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Clubs - Application Form.[SOLVED]



Now that we've decided that we want to use clubs with an application form, I will start moving active content from forums to clubs where people have added a request for moderators/etc here:


Going forward, we need to decide on a universal form that everyone will use.

I was thinking of the following:


Club you wish to apply for: (dropdown list of clubs)

Section 1:

Nickname (text box):
Username (text box):
Other names used (text box):
Age (text box):
Gender (text box):
Current organisations/memberships (text box):
Date when started playing SAES (date field):
List of previous organisations/memberships (text area):
List of previous punishments (text area):
List of previous bans (text area):

Section 2:

What are you strengths? (text area)
What are you weaknesses? (text area)
Why do you wish to join <club name>?  (text area)
Additional info: (text area) (this can be used for anything else you describe in your recruitment topic)

Section 3:

I have read and agree to the terms as described in <club name> 's application recruitment topic (tick box)
I have read all the community and server specific rules as stated in the in-game F1 panel and rules forum (tick box)
I agree to be active daily and post activities within the media archive regularly (tick box)

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7 answers to this question

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Sounds good. There's no need to make it any more complex. Doubt one cares about gender but rather maybe about previous experiences and if they have discord.

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"Previous experience" can be put in the additional information box if the org in question wants it.

I've added two more



Date when started playing SAES (date field):

I have read all the community and server specific rules as stated in the in-game F1 panel and rules forum (tick box)



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I think that it should remain as short and as simple as possible if it will be universal. Clubs can reach out to applicant if they really need additional information of some sort.

Things like other names used, age and gender I personally wouldn't care about or include in an app for SWAT. Nor would anyone be asked to agree to be active daily.
If there's a possibility for limited customization that'd be great, like an option to only have some section in your app but not the others. In that case one section could ask for only minimal amount of information, clubs that require more information could enable more sections. Or an ability to choose which of default listed questions can be inside your application form rather than writing your own.

Of course if nothing like that is possible then I'd suggest what I had said at first, which is to keep things short and simple.

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