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The end of a six years journey ~ The Company


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Hello everyone,

It is with mixed feelings that I stand before you today to bid farewell to The Company, a gang that's been a part of the community for six incredible years. It has been one hell of a ride, filled with ups and downs, but it's time to close this chapter of our gaming journey.

Throughout these six years, we've faced countless challenges and celebrated numerous victories. The Company was more than just a gang; it was a family. We supported each other through thick and thin, and together, we overcame every obstacle that came on our way. Let us also not forget the cute Discord community we made at the time and our late night in-game conversations, it was truly an experience. 

We achieved greatness together, rising to the top of the leaderboard on multiple occasions. We didn't just play the game; we lived it. We shared our experiences, honed our skills, and helped newbies evolve into experienced players. The Company wasn't just about winning turf-wars or succeeding Bank Robberies; it was about making long lasting friendships and keeping an open gate to welcome anyone, no matter where they are from or how long they have been playing the game for, that did not matter as-long as the attitude was on-point.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and this is that moment for The Company. Our management has fully retired, and there's no one left to steer the ship. As much as we'd love to keep the gang alive, it's just not possible without the dedicated leadership that once guided us.

So, here's a heartfelt thank you to each and every member who contributed to The Company's rise. Whether you were a part of our core team or someone who passed through briefly, your presence and efforts were invaluable. Even those who chose to move on to other adventures, you'll always have a special place in our gaming memories.

As we close the door on The Company, let's not forget the friendships, the victories, and the lessons we've learned along the way. SAES has been our playground, and we've made the most of it.

And of course, we cannot forget to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to our beloved Chairman, @Adistar. Throughout The Company's journey, Adistar held our gang in the highest regard, showing unwavering dedication and passion for it. Adistar recognized the potential in some of us, those he deemed worthy, and entrusted us with the responsibility of managing and leading the gang. It was under his guidance that we learned the ropes, honed our leadership skills, and helped shape The Company into what it became. His belief in us is what motivated us into succeeding the legacy of The Company and preserving it as much as we could.

Farewell, and thank you for being a part of The Company's incredible journey.




Board of Directors of The Company.


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i've been playing this game for about 10 years. ThC has been the only gang I've been proud to be a part of during this time. in 5 years I started from zero and got to the top. I am so sad that this situation happened. Thank you so much to everyone who has been with us on this adventure.


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One of the best gangs in the game in all time, I had the honor of playing against them in GR and Turf wars.
 I was happy when I became IN a gang allied with them, and we spent the most enjoyable times.
THC were helping everyone at the worst time in brs cr Because they have respectable and skilled players.
Rest in peace THC 😭

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