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~[roleplay #1
Participants :]~(green) @Tyga
When i was working i met @Tyga coming with his car and told me that his car was making a very weird noise. It sounds like this: gulug, gulug, gulug... i asked him Where it was coming from he said "Im not sure. When Im in the car, it sounds like its coming from the engine, but when I get out of the car, it sounds like its coming from directly under the trunk, maybe the muffler?"
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i took a look and asked him to start the car and pop the hood
he did it but i didn't hear the sound i told him that his battery needs replacing, he had a coolant leak, his carburetor needs adjusting, and his spark plugs are shot. i asked him to look under the car.
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i said "Your brake pads need replacing and your tires need balancing."
he asked me if any of those problems causing that horrible noise?
i said no because it didnt hear the noise and it was hard to define where it was but he need to have done on this car anyway for it to run right. Its only a matter of time before his car stops working if he didn't take care of those problems.
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@ferthis Brilliant effort. Skillful enough. Alright well, welcome. Accepted!

Meet a sHQ+ within the game itself to receive your Tests. Goodluck and congratulations so far.


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Role Play Number: 1

Participants in The RP: @ferthis

RP Scenario:
A calm evening like any other, I was out cruising, chilling in my lovely Porche, when I had to stop for a fast gas refill. I noticed there was this middle-aged fella filling up his own car on the other side of the station. He seemed a little arrogant, and quickly started to ask questions about my car. What model is it? How fast does it go? He even had the balls to ask if it was for sale..

I told him that if he wanted MY car, he would have to earn it the old fashioned way.. By racing for it, with his own car on the line. Though he seemed a little hesitant at first, he did agreed to the race. It didn't take long before he realized that he had lost the race and his car. I stopped not long after, though not sure if he would honor his word or drive off, but to my surprise he took it like a man (almost anyway) and handed me the keys. - Now with a new car to shine up, I left the fella on the side of the road, with tears in his eyes from loosing his car.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Jhs67oK


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Event Number: 1
Event Type: Kart race
LWS/G6: @Star
Date: 25-04-2019
Prize(s): $1.000.000
Winner(s): @ANARCHY


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Event Number: 2
Event Type: L.M.S.
LWS/G6: @Star
Date: 25-04-2019
Prize(s): $1.000.000
Winner(s): @Griffin
ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/fwMjtH0


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Role Play Number: 2
Participants in The RP: @PewD
RP Scenario:
Me and PewD was just casually chilling an afternoon, like any other. We were bored and decided we should take a friendly race, both of us felt like we could use a little practice and some action.
We decided to start at LV-X and go around all of Las Venturas, may the best racer win. Though not that long into our race, we heard sirens and when I looked back, I could see PewD had been stopped and pulled over by a cop. I instantly pulled my breaks, stopped and thought about what to do for a while, deciding I could not let PewD go down for this.. Never leave a man behind. I made a U turn and went back to him as fast as I could. I hit the cop with my car knocking him down. I got out of the car to see how badly the cop was hurt, but to my surprise he was still conscious. He reached for his gun and left me no choice but to kill him.
We rushed back into my car and left the place as fast as we could, trying to remain calm.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/oMvLVSu


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Role Play Number: 3

Participants in The RP: @ferthis

RP Scenario:
Me and Ferthis meets up to chill at our favorite Strip-Club in San Fierro, we have some fun, before we head up to the roof. We just chill, think and talk about life, more so about our early racing days. Its been a long time since we raced each other, so we decided to take a friendly race to see whos actually the best.


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We get down and out of the strip club, and quickly agree on the rules. Starting just outside the strip-club, its around all of San Fierro and back to the club. As always, we dont touch each other, but other than that its ride or die.


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As he is unaware of what I got under my helmet, I take off pretty fast, distancing myself from him. Im feeling great, and having the best time in a long time. I keep checking the back mirror to see if I can spot him nearing me again, though I happen to be looking for him too much.


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Unaware of whats ahead of me, I barely get my eyes back on the road, before Im heading off the road. I manage to turn a little to the left before hitting the brick wall, yet it leads me to roll around a few times before I in the end, end upside-down with a car thats about to go up in flames.
Im now left bruised and with a busted leg, though forced to fight my way out of the car, before its too late for me. I just barely manage to get out, before its consumed by the flames.


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Event Number:#1

Event Type:All vs All box event





ScreenShot(s):https://imgur.com/a/IFkJ0ps https://imgur.com/a/1dVST6O


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Date and Time:28-04-2019 18:50-19:10

Number of Members Online:5

ScreenShot(s)/If Any: https://imgur.com/a/2oqstAm https://imgur.com/a/ICJ0xgc https://imgur.com/a/2IHCfXW


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Participants: ~[@ferthis]~(green)
Type: ~[Street Race]~(green)
Location: ~[Whetstone - CripZ's Base]~(green)
Winners and prize: ~[0$ It was just for fun. I won]~(green) :sunglasses:
Screenshots: ~[https://imgur.com/a/qFSV5Xq]~(green)


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Hang-Around Number: ~[#1]~(green)
TMH Members Involved: ~[@ferthis]~(green)
Duration of Hang: ~[15 - 20 mins]~(green)
Screenshots: ~[https://imgur.com/a/Sfph0y8]~(green)


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Event number: ~[#1]~(green)
Event type: ~[Kart Race]~(green)
LWS: ~[@Star]~(green)
Date: ~[30-4-2019]~(green)
Prize: ~[1.000.000 $]~(green)
Winner: ~[@Benny]~(green)
Screenshots: ~[https://imgur.com/a/dGMjT57]~(green)


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Activity: ~[#1]~(green)
~[Repairing and refueling cars at LV-X]~(green)
Date: ~[30-04-2019]~(green)
Number of members online: ~[1]~(green)

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