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Everything posted by Shadro

  1. Sorted.
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  4. Congratulations to those who passed. Let's wait for the final results after the second recruitment.
  5. @VayraN True! It happens a lot since like, last month? And I don't know why no one brought this bug into light.
  6. gz my man! rajl.
  7. I haven't shaved my armpits for a month and I already feel sweaty and uncomfortable. Men should shave their armpits.
  8. Sorted.
  9. Sorted.
  10. Sorted.
  11. Auction closed upon user's request.
  12. Sorted.
  13. Sorted.
  14. Sorted.
  15. Request denied. User is still active.
  16. Sorted.
  17. Request denied, user is active.
  18. Sorted.
  19. Request denied, the user isn't fully inactive yet.
  20. Request denied, the user isn't fully inactive yet.
  21. User was last seen on 23rd May. Request denied.
  22. Property has been put up for general sale due to 48 hours of inactivity.
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