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Date: 23/02/24
Participants: @sayliski

"Pizza Resupply Mission: Keeping the Oven Fired Up"HFRCuR7.png

In the bustling kitchen of Kopernik Pizzeria, my coworker urgently informed me of our dwindling ingredient supplies amidst the evening rush. With a nod of determination, I volunteered to embark on a resupply mission to ensure our pizzas continued to satisfy hungry customers.

Quickly jotting down the secret ingredient list, I dashed out of the pizzeria and made a beeline for the nearest 24/7 grocery store. With precision and speed, I navigated the aisles, carefully selecting only the finest ingredients to replenish our stock.

After swiftly paying the cashier, I returned to Kopernik Pizzeria, ingredients in hand, just in time to keep the oven fired up and the pizzas flowing. With a sense of satisfaction, I joined my coworkers in crafting delicious pizzas that would leave our customers craving more.

As the night wore on, the aroma of freshly baked pizzas filled the air, a testament to our team's dedication and resourcefulness in the face of adversity. And as the last pizza slid out of the oven, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that our resupply mission had ensured another successful night at Kopernik Pizzeria.

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Date: 04/03/2024
Participants: Miltingary
Story: On a cold day, while Miltingary sitting at Kopernik Pizza, feeling bored, he decides to do something new. He heads to the kitchen and gets to work, planning to come up with a new pizza recipe. After trying a few recipes and not liking the taste, he remembers the recipe of his former mentor Super Mario, who was fired from the job just because of this recipe after years of hard work. In this recipe, everything is almost the same, but it includes plenty of motor oil and spiciness. He prepares the pizza with a bit of motor oil and lots of spice, tastes it, and likes it a lot. He never forgets this recipe.
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Date: 06/03/2024
Participants: Miltingary
Story: : While sitting at the pizzeria, Chef calls for Miltingary. The Chef informs Miltingary that there is no stock left at the Kopernik Branch in Red County and that goods need to be transported from the warehouse in Las Venturas. Miltingary, expressing reluctance, questions why he should do it when we have people paid for that. The Chef responds, stating that we are no longer working with those people, and until new ones are found, it's Miltingary's responsibility to handle the task. Miltingary heads to the empty truck behind the pizzeria and drives to the warehouse in Las Venturas. After loading the goods from the warehouse, he begins transporting them to the Red County branch. Once at the branch, he unloads the goods.
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