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Your opinion about a Gang / Squad / Company


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i think all gangs like
[UE] - Underground Empire best players i see in game for help and learn u almost every thing rules rp with respect and fun and active all time 24 hours in game .
CripZ :gang u respect them some times they are like hard army but another time they not active but really i love them.
[Z] - Organization Zero:respect them try help u what ever they can they are try be pro and good players help u when u need.
vec - just say latino luffy alot players make u happy when you see them in game and play with them or vs them.

[AA] - Arms Assassins: have bad thing with them but its gone they have style no one have it pro players and funny 2 hard when u vs them good gang.
they are most active gangs and pro players in saes maybe a few players from another gangs but i talk for group not solo players

ICE :they try hard now hope they do that every time dont be afk all time but now that not happen and that make me happy for them.
but i hope when they make any player join to ice they learn him about rules and be pro player.
FBI: dont see them a lot hope they be active and try have more players.
fox :they try be active in time but another times they dont but they have a good players.
SAFP :good players 2 but low see them active.
etf: they play group but they are not active all time and some time i see them play trainer as group maybe operation i dont know hope good luck for them.
[TST] i dont know what happen to them before 1 month they was almost active a lot time but now not every time u see them hope they back with power.
i make topic for try help be more cops for more fun and make good future to our server.
i respect all in server we try to have good time and make friends share fun and happy times with them hope that never end.

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@Sam said in Your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company:

Okay i continue Your opinion about a Gang Squad or Company on this Forum!
It works as the same like the other one!

Tell us your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company.

  • What makes them so awesome?

If there is something you don't like about a Gang / Squad or Company.

  • Do you have any good advice how they can do it better?

-=(red)Only share opinions about a S/G/C, don't start to insult others, if you don't agree with the opinions then ignore it!!

Gangs - level 1-5

-=(#C34A2C)[TT] - Thuga Thugs=-
~[Gangs - level 1-5]~(maroon)

-=(#cc0066)[AA] - Arms Assassins=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#ff8c00)[B~B] - Black Bullets=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#99cc66)[Z] - Organization Zero=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#800000)[UE] - Underground Empire=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#80002b)[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#696969)[O] - The Outfit=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#00554f)CripZ=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#800080)[WA]- Wild Angel=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#ababab)[THC] - The Company=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#28061D)[OC] - Overdose Crime=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#C34A2C)[TT] - Thuga Thugs=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#473131)[HRMC) - Hell Raisers MC=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#700000)[Rebel MC) - Rebel MC=-: [state your opinion here]

-=(blue)Squads - level 1-5=-

-=(#000080)[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0000ff)[SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0000cd)[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#2f4f4f)[FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#97a3d2)[NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#17058e)[TST] - The Strike Team=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#0066ff,#00a1f7)[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#0033cc)[STF] - Special Task Force=-: [state your opinion here]

-=(orange)Companies - level 1-5=-

~[[RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas]~(#ff0022): [state your opinion here]
~[[Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell]~(orange): [state your opinion here]

Here is a Format to copy it:

~[*Gangs - level 1-5*]~(maroon)

-=(#cc0066)[AA] - Arms Assassins=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#ff8c00)[B~B] - Black Bullets=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#99cc66)[Z] - Organization Zero=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#800000)[UE] - Underground Empire=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#80002b)[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#696969)[O] - The Outfit=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#00554f)CripZ=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#800080)[WA]- Wild Angel=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#ababab)[THC] - The Company=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#28061D)[OC] - Overdose Crime=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#C34A2C)[TT] - Thuga Thugs=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#473131)[HRMC) - Hell Raisers MC=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#700000)[Rebel MC) - Rebel MC=-: [state your opinion here]

*-=(blue)Squads - level 1-5=-*

-=(#000080)[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0000ff)[SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0000cd)[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#2f4f4f)[FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#97a3d2)[NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#17058e)[TST] - The Strike Team=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#0066ff,#00a1f7)[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#0033cc)[STF] - Special Task Force=-: [state your opinion here]

-=(orange)Companies - level 1-5=-

~[[RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas]~(#ff0022): [state your opinion here]
~[[Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell]~(orange): [state your opinion here]

-=(maroon)Favorite Gang=- :
-=(blue)Favorite Squad=- :

If you can't pick the Gang, Squad or Company you are in now. What would be your :

-=(maroon)Favorite Gang=- :
-=(blue)Favorite Squad=- :

Any Gang/Squad or Company missing, getting promoted or demoted then please Contact me.

Regards Sam

Hey Sam, Can you remove WA / HRMC / OC / STF / NNB / TST ? They are deleted.

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  • 1 month later...


INFO: Sorry for my late Update!

~[GANG CHANGES:]~(red)

  • OC Removed!

  • WA Removed!

  • HRMC Removed!

  • Clandestine-Mob Added!

  • Undisputed-Command Added!

  • Los-Escondidos Added!

  • BloodZ Added!

  • Cartel de Sinaloa Added!

  • Generation X Added!

  • Gypsy Jokers MC Added!

  • Los INKAS Added!

  • Medellin Cartel Added!

  • Peaky-Blinders Added!

  • Rogue 21 Added!

~[SQUAD CHANGES:]~(blue)

  • NNB Removed!

  • TST Removed!

  • STF Removed!

  • Five-0 Added!

  • Emergency-Task-Force Added!


  • Global Express Trucking Added!

  • San Andreas Studios Added!

alt text

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

ICE is bad and i wish u improve this squad @Sam
Reason : Free invites - free promotes to HQ for new members - members being retard and rude in main chat - breaking too many rules SAES and ICE - ... too many reasons
hope u improve this squad in the future
[M] - @Medelln-Cartel : Good activity - Members is good - no adminjails - no breaking rules - Nice media archive - ....
im really proud of you

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