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Remove the "max price" thing of icons



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In the past it was not allowed to sell a property on a price above its max price. During those times having a "max limit" was logical.

Now there is no such rule, but why do we have the max limit on icons? Just remove it and let people sell things in one click rather than giving the additional money to seller. Make it sensible.


  • No need for a middle man

  • No scammings

  • Real estate will flourish

  • You don't have to be online to sell anything


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@Castle Property can be requested when a guy goes inactive eventho if it is being sold. And according to SAHA rules the property will be sold after it is requested for the property icon max price, not what the market value is. Hence there's no problem about it.

What Illusion meant in this, is not removing the max price in the icons, but letting players place the icon on sell for as much value as they want, so they won't need a SAHA Agent to be the middleman in purchases to assure people won't scam each other.

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@Licano As I know inactive properties are sold for the price that what inactive person paid for it. And if a person just exploits it by a friend; giving him the property and taking it back for like 50m will make it imposible to buy again.

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