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Bring back the captain/sailor script[FEEDBACK REQUIRED]


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My suggestion is self-explanatory, it's about making the captain spawn alive again, unfortunately, it doesn't work anymore it stopped working after some years or months after I first joined the game, and I'm glad to have experienced it before it died.

I don't know why it stopped working, whether if the coding (functions, and API) used was deprecated, or if it was intentionally deleted, anyways it was an great job, and I suggest it be back.

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Maybe make it robbable as well to give the pirate spawn a purpose or give it some other addition. I remember going on for thousands of miles in the ocean as a captain and it was not very fun. I'm not against bringing it back though.

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@reket said in Bring back the captain/sailor script:

Maybe make it robbable as well to give the pirate spawn a purpose or give it some other addition. I remember going on for thousands of miles in the ocean as a captain and it was not very fun. I'm not against bringing it back though.

You got quite a good load of cash by it aswell i remember..

If i remember right there was some major bug with it so they removed it. But i might be wrong

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It was removed primarily because it was pointless, you drive from point A to point B over sea which of course has no obstacles on it, then get paid for doing that.

Additionally, various bugs were a common occurrence.

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@DROT Doesn't seem like the people agree with that how is it pointless if you spend more than 10 minutes of your life delivering goods by sea? I get it, there have to be obstacles, but is that necessary? it was a good spawn, and people liked it.

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Not saying that I'm against or in favour of implementing the suggested change, just stating what (if I remember correctly) the reason behind its removal was.

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There actually was an obstacle, pirates trying to capture your ship. It was a challenge for the captain and fun for pirates but iirc the captain spawn was actually removed due to bugs and then the pirate spawn became pointless leading to a point where SAP got closed.

If our developers can make room for it, we can get back an activity that will include civilians, criminals, and cops so y not

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