of CDC then left him. BBMC: Problems with Members OC: Left for join FBI CripZ: Is good gang first time kicked for avoid ( No intentionally) 2nd time left for inactivity and now kicked ( long history pm me) Are you active user of Discord?: Yes SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX) Fox Operations X, shortly FOX is a group of well trained, specialized and weaponed agents.FOX has a few other branches on S-14 unit.FOX is a squad that the everything is based on intelligence.They are doing tactical and intelligent operations/raids to illegal matters going on in the whole SA. B. Define marker arrest: Marker arrest is which many people, who aren't aware of it, do it. It can be described as an action of the police officer, which gives unfair advantage over a suspect. It's simply arresting a suspect at the marker, when he just entered/exited from an interior. C. Minimum arresting level: The minimum is 10 stars but I can arrest criminals if they're bothering me or shooting at me. D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: DeathMatching. It is simply to kill/damage other players with no reason. This is against the server rules and when a player, who is deathmatching, can be seen, he should be reported to the online Staff/Admins or use /report. Avoiding arrest. It is to suicide yourself or use another way in order to avoid the arrest from the officer, who is chasing you. It is against the rules Using your vehicle to kill someone on purpose is known as Park Kill. Therefore, in this RPG server it is illegal and failing to follow this rules can contribute to trouble Marker killing. It is simply to kill someone, when he is still in the marker of an interior and his screen isn't loaded. The players, who do marker kill, should again be reported. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: i am 15 years old i am a boy from Chile i am also an optimistic person and now i am on vacation i go back to school in march i also like to play basketball i like food and i like dogs :3 II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My Strengths: I am good at RP shooting and flying helicopters Weaknesses: Flying Shamales III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I think that I have the enough experienced to be one of this squad.I have a bad past, I'm accepting that thing but I'm sure that everybody deserves a chance to show what they are capable of and how they are changed. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: First I think i am a person who will bring a great help to the team, not only by my skills (which I can say are not the best but can be improved as time goes by) but also by the way of being respectful, loyal and always take the game very seriously. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Yes, I want to add that I'm aware that my reputation is not very good right now but I'm willing to reapply and do my best to join FOX. that's all. thank you for reading my humble application, I hope you like it, Retard test: Post a picture of White house in Los Santos to be even considered to join Fox Operations X ::: ::: Your Sincerely, Officer.Matias
  14. @ExtraDip22 said in Your story in SAES ?: I am a shit cunt and nobody likes me. I am also known for my rulebreaking abilities which are almost always on point. Click below to see something awesome: ::: Get xWolf'd bitch! :::
  15. Hello to all SAES community I come to propose that officials squads can use the /togglewalk just like criminals so there are no disadvantages for both sides police & Criminal. What do you think is a good idea? Do you want add for Officials Squads?
  16. Why not? is good idea +1
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. Wow nice topic..
  19. #Samuel4Staff
  20. Nickname : Syndicate.Matias Ingame username : prometeus Nationality & Age : Chilean & 15 years Previous Punishments : I was only banned once because I was muted and speak for $1. ( 1 day) & Adminjail for Market kill in BR Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : Squads: SAFP: very comfortable but I left it for personal problems after that an HQ again invited me to accept but the vicelider kicked me because I should have been on the blacklist. 2nd time: I left it for an fight with the HQs. ICE: I was in 2 times It's a good squad but I left it because it was when I decided to start my criminal career in SAES also in the 2nd time I was invited but I did not feel comfortable and I left. / STF: Private reason pm me FBI: Inactive Gangs: CDC: It's a good gang I was also in 2 times in the 1st time: I was kicked by Killer because I went to a turf as a cop. 2nd time: After that Killer invited me again but I left him the next day because he didn't have a good reputation since there were complaints against me due to the fact that many DM members of CDC then left him. BBMC: Problems with Members OC: Left for join FBI CripZ: Is good gang first time kicked for avoid ( No intentionally) 2nd time left for inactivity and now kicked ( long history pm me) Explain us our role in your own words : In the Black Syndicate we carry out our operations in Las Venturas, San Fierro and Los Santos, from drug trafficking and arms to simple illegal transport, the Black Syndicate is in charge of everything besides The Black Syndicate not only has that also has extortion prostitution. Also the most important thing that defines the Black Syndicate is this: We give our offer only once Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : I would like to join because BS has good members and its members are active and respect the rules and are respectful in that I can benefit them I can benefit with my activity loyalty unconditional help in good times and bad. and im cracker Your Sincerely, Matias
  21. @Volcano said in Show us yourself V3: hmm Spideman xd
  22. @Mr-Rocket You copied this topic from the grondiz gang.
  23. ~[Happy birthday bro! Enjoy this day]~
  24. ~[this topic is deleted]~(gray)
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