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Closed Organisation  ·  78 members


S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactics

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@Doomm On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization. We've analyzed your application and based on what you have shown to us, regarding your application and gameplay, we believe you're not ready, for now, to be part of our team.

If you're still willing to be part of our team and prove your loyalty, re-apply in 1 month starting from today: (04/08/2020).

DROT's edit: As stated in your application, you've a tendency of bailing on your organisations when things get tough with activity, we value loyalty above everything else and have no need for players who will bail on us when things go wrong. Unless you plan on joining the squad permanently with desire to help it with any issues that may potentially arise, we've no interest in recruiting you. For that reason I hereby advise you to reconsider your interest in our squad and given that you are ready to be loyal to it, re-apply in a month.

Application status: ~[DENIED]~(maroon,#bd0000)

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@Una-Kadav Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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@Una-Kadav On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization

After a long discussion between the HQ team, we've come to the conclusion that you'd be a valuable asset to our organization, and because of that your application has been accepted. Your work efforts and hustle were not ignored and we're very excited to see you wearing the S.W.A.T. tags in-game.

Application status ~[ACCEPTED]~(#005406).

*Contact any rank 5 (Major) + member in-game to receive your entry test.

Good luck.

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Riley
Username / Account-name: rendor123
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B2 ( Upper-Intermediate )
Nationality: Serbian, Hungarian
Languages Spoken: Hungarian ( lingua materna ), English, Serbian, German and a couple phrases in Turkish.
Average Ping: Around 30-40.
Average FPS: Most of the time it's between 50-60.
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): My name is Bence and I'm from the Northern district of Serbia. My interests formed my personality throughout the years as I'm already a grown-up adult ( which is quite easy to forget sometimes ). I had completed the grammar school, and currently doing a part-time job in a Supermarket as I already applied for a higher-level educational institution. I follow the football (definitely not soccer) with all my heart, and as I'm a Bayern Mnchen fan, the Bundesliga is the league which appears on my TV screen most of the time. As for the real life partying, I prefer pubs which are oldschool style, and playing billiards to modern discos.

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: The first time I logged on the server was in 2016 as far as I remember it correctly.
How much do you play each day: I would say that a number between 4 to 5 hours a day is real, although it really depends.
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: I have had quite a couple. NSA, SAPA, FBI, NNB, CripZ, STF, FOX, B~B, SAFP, AA
Name the reason(s) for leaving:
NSA- Went for the ProCop diploma, as I joined SAPA. ( After it has been deleted. )
SAPA- After becoming an instructor, the academy closed it's recruitment and I thought that if there's noone to teach, and help then I fullfiled my role.
FBI- Spent around 4 months there, the squad became inactive which wasn't as natural as nowadays back in the time.
NNB- I simply wanted to give the criminal side a chance.
CripZ- 2 days spent there, realised that even if I enjoy the criminal side, I joined the wrong representative of it.
STF- After receiving the HQ role, the squad became inactive and as other people did, I left it aswell.
FOX- The 2nd time I gave the criminal side a chance.
B~B: I felt awesome there, however I lacked the teamwork which I experienced at the police side.
SAFP: Spent around 6 months (mostly inactive) in the squad, left it without a specific plan, simply didn't feel comfortable there.
AA: I spent 6 months there, and as I played with a police spawn more and more regularly I got my plans straight and would like to join the cops' team. Hopefully for the last time.
Current group memberships: San Andreas Interceptors, Cuban Cars
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? I would participate in the SAT programme without doubt.
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I had an Adminjail in 2016 when I was pretty new to the server, with the reason of deathmatching. From then on I never had anything special.
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: As I mentioned above, the deathmatching was the reason I got my punishment for.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: In my opinion, my true strenght might be hidden in my personality. I'm a cold headed guy without the need of getting too much attention. Secondly, for me the hierarchy is really important, thus I have a complete respect towards my superiors.
Your weaknesses: As I usually mention this in my applications, telling your weaknesses is way harder than boasting about yourself. I think that sometimes I might overcomplicate things, and it usually results in me being confused about my task. I'm sure that there are a lot more to mention here, however this is the one I know about myself.
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I would like to join the SWAT's forces because of their reputation on their server, and because of my interests in joining the cop side. I think that a great amount of work was put inside the squad, which resulted in it's current and in it's past reputation on our glorious server. Me personally, I would like to be part of a team like the SWAT.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I strongly believe that my experience from previous organisations and groups might come in handy for me. I would definitely try my best to be a great fit for the squad itself, which is I think the most important when you decide to change your workplace, or anything where you are going to work with new colleagues.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):

5:32 PM

The San Andreas' governmental election is going to be held on the following day. The democrats, the republicans, the socialists and the other parties's candidates are finishing their campaign programmes with hopes of getting their planned position in the new Government. Hugo Jenkins the leader of the socialist party stated that the currently ruling democratic government is supporting the democratic party financially which is an unacceptable move. His die-hard party members and supporters angered by the news ,group up at the local University of Economic studies where they demand the disqualifying of the democratic party from the elections taking place on the following day.

8:19 PM

The socialist supporters and party members moved up straight to the White House where using physical violence and disturbing the peace by throwing petards, and flares they continue to demand the actions against the democratic party. The local police forces set up a blockade, which is guarded by armored police officers and police dogs.

9:04 PM

After almost an hour of shouting, the party members realised that by doing this their voice will never be approved, the party leaders encouraged the mass to try to proceed towards the White House itself. The temporary blockade was not able to hold the pressure made by the demonstrators. Officers tried to stop the march by using tear gas and by using their batons, without success. The police forces knew that further reinforcements are needed.

10:22 PM

Having heard that the police is trying to push back the 'citizens' by force, the monarchist supporters teamed up with the socialist brigade, by this creating an even bigger mass at the gates of the White House. The local police forces contacted the SWAT units, to ask for further reinforcements. Lethal force was not needed, however the SWAT mobilized their riot control vehicles and their 224 men currently ready for duty.

10:30 PM

The demonstrators managed to penetrate the blockade, and by this started to march towards the building which is defended by the Secret Service. The agents with hesitation to be honest, although fired rubber bullets towards the demonstrators approaching the White House.

10:47 PM

The police and Secret Service forces are pushed back straight to the White House itself. After the first thoughts of requesting the support of the San Andreas Military, the SWAT forces showed up on the road. The SWAT officers jumped out of the transporter vans, and created a line with their tactical shields. At one point, they began to march towards the White House with the usage of the riot controller vans and tanks. The demonstrator mass after realising their situation, began to flee. The Secret Service and the police from the north side, the SWAT units from the west, the demonstrators were pushed out of the territory of the White House. Several demonstrators were arrested, and the number of injured officers and demonstators were both high.

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@Riley Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization.

We've been analyzing your presanse in-game while reviewing your application and came to a decision to accept you. We believe that you'll show us that we were not wrong by your efficience in our squad.

Application status is "~[ACCEPTED]~(green)"
You must contact any Major or HQ in-game to receive your entry test.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: MouRiS
Username / Account-name: ryadmahsoudi
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B2
Nationality: Algerian
Languages Spoken: Arabic
Average Ping: 65-85
Average FPS: 50- 60
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): my real name is Ryad, I am currently 20 years old, a student in university, I have started my SAES career around 2018 and till now I spent the whole of it in cop side developed myself and my knowledge in a short time, I joined SAPA and then official squads to gain more skills & basics, also I have recently got my ProCop diploma, my friends were always with me so I don't have that big list of punishments record, I do like to play online games with friends and yes that's me.
II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: 2 Years ago.
How much do you play each day: like 3-4 hours
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: TST- ETF - ICE - FBI
Name the reason(s) for leaving:

TST:1 month and I left it because it was inactive.
ICE: 1 month I had some problems with the barras team.
ETF : 3 months and I left it because I did not feel comfortable with the other members.
FBI: I didn't get on well with HQ's so I left
Current group memberships: -ALT-IAC-WFS-K9
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Yes.
**Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s):**got 01 AJ .
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: when I was new on the server.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: Active/Respectful, Loyal person, and good at teamwork.
Your weaknesses: FPS drop
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I was always dreaming about joining the elite/respected Squad in this server, S.W.A.T is full of great officers who do their best to fight the crime side, I think this role is more suitable for me.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: Well I'm active and good at teamwork and i can be more helpful, Also I would give all the help to the squad in the server/media archive.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):


(The sun rises, and hard work rises with it)
On November 11, 2020. Our usual day started at SWAT headquarters, We prepared to go out, our destionation was LS ocean piers where we were supposed to wait for ship type (ro-ro) that got valuable chemicals for international testing, the shipe got robbed by unknown terrorist group they were armed with bombs and rifles type AK-47 as it was told by a hostage there, S.W.A.T team was necessary for the mission, We taked out the team that was leading by element with thirteen proffesional members,three snipers and two bomb defusers, Three divers and the rest ground tactics, we reached the location and everyone taked his spot, Everyone was taking a hiding position to strike in surprised way, The ship shows up and the captain taked a look with his telescope he infromed us that theres four on the top of the shipe with ak-47 and three with bombs and katana's, The hostages were on the ground of the ship, The target was moving on our way with no known about us, after it came our captain gave the order to divers to move on and get in, After the success to do that, the captain turns to the snipers and gave them the order to take down the four terrorism that were on the top of the shipe, the divers brought attention and that was the signal for us the ground team to attack and take down the others, Bombs defusers shows up and taked down the bombs from the hostages and from the shipe after a long search from us.
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@MouRiS Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.



@MouRiS On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization

After a long discussion between the HQ team, we've come to the conclusion that you'd be a valuable asset to our organization, and because of that your application has been accepted. Your work efforts and hustle were not ignored and we're very excited to see you wearing the S.W.A.T. tags in-game.

Application status ~[ACCEPTED]~(green).

*Contact any rank 5 (Major) + member in-game to receive your entry test.

Best of Luck!

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.



I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Darkito
Username / Account-name:Darkaress52525
Age: 17
Gender: M
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): 4
Nationality: venezuelan
Languages Spoken: Spanish-English
Average Ping: 100-300
Average FPS: 30-50
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): My name is Diego Paez, I am 17 years old and I live in Venezuela. I spend my days working at the university. but when I have free time I play on roleplay servers. Sometimes I stay for about 5 hours depending on how good the SV is and the role it brings, sometimes I stay up to 8 hours playing continuously when there are active people who play with me because the more people there are, the better the role would be, or so I think I

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: 2 days ago
How much do you play each day: 5 to 8 hours
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: INKAS
Name the reason(s) for leaving: there is no activity in the group and most were afk
Current group memberships: none
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?:I think if I would
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): Nothing for now
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I have not received any punishment

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: Driving, and responsibility
Your weaknesses: English advancing and shooting
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: because it is an active group where one can spend their time doing role
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I am active normally, and I like roleplay. and I think I can give more if I try hard
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): Sunday 5:00 AM in the morning, Officer Hector received a phone call from his leader. His elder brother, Daniel, has been killed earlier this morning in a conflict unit S.W.A.T and drug dealers who were trying to pass drugs across the SA boarders. Next day, Officer Hector dresses up his suit S.W.A.T. and drives to landfills to his brother's funeral. After the funeral Officer Hector meets his leader and asks to continue his brother's operation to take back revenge for S.W.A.T team and his family. His leader accepts his offer and sent Officer Hector to the unit leader who is also known as the Operation Leader. After one month of hard trainings, they day that
Hector have waited has. The unit is en route in S.W.A.T. chopper to the storehouse located in SA desert. Officers are divided into small groups, each group goes on different track. S.W.A.T.'s breach group breaches the rear door, and Officer hector and his group are dropped by the chopper on the roof, breaking down the glass. At the time of entering they shot quickly, killing most of the traffickers, some of the traffics dispersed throughout the warehouse, so hector and his team parted ways with 2 person making it easier to find those who had escaped After about 2 minutes shots are heard in the warehouse, Hector grabs his radio and contacts his team. but the team would have already neutralized the missing traffickers, only the leader was missing, Hector and his partner found the leader cornered in some Containers
Hector Contact his team to try to surround him and capture him at the end the drug dealer was his brother Daniel who had faked his death In order not to have obstacles that prevent him from becoming a millionaire, but what he did not know was that his younger brother Hector had taken the case to avenge him. End...

I leave the ending open since it takes me a long time to continue with the story I hope you liked a part of what you can role-play


@Darkaress525 On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization. Based on the fact that you joined the server 2 days ago we believe that you're not ready, for now, to be part of our team.

There is still a long road ahead and work to be done, especially when it comes to conquering our trust, and unfortunately, because of that, your application has been denied.

If you're still willing to be part of our team and prove your loyalty, re-apply in 1 month starting from today: (11/11/2020).

During that time patrol/hang with SWAT members and get to know all the basics of being a police officer and so a SWAT officer.

Good luck!

Application status: ~[DENIED]~(maroon,#bd0000)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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I. Personal Info
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In-game Name: Beag
Username / Account-name: McCall
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nationality: Turkey
Languages Spoken: English
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): B2
Average Ping: 70
Average FPS: 40

Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello, My name is Beag im 19 years old i live in Turkey exactly in Istanbul and also i am a quite experienced player in saes i started playing like 2 years ago and been obeying to rules since then. And i'm quite respectful to people and avoid agressive behaviour my hobbies are playing video games my free times.
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II. In-game experience
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When did you join the server: Well, I joined the Server on February 2018, i started the game as a criminal, and then I realized that the police side was more fun and friendly, and I decided to go down that path.
How much do you play each day: Maximum 3 hours per day, The last few days I have played less MTA per day. the reason is that I get a terrible pain in my neck when I'm sitting behind a screen too long. And it also varies a lot per day for me, for example on All week I'm working and weekend I'm free. But I would say about 25 hours a week.

Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: Z/ROGUE21/CRIPZ/MIT

Name the reason(s) for leaving:


  • Z: Kicked because of the misunderstanding, they didn't believe me because I was new to the game.

  • Rogue21: Closed

  • CripZ: Left, I'm bored play as a crimside

  • MIT: Left, I didn't feel like I belonged there, and it made me very uncomfortable


Current group memberships: ALT,TMH

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I have been Adminjail

Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I got adminjailed because of DM
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III. Personal skills and knowledge
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(= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

Your strengths: I've improved myself a lot from the last time I showed interest towards SWAT. My aiming skills are decent , aswell as my driving.

Your weaknesses: FPS drop i have bad computer.

Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Pretty much simple but you guys want to hear more so I'd like to list few; First of all S.W.A.T is an elite squad founded by skilled any experienced players, and those members are still in there and educating their own new colleagues to become new professionals. That is a good reason to join S.W.A.T and become a legend. Also, I do enjoy my stay with S.W.A.T members, I have friends in there and they are friendly and always willing to help to catch the bad guys

Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I am active, as well as loyal. I can offer SWAT loyality, my skills and my positive thoughts, a person that you all can abuse and just another person that can fight for the good of the squad.

Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):


It was a normal base in San Fierro. I was having my lunch next to San Fierro bank, after a couple of minutes of that enjoyable meal, I received am emergency call comming from San Fierro Hall. I quickly picked up and heard that around 10 criminals comming from a well organised organisation are setting a bomb that would be as that powerful, as it would reach Los Santos. SWAT units immediately responded, as I had lunch near their base, I saw a great amount of Helicopters, SWAT tanks, SWAT enforcers, Sultans, etc, getting out of the base and heading towards the given destination. After a couple of seconds, a Police Helicopter picked me up, I saw all of the SWAT units surrounding the area and making sure none is in there, furthermore, the whole San Fierro has been evacuated. After a while, the Criminals and the organisation has gotten ruined by the SWAT units. All of the units has came back to their places and went back to regular patrol. Me and a couple of other officers got the bomb and got it in the Police Department, as there it was going to be well looked at.



@Beag Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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Dear @Vexus , you've clearly not read all of the information, please use the correct application format that can be found HERE, so you will be considered as a SWAT applicant.

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Thank you, and best of luck.



I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Vexus
Username / Account-name: ChudyWojtek
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B2
Nationality: Polish
Languages Spoken: English
Average Ping: 100
Average FPS: 60
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello, my name is Wojtek I'm 14 I come from Poland I like video games when I have free time I playing games my favorite color is green I'm expierence player I've been playing for 2 years I am very respectful to others I know the rules on the server and agree with them.
II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: As I remember well 2 years ago
How much do you play each day: 4-5 hours
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: None
Name the reason(s) for leaving:
Current group memberships: None
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Of course, why not?
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s):\ None
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: None

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Your strengths: I can drive very well
Your weaknesses: I have sometimes problem with computer and internet
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I am a huge fan S.W.A.T and that was my dream
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I'm active and I have experience in this topic
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): "There's a bank robbery"
S.W.A.T gets a report of it, they arm themselves, take an armored car and they go on call. They come ask for number of attackers and about the number of hostages, later planning what they can do in a given situation. The police execute the attacker's request. then the four attackers leave the bank and enter the blue greenwood without registrations, then the chase begins, unfortunately, S.W.A.T car was too slow and the attackers fled. after that the FBI deals with the case. They found out that there is a similar car on Grove street to the one that was in the robbery, The FBI reports this to S.W.A.T, then S.W.A.T comes to Grove street, they notice four blackskins men next to a blue greenwood, at this point they come in and overpower the men. The perpetrators of the robbery turn out to be Carl Johnson, Sean Johnson, Melvin Harris oraz Lance Wilson.


@Vexus On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization. Based on the fact that you've got no experience within the police side and so your application does not meet our standards we believe that you're not ready, for now, to be part of our team.

There is still a long road ahead and work to be done, especially when it comes to conquering our trust, and unfortunately, because of that, your application has been denied.

If you're still willing to be part of our team and prove your loyalty, re-apply in 1 month starting from today: (22/12/2020).

During that time patrol/hang with SWAT members and get to know all the basics of being a police officer and so a SWAT officer.

Good luck!

Application status: ~[DENIED]~(maroon,#bd0000)

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.



:police_officer: I. Personal Info

:arrow_forward: In-game Name: Skyliner
:arrow_forward: Username / Account-name: skyliner
:arrow_forward: Age: 21
:arrow_forward: Gender: Male
:arrow_forward: Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): C1 to maybe B2 (My English level was not rated this is a person estimate)
:arrow_forward: Nationality: Croatian
:arrow_forward: Languages Spoken: Croatian, English, German
:arrow_forward: Average Ping: 27-30
:arrow_forward: Average FPS: Max 60
:arrow_forward: Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): My name is Adrian and i lived mainly in Croatia for a large period of my life (18 years). The last 3 years of my life i have spent my time living in Germany as a worker for a known Warehouse company. My main interests would definitely be playing video games, watching football (mainly Spanish league or the Champions League). I am also very much into cars, partying and drinking.

:police_officer: II. In-Game Experience

:arrow_forward: When did you join the server: I think the first time ever should be 2012. (I remember playing on my poor laptop for the first time driving around as an mechanic)
:arrow_forward: How much do you play each day: Recently came back to the game so I'm for sure willing to put in an hour or two per day minimum.
:arrow_forward: Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAPA and FOX
:arrow_forward: Name the reason(s) for leaving: Fox got stale after a bit of time since i joined when it was being still developed. SAPA was great for me i would actually love to still be SAPA but its unfortunate that it disbanded. Being an instructor gave me a lot of pleasure.
:arrow_forward: Current group memberships: None as far as i remember
:arrow_forward: If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Sure i would be willing to do it.
:arrow_forward: Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I) think i got admin jailed once.
:arrow_forward: Name the reasons why you received these punishments: Not sure since it was a long time ago but it has to be either arguing with an admin or DM.

:police_officer: III. Personal skills and knowledge

:warning: Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

:arrow_forward: Your strengths: I would say i am able to stay focused for a long of period of time. I am a really competitive person so if i cant manage to do something on my first attempt i keep trying for several times again until i eventually master the thing I'm trying to get. I would say that my driving ability in the game is pretty good and i have a good memory of the map (very iconic game for me). I am a very good listener to the commands and orders given. Also one quality that i posses is that i am a really fast learner.
:arrow_forward: Your weaknesses: I would probably say that i am a stubborn person in certain areas especially where i think I am good at. This is probably the biggest one i can say really otherwise i can't really think of another one that would be a deal breaker.
:arrow_forward: Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Since SAPA broke down I have watched other Squads for a bit of time eyeing an opportunity to join one. There are a lot of options but for me personally SWAT seems like the best option due to the quality of SWAT and also the fact that a lot of ex SAPA members are currently inside of SWAT. Just by looking through the roster i can see so many names that i remember from my stint with SAPA (iStar, LB, Wolkodav, ItsMe, Estinoge, Geri just to name a few).
:arrow_forward: Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: As i already said in my strengths i think i am more then capable of being a SWAT member and i am really confident into getting into the role of a SWAT member. Considering all the training i have been given in SAPA with a lot of amazing instructors like Angelo and Royalty (in my time when i was a cadet), and then the training i had the opportunity to give to other cadets and help many people get their PC diploma and put them into the ranks of having a chance to join other Squads more easy. I think in my time as a SAPA member i managed to grow way more as an person especially in the maturity department. Even though that does sound maybe weird i feel like the structure of SAPA in my cadet days made it look like quite a structured unit for people to learn and grow as police officers.
:arrow_forward: Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):
At 5:30 PM the 911 dispatcher receives an anonymous tip about a person of interest who was the day earlier in a police chase and narrowly managed to escape it. The dispatcher managed to get the address of the suspect where he is currently laying low. The dispatcher passes the information down into the police station and officers are scrambling and getting ready eager to capture the suspect this time.

At 6:05 PM the officers arrive at the given address given by the anonymous caller. The house seems pretty quiet and there are some small signs of activity inside the building. They slowly go towards the main entrance of the house and knock on the door. While knocking on the door they announce themselves as the police but all they are met with is silence. They knock on the door a bit more and announce their presence again but this time movement in the house can be heard. Officer unsure what to do attempt to open the door on the knob but the door is locked. After waiting briefly at the door a shotgun gunshot rings through the wooden door and then officers scramble back to the safety of their vehicles.

At 06:10 PM after the things have calmed down the police have asked for backup and called in a negotiator to see what does the suspect want since they can't really manage to breach the house on their own. After the negotiator talked with the suspect he has set pretty straight ground rules. He simply said he had a hostage and the only way he was letting the hostage go way that he is let free from the building to continue his spree of fleeing from the police otherwise he would have no remorse shooting the hostage. Given what the negotiator got out of the suspect he had no choice but to call in the SWAT division to attempt to either apprehend or neutralize the suspect. The negotiator keeps on buying time until SWAT arrive.

At 06:25 PM SWAT arrives on the scene preparing a strategy how will they get to the suspect and either neutralize him or arrest him. They have a couple of options of entry into the house. The house has an roof window that they can enter as an option and there is also a back door that they can use. With SWAT equipment they could easily rush the suspect from multiple angles and subdue him with their skill and tactics. As the suspect is currently sitting with the hostage in the living room given the info from SWAT Sierra Sniper Team the commander has decided that it is the best idea to just straight up rush the suspect though multiple entrances and with flashbangs and teargas subdue him for a clean arrest. The SWAT team of 6 members split up into 3 group with the codenames Red, Blue and Gold.

At 06:30 PM they are ready to go for the breach. Blue squad is on the back entrance, red squad is close to the front door ready to breach since the living room is right next to the entrance, and Gold squad is prepping for quiet sneak into the attic from the roof window. Gold squad enters first very quietly so they can get into a good position. By entering the attic they have managed to sneak past into the house without the suspect noticing a thing. Gold squad slowly moves from the attic to the stairs and they are almost in sight of the suspect. Blue squad lockpicks the back door and slowly enters into the kitchen undetected and are ready to breach the living room. With all 3 squads ready to breach and clear with flashbangs and teargas Red and Blue squad are waiting for the signal from Gold squad. After Gold squad hesitates for a couple of seconds they give the go sign and all 3 squads breach and clear into the living room with first teargas and then flashbangs. The suspect did not know what hit him and finally they managed to capture him after he was on the run for almost 24 hours.

At 06:33 PM the suspect is taken out of the building and taken into the police station on several charges. As per usual the SWAT division ends another successful without any casualties suffered. Another successful mission in the books of the SWAT team.


@skyliner Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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@Beag On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization. After multiple discussions, we came to the point where we can't proceed with you yet.

If you're still interested and willing to be part of our team, re-apply in 2 weeks starting from today: (09/12/2020).

I'd suggest you patrolling and generally hanging out with SWAT members during the given time.

Everything is in your hands

Application status:~[ DENIED]~(red)

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@skyliner On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization

After a long discussion between the HQ team, we came to a consensus that you are a worthy candidate for our ranks. We hope you keep demonstrating us the efforts that you have shown us at this stage.

Application status: ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime).

Contact any rank 5 (Major) + member in-game to receive your entry test.

Good luck.

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Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic.


  • 2 weeks later...

alt metni
I. Personal Info

In-game Name:Uyncis
Username / Account-name:berat4804
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2):B1
Languages Spoken:Turkish/Georgian/English
Average Ping:70
Average FPS:60
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text):My name is Berat. l live in Turkey I started playing on SAES 3 years ago. I started playing by one of my closest friend's recommend. I usually spend my time playing video games I used to go outside with my friends but l can't anymore because of the pandemic.
nowadays I usually spend my time in house, play games with friends etc. My hobbies are (before this pandemic) play bastekball,hang out with friends and read historical and politic books.

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server:l first joined to SAES in 2017 summer, but l didn't played much because of my low end pc then l comeback to server around 2018 summer.
How much do you play each day:About 5-4 hours
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies:SAFP/FBI/MIT/ICE/ETF/Pirus
Name the reason(s) for leaving:


SAFP:SAFP was my first squad that l joined in SAES. l joined twice I got kicked because of my behavior towards to members and HQ's I was new to the game those times but I understand my mistakes and after apologizing things I done to members and HQ's I joined to SAFP once again(2.) l had to leave to help one of my friend that created a Gang

FBI:When l was in FBI l was barely able to play the game because of my low end pc. l felt useless and l decided to give a break to SAES until I buy a new pc. l informed HQ's about this situation and left the squad

MIT:I was in this Squad for 9 months.I had a conflict with some members and decided to leave.

ICE:uh l don't know where to start.ICE's reputation was not that good in SAES.Also members were toxic so I didn't stay too long and decided to leave.

ETF:l was inactive during my times in ETF because of my school and I was not that comfortable in there and I decided to leave.

Pirus: Closed.


Current group memberships:N/A
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?:Yes I gladly would like to attend in SAT
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s):l only had 2 adminjails
Name the reasons why you received these punishments:I really don't remember my first adminjail's reason but l remember the second one. l got adminjailed because of DM

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Your strengths:(personal Strengths)I would say I have a strong personality.I love helping people beside me and helping them out gives me the feeling of being a real squad. I'm not jealous.I usually give calm reactions to big problems.That's all about my personality.(in-game skills) I have good aim in game and my driving is pretty good.
Your weaknesses:I don't think l have weaknesses that can effect SWAT recruitment. (in-game weaknesses)Using planes and boats
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.:l almost been every squad in SAES, most of them were good but whenever l thought l'm approprite the squad that l've been in, a problem pops up and shows me how wrong I'm. Since l started playing in SAES l heard from everyone how SWAT was great and how decent players had in it. In my opinion l think it's very old and pretty experienced squad also it's been in my mind for long time.SWAT is like childhood dream to me. So l actually wanna make this dream become real and l think l can show my skills here.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.:Most of time I usually spend my time in SAES forum l really like sharing activity's and roleplays for some reason,it makes me happy for example finishing a RP story and sharing it in forum after long efforts makes me happy also l'm very active player unless if l don't have any real life problems.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):t was a rainy day. I was at San Fierro with my partner patrolling places near the bank, few days ago a criminal got caught by SWAT team and in his interrogation he said there'll be a bank robbery soon by his gang,so whole department was at San Fiero.For bait there was only employees in the bank and SWAT team was getting prepared. in our orders it was said we will join SWAT team and take down the suspects alive or dead.We were just waiting for the command that will come out from our radio.However me and my partner saw a van passing through that looks very suspicious.I immediately gave report about this situation to SWAT team and HQ's suspects were trying to get in the bank from a direction that SWAT didn't expect.We knew suspects were armed so we started chasin them by putting distance between us.Unfortunately,suspects managed to get in the bank. By orders that were given by our department we joined SWAT team.A plan shown to us and told to follow it carefully and with full discipline because those criminals were no joke they've been wanted for years and they are very dangerous. After these orders we slowly started approaching suspects with tactical shields.And we had the first contact with criminals.One of the SWAT members immediately used his flashbang and sucessfully blinded the first suspects. We managed to capture them and keept moving.When we finally reached to corridors we were under intense fire.We forced to retreat and we had no other option waiting backup.When backup arrived we continue approaching.SWAT team used same strategy and succesfully blinded suspects.Unfortunately we had to report "shoots fired" to radio I wish we could capture them on there but we had no other chance than putting them down.We managed to take control of corridors and rest of the criminals were hiding in the bank vault.They had no where to escape.Some of them tried to surrender but they got shots by their own gang members.SWAT team decided to wait.after couple of hours some members of gang started fighting each other.They were arguing about surrendering to police.Hours later gang decided to surrender and every member sucessfully arrested.

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