Now that we've decided that we want to use clubs with an application form, I will start moving active content from forums to clubs where people have added a request for moderators/etc here:
Club you wish to apply for: (dropdown list of clubs)
Section 1:
Nickname (text box):
Username (text box):
Other names used (text box):
Age (text box):
Gender (text box):
Current organisations/memberships (text box):
Date when started playing SAES (date field):
List of previous organisations/memberships (text area):
List of previous punishments (text area):
List of previous bans (text area):
Section 2:
What are you strengths? (text area)
What are you weaknesses? (text area)
Why do you wish to join <club name>? (text area)
Additional info: (text area) (this can be used for anything else you describe in your recruitment topic)
Section 3:
I have read and agree to the terms as described in <club name> 's application recruitment topic (tick box)
I have read all the community and server specific rules as stated in the in-game F1 panel and rules forum (tick box)
I agree to be active daily and post activities within the media archive regularly (tick box)
Now that we've decided that we want to use clubs with an application form, I will start moving active content from forums to clubs where people have added a request for moderators/etc here:
Going forward, we need to decide on a universal form that everyone will use.
I was thinking of the following:
Club you wish to apply for: (dropdown list of clubs)
Section 1:
Nickname (text box):
Username (text box):
Other names used (text box):
Age (text box):
Gender (text box):
Current organisations/memberships (text box):
Date when started playing SAES (date field):
List of previous organisations/memberships (text area):
List of previous punishments (text area):
List of previous bans (text area):
Section 2:
What are you strengths? (text area)
What are you weaknesses? (text area)
Why do you wish to join <club name>? (text area)
Additional info: (text area) (this can be used for anything else you describe in your recruitment topic)
Section 3:
I have read and agree to the terms as described in <club name> 's application recruitment topic (tick box)
I have read all the community and server specific rules as stated in the in-game F1 panel and rules forum (tick box)
I agree to be active daily and post activities within the media archive regularly (tick box)
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