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Everything posted by Shadro

  1. Type of the activity: SAFP today's activity - Patrolling, responding to BRs and rescuing VIPs. Members online: Seals, Laminee, Jona, Formula, Shadro, unyncis (Near) and DeepK. Screenshots:
  2. Happy birthday Commander, wish you all the best!
  3. Type of the activity: SAFP Night activity - Responding to multiple BRs and JBs. Members online: Shardo, iSsoUu, Near, Darksider Screenshots:
  4. SAFP Night activity - Stopping BRs, JBs and SRs. Rescuing VIPs More Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/h5wxRR1
  5. SAFP Night activity. More Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jPPIMqd
  6. Participants: Shadro District: State-wide Shift period: Afternoon - 20 minutes (22-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/y51MqR9
  7. ] Type of the training: Order and anims training Members online: @SAFP-Shadro @Wizax @jonathan959 @laminee @islam @Hash and 5 guests Screenshots:
  8. Type of the activity: Patrol (5 days ago) Members online: @SAFP-Shadro @Hash @laminee @Raf0 Screenshot:
  9. Type of the activity: Responding to RC BR. Members online: @SAFP-Shadro @DeepK @Raf0 Screenshot:
  10. Participants: Shadro District: State-wide Shift period: Afternoon - 10 minutes (20-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v9NX1sD
  11. Participants: Shadro, Fluid District: State-wide Shift period: Afternoon - 10 minutes (15-12-2019) Number of vehicles: 5 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5M7nuQo
  12. Participants: Shadro, DJO District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon - 40 Minutes Number of vehicles: 9 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rEkA0qx
  13. HB !!!LoL!!! Enjoy your baguette.
  14. Happy birthday to SAFP's founder and former commissioner @Halo !
  15. Participants: Shadro District: LS Shift period: 15mins | Afternoon shift Number of vehicles: 12 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lyURrmE
  16. Participants: @Shadro District: State-wide Shift period: Morning - 30 minutes Number of vehicles: 15 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AihJsXf
  17. Happy birthday dyam
  18. Happy birthday Henry
  19. @San-Andreas-Federal-Police
  20. Participants: Myself District: State-wide Shift period: Night Shift - 30 Minutes. Number of vehicles: 17 Vehicles Extinguished. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MOsZBVQ
  21. Participants: Myself District: State-wide Shift period: Afternoon Shift - 10 Minutes. Number of vehicles: 16 Vehicles Extinguished. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IZ4ubqE
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