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Rogue 21

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Rogue 21, formerly "Company 21", is a PMC Company unit gone rogue. Operating from their headquarters at the Los Santos docks, Rogue 21 executes high-risk missions with a strict moral code. Once outlaws, they are now celebrated soldiers of justice.





With the declaration of war by the United States, Iraq found itself in yet another full-scale invasion by foreign forces. According to the US, the goals of the invasion were to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and free the Iraqi people. Thus, "Operation Iraqi Freedom" commenced on March 20, 2003.

As the conflict in Iraq raged on, 125,000 US and British soldiers and Marines were on the ground, with another 100,000 expected by the end of April. But they are not the only ones fighting. Titanium Defence Services, a private military company (PMC), operates for the United States. They provide critical support to the armed services, including supply runs, logistics convoy escorts, VIP protection, and live ammunition training.


On April 6, 2003, Company 21 of Titanium Defence Services was entrusted with escorting a US Army supplies convoy to combat forces in Baghdad. However, due to inadequate intelligence, the convoy unintentionally entered enemy space and was ambushed. Despite substantial casualties, Company 21 emerged victorious. Nevertheless, their trust in their superiors was damaged when several people died as a result of a preventable error.

Hostilities officially ended on May 1, but not before 138 US troops were killed, and Company 21 suffering 52 soldiers of it's 250 man strong personnel. After the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, US contractors extended deals with their "private security guards." Titanium Defence Services, in particular, was awarded a contract extension for their outstanding service during the war. From this point onwards, they were tasked with guarding fortified installations across the country, equipped with radar, reconnaissance drones, and ambush-protected vehicles. One of these compounds had been designated to Company 21.



ftEstHP.pngIn 2014, the Iraqi Civil War broke out, and Titanium Defence Services joined the US-led coalition "Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve" against ISISDuring the peak of the Iraqi Civil War in 2015, Titanium Defence Services' Company 21 was assigned a unique mission to escort a high-ranking coalition official from Baghdad to a secure location in Erbil. This public figure, known for his vital role in strategizing coalition operations, was considered a prime target for insurgent forces. The mission was of extreme significance, and the top brass emphasized that the primary objective they had been assigned to carry out was to transfer this very official safely.


As Company 21 was en route through northern Iraq's areas they received an urgent distress signal from a village close by called Al-Muharib, which was sympathetic to Coalition forces. The village was under heavy attack by ISIS fighters, who had overwhelmed local militias. Villagers along with the local security forces were desperately trying to hold out, but they were about to be massacred by ISIS. When Company Commander Steven Shean, the commander of Company 21, was informed, he requested permission to reverse course from the on-going route and go assist the village in distress.

High Command quickly declined the request, emphasizing the significance of the official's safety and reminded them that their orders were clear. Company Commander Shean and his squad, who had been in battle for years and were profoundly committed to safeguarding innocents, were confronted with a moral dilemma. They were aware that many lives would be sacrificed and the villagers would be slaughtered if they didn't step in.



I4iFofq.jpegIgnoring orders, Company 21 made the decision to split their forces. Company Commander Shean, along with half of the unit, would proceed with the original mission to escort the official, while the other half, led by his Platoon Leader Mitchel Hayes, would head to Al-Muharib to provide aid.

Platoon Leader Hayes and his  team arrived at the village just in time. ISIS had pushed the remaining milita forces back to a heavily fortified district with a hospital at its core. Without much time left before ISIS would overrun the troops and demolish the hospital in the process, Platoon Leader Hayes quickly launched a coordinated assault on the ISIS fighters. Hayes utilized their advanced training and superior firepower to his advantage, combining a pincer movement alongside heavily armored vehicles in order to systematically eliminate the attackers and their hastily erected defenses. Through sheer determination and tactical expertise, Company 21 managed to repel the attackers and secure the village, saving the remaining militia and the village hospital in the process.

YSJa5vc.jpegThanks to Hayes' effort, the village was able to regroup and fortify their own defenses, preventing further attacks. In the meantime, the coalition official was successfully transported to Erbil by Company Commander Shean and his team. Upon the successful completion of the mission, high command was furious about Company 21's disobedience. An official investigation was launched against Company 21, and harsh penalties were under consideration.

However, information of their heroic actions at Al-Muharib soon leaked across multiple public channels. Rather than condemn the act of Company 21's defiance, Coalition High Command instead opted to reward their courage than condemn it as punishment would result in public uproar and damage to troop morale. Coalition High Command stated that the act of defiance had been compensated by the lives saved and the resulting strategic victory of the battle of Al-Muharib.

This act of disobedience not only strengthened Company 21's unity but additionally cemented its reputation as a team that placed morals and humanity above rigid regulations. They served with distinction knowing that their acts had preserved not only lives but also the fundamental principles they valued. Their heroics in Al-Muharib became a source of inspiration for other troops, encouraging them to act compassionately and courageously despite bureaucratic obstacles.




After their disobedience during the Iraqi Civil War, Company 21's reputation was a double-edged sword. While they were celebrated for their bravery, they were also under increased scrutiny by both Titanium Defence Services and coalition high command. As the war dragged on, Company 21 personnel found it more and more difficult to deal with the moral dilemmas and bureaucratic restrictions. 



In early 2016, Company 21 was assigned to protect a high-profile shipment of weapons and military equipment bound for a newly formed PMC with a questionable reputation. Company Commander Steven Shean and Lieutenant Commander Mitchel Hayes, now the unit's leaders, were deeply troubled by the intelligence they received about the PMC’s activities, including allegations of human rights abuses and collusion with local warlords.


Company 21 had to make a crucial choice after realizing that the weapons might be utilized to harm innocent people and further destabilize the region. They could no longer stand in solidarity with an organization that ruthlessly conducted business on Iraqi soil with the approval of Coalition Forces. Leadership of Company 21 gathered in secrecy and agreed to disrupt the shipment, seize the weapons, and go rogue at all costs. "Operation Rogue Eagle" was brought to life.



"Operation Rogue Eagle" required meticulous planning to carry out. Firstly, extensive intelligence was needed before the operation to predict and intercept the convoy's route. Secondly, the communication channels used by the convoy had to be identified and disabled once it had been hijacked by Company 21. Thirdly, locations for safe houses had to be located for Company 21 to reside in after the missions conclusion. Last but not least, an assessment of the convoy's personnel was needed to plan for the upcoming engagement.



Regardless of its complexity, Company 21s leadership managed to get the pieces together and subsequently carried out the operation not long after. Through precision and planning, the operation achieved success and the now rogue Company 21 had full control of the convoy and rerouted it to an unknown destination. They declared their independance from Titanium Defence Services and rebranded themselves as Rogue 21. It was now time for them to utilize their talents and resources in fighting corruption and injustice, even if they turned into outlaws. 






Rogue 21 swiftly built up a network of allied contacts and safe houses throughout Iraq and the neighboring areas. Shortly after, disruption of operations of warlords, corrupt PMCs, and even ISIS cells commenced via their understanding of military tactics and intelligence gathering. The rogue PMC gained the respect of the local populace as well as several resistance organizations, who viewed them as defenders and retaliators, for their actions. Rogue 21 was on the map and nobody would stop their ambitions.



6etgAxd.png Midway through 2017, Rogue 21 obtained intelligence regarding a significant arms trade involving a renowned warlord and other corrupt Fallujah officials. The agreement would provide enough weaponry for the beginning of a new wave of unrest across the entire country. Rogue 21 took the decision to step in despite the considerable risk and retaliation by both the country & other factions.

In a daring raid, they infiltrated the warlord's heavily fortified compound, neutralizing his forces and seizing the weapons. Although the operation was successful, it was expensive. Several soldiers of Rogue 21 were wounded and the most dangerous factions in Iraq were now aware of the presence of Rogue 21.




Rogue 21 decided to depart from Iraq as they realized it was becoming increasingly risky for them to stay. The United States, in particular the state of San Andreas, provided a new opportunity for them. The state's diversified population, progressive political climate, and presence of major corporations made it an excellent choice for their next chapter. An increase in corruption and ever growing corporate influence made the state an ideal hub for recruitment of new soldiers  for the cause. In addition, the proximity to Mexico offered further possibilities for combating cross-border corruption and illicit activities, whilst collecting even more followers for Rogue 21. 

JNp7Zbz.jpegIn late 2019, Rogue 21 secretly relocated their activities to San Andreas. Its first HQ was located at an abandoned beer plant, which the now self-proclaimed Commander Sheen had obtained through a rather dubious coincidence. One of his closest Lieutenant Commander "Tiago Tomas" had obtained ownership of the property through the misplaced trust the property owner had in the officer.  With an established HQ, Rogue 21 planned to use the state's resources and strategic location to further their battle for justice.




Operations quickly commenced with their newly obtained HQ and Rogue 21 quickly established themselves as a formidable underground force. Their military precision, advanced tactics, and moral compass made them a beacon of hope for those subject to the unstable criminal gang environment in San Andreas. Issues like human trafficking, corporate corruption, and especially organized crime syndicates were targeted with a ferocity unmatched by any.



Their first major victory came when they dismantled a major human trafficking ring operating out of Los Santos. Rogue 21’s covert operations liberated dozens of captives, exposing a network of corrupt officials and businessmen of various corporations that had dealt with mafias and cartels in San Andreas. This very victory earned them the gratitude of many, but also put a target on their very backs.






As their reputation grew, so did their influence. Rogue 21 began working with community leaders and activist groups, providing protection and resources. One such group was the growing Somalia-based pirate organization "Navy Malistrip," which shared Rogue 21's interest in putting criminal syndicates on the back foot. From then on, operations became more sophisticated, involving continent-wide cyber warfare, surveillance, and high-profile raids by boat. Clashes between Rogue 21 and criminal syndicates happened frequently as the rogue PMC was employed to protect citizens' interests from the syndicates' greedy fingers.









In 2020, Rogue 21 orchestrated an operation that targeted a corrupt corporation responsible for the support of a major crime syndicate.

They revealed the company's criminal behavior, which sparked an enormous public outrage and government investigation. Even though it was a huge moral triumph, Rogue 21 received unprecendeted heat.

Law enforcement organizations stepped up their attempts to capture members of Rogue 21 in response to demands from corporate and political organizations. Bounty hunters and competing crime organizations saw a chance to destroy their rivals. The once-celebrated heroes suddenly found themselves at the top of the public enemy list.




Commander Steven Shean and Lieutenant Commander Edward Stone made the difficult decision to temporarily disband Rogue 21 upon realizing the extreme pressure and danger they were under. They believed that carrying on under such risky circumstances would only fuel more conflict and perhaps result in the deaths of innocent people & Rogue 21 soldiers.

In a secret meeting, Rogue 21 leaders agreed to disband the organization until further notice. For the next three years, they scattered across various safe houses, maintaining minimal contact with their comrades. Shean and Stone retreated to a remote hideout in the Sierra Nevada mountains in order to concentrate on planning their next course of action once the heat has settled and making sure their members were safe and undetected.






tmnphRm.pngSan Andreas' political climate shifted in 2023. The wider public's dissatisfaction at ongoing crime and corruption was boiling over. The seeds of discontent sown by Rogue 21 began to sprout. Lieutenant Commander Stone, Lieutenant Commander Hayes, Lieutenant Commander Tomas, and Commander Shean found an opening and decided it was time to go back.

Rogue 21 reformed, stronger and more determined than before. With an organized strategy and a plan to avoid making the same mistakes they had in the past, the rogue PMC started operating once more. Their lengthy exile and brief dissolution had only served to strengthen their resolve and develop their skill set. 



Veterans' interest in Rogue 21 increased in tandem with the PMCs' increasing influence. Oscar Joar, a battle-hardened veteran from the Ukrainian war, emerges. Oscar had made a name for himself with his strategic expertise, relentless commitment, and sheer drive to conquer overwhelming obstacles. His reputation preceded him, and Shean, along with his Officers, perceived a similar spirit in him. Recognizing the value in his experience, they extended an invitation for him to join Rogue 21. Oscar agreed, eager to apply his abilities to a cause that aligned with his own views on justice and the world.






In the beginning of 2024, Rogue 21 was concentrating on a strategic asset that may very well strengthen their position: the Los Santos docks and abandoned military airport. Controlling this installation would provide them unrivaled access to transportation and logistics, which are crucial to their operations. The government, many criminal gangs, and strong companies all contested this lucrative asset.

Mitchel, Stone, Shean, Tiago & Oscar created a superb strategy. Rogue 21 would pit these factions against one another, causing chaos and confusion while presenting Rogue 21 as the sole force capable of maintaining order. The plot unfolded precisely. Rogue 21 distributed fake intelligence to competing power, causing skirmishes and distracting its rivals. Oscar's giant monetary resources and not to mention Rogue 21 countless supporters and Sheans network of contacts granted Rogue 21 the edge over its competitors.

Meanwhile, Commander Shean formed secret ties with important players in the government and corporate sectors, providing incentives to support Rogue 21's pursuit for the ports. As tensions rose, Rogue 21 launched a decisive operation to quickly neutralize opposition forces and secure the docks and airfield. Thus they came out victorious after a giant display of who could beat who through financial means.


s9RfeA2.pngWith the docks under their control, Rogue 21 approached the San Andreas president. Shean presented a compelling case for their legitimacy and usefulness to the state. He argued that being in control of the docks would ensure security, stability, and commercial growth for the entire region.

Recognizing their power and possible benefits, the president agreed to a historic pact. Rogue 21 was officially declassified as a criminal organization and permitted to operate legally on San Andreas land. The Los Santos docks were named as their headquarters, marking the turning point in their journey.




Rogue 21 embarked on a mission to solidly establish themselves as those in charge and defenders of justice in San Andreas after gaining their newfound legitimacy. They combat illegal activity, support humanitarian missions, and secured trade by using their authority of the docks. Their success was maintained with the combined efforts of Rogue 21s leadership.


IHCccwN.pngThe rogue military organization Rogue 21 that was once beaten down, and merely known for going renegade - now thrives undismayed. Their effect was felt well beyond San Andreas' limits, and their narrative served as an inspiration to many: Stick together and believe in your own abilities, you shall achieve whatever you envision through sheer determination.



Company Commander Steven Shean - Crank
Lieutenant Commander Mitchel Hayes - Tuned
Lieutenant Commander Edward Stone - Manny
Lieutenant Commander Oscar Joar - Ace
Lieutenant Commander Tiago Tomas - Rivals



















SENTINEL (Strategic Elite Neutralization and Tactical Infiltration Logistics)

SENTINEL is our special operations unit restricted to those that pass our combat-based test. Those lucky enough to have access to SENTINEL gain special privileges such as access to restricted areas of our base HQ, mentorship & training from our most skilled soldiers & an array of financial and resourcing support.




























Our recruitment procedure runs through Discord. Feel free to message any Rogue 21 High-Command Officer whenever and wherever you want. Good luck!

Click on the Discord Icon in order to join our Discord Server:



Edited by Crank
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