^[] Involved SAI members: Jemain_West (Jemmyx46), Riley_Crimson (Matthews), Frank_Stone (@SAFP-Stoner), Thomas_Reed (@bas260), Rhaskos_Abigail (@DoM) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) n/a Other involved people: James_Smith (@Filippo ), @Jay , @Ragnax @Asexyno @Brooklyn @Nuno @Jokerulty Date, time and duration of activity: 08/05/2020, from 10pm till 12am Activity type: RP Patrol Activity Details: We started our patrol from SAI HQs, we cought a few speed offenders so we pulled them over and ticketed them as we usually do. Then we deployed a speedtrap on Red County's interstate, trying to get even more offenders. Later that night, the dispatcher reported an illegal race in progress in San Fierro. As we arrived there, we knew that we were late. So we spread, trying to catch one of the racers. Fortunately, I spotted one of them. So I kept following him from a distance without sirens while determining the best apprehension method in my mind, I took the traffic and the geographical area's population density into consideration as he may be armed and a gun fight in the middle of the street is not the best idea. I thought about the weather, time of day, lighting and the location of back-up units. I decided to call for back-up and keep following until 3 units arrived and surrounded the racer's orange Cheetah. We took our positions, pointed our sidearms and shotguns at him while other officers ordered him to step out of the vehicle a few times but he kept refusing, we had to use force. I tried to sneak to his car and get him out. Suddenly, multiple sports cars arrived on scene, they were the other racers. They were armed and they pointed their guns at us. We had no other choice but retreating. We took cover positions but they quickly got back into their vehicles and escaped with the orange Cheetah. We tried to keep following and called the High-Speed interception units, but we weren't fast enough. However, the San Andreas Interceptors will continue to track them, eliminating street racing is our top priority. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/05kvPM8 :::