Alliances Posted October 2, 2018 Author Posted October 2, 2018 This is our new official topic, since Faker unfortunately had to leave us, and we can't edit his topic. Also we got promoted to LVL 1.S.A. Elite SEALs - Discord:Click here to join our discord!S.A. Elite SEALs - Active Links:Click here to go to our General/Application topic!Click here to go to our Media Archive!Click here to go to our Base Inspections!S.A. Elite SEALs - Old Links:Click here to go to our old General/Application topic!Click here to go to our old Media Archive!Click here to go to our old Base Inspections!S.A. Elite SEALs - Archive Links:Click here to go to our Archived Base Inspections!Click here to go to our archived General Topic!Click here to go to our archived Media Archive!Click here to go to our archived Training Roleplay!:::On the 4th march 1920 Harted Stukelbridge were born in Las Venturas, San Andreas. In the age of 18 he joined the San Andreas Army. 4 years later his division was sent into Mount Chiliad mountains. While spying on the mountain officers Harted got captured by the enemy soldiers. Harted were interrogated, tortured and saw his friends getting executed. This hardened Harted and made him near less emotional-less. A MC officer took a bayonet and attacked him near his left eye, from up to down. While the officer reloaded his weapon to execute Harted the SA Army sent backup, which could rescue and evacuate him. Harted spent several month in a San Andreas hospital. His eye never fully recovered and only a large scar was left. The SA army was not sure if Harted still could fight, due to the cruelness he saw and the en-juries he suffered, so they sent him to the desert of SA, where a MC outpost was located.Harted was ordered to clear the outpost with only 3 more men. As Harted and his 3 men team were approaching towards the outpost they got shot and injured. Their morale was low and they just wanted to die. Harted however took the only weakness the MC soldiers had, the heat. He waited till it was noon. The MC soldiers sweated, and were not showing attention towards the approaching Harted. He took out the whole base. The SA Army were surprised that a single man could take out a whole outpost. The Army wanted to go sure, so they sent him to the alpines to clear out another outpost, this time he was on his own, and also this outpost couldn't stopped Harted. The Army couldn't believe, in their eyes Harted was the perfect soldierOn 1945 Harted requested to make an team out of elite troopers, and the general approved it, with only one requirement, the elite troopers have to use a nickname to their families wont become a victim. Harted Stukelbridge became the nickname 'Frog' from the general himself, because he fought under every conditions and he could 'jump' over any difficult task. Frog gave his elite troopers the name:"SEALs". Frog made the name out of the words -SEa-Air-Land-teamS. The General didn't knew why Frog choose stupid word anagram's, so Frog explained him that his team could operate anywhere, on the land, on the sea and in the air. After the war was over Frog recruited 5 soldiers and trained them to the same level as himself.The first operation for the SEALs was to spy on a russian drug dealer named Nikolai Denski. After years of observation the SA government permitted an attack on Nikolai Denski's cartel. The SEALs found his cartel's safehouse in the woods, and while approaching to it everyone was stressed. As they breached in they saw no one was actually in it, just a small red TNT box.Frog knew that this was his end and so he spend his last thoughts on his wife and son. His son, Alex Stukelbridge, joined the SA Marines. He never knew that his father was one of the toughest elite soldiers ever, neither he knew that SEALs existed.On the 1 August 1961, President Kennedy ordered 8 soldiers to the white house, including Alex. He didn't knew what to expect as he didn't knew what the President wanted.Upon arriving and meeting everyone, Kennedy told the soldiers about the SEALs. Kennedy ordered the recreation of the SEALs under new name, Navy SEALs. Kennedy wanted to create a special unit that protects the population of San Andreas, with an unit that never gets identified.Alex and his team trained hard, very hard, and the modern equipment made them even more dangerous then the older SEALs. Everything went correct, the Elite SEALs never had any big operations. This changed on the 11 september 2001 with the terroristic attack of the taliban, leaded by Osama Bin Laden. At this point the Elite SEALs had the biggest operation in history, it took nearly 10 years to end the accomplish the operation. On the 2 May 2011 the Elite SEALs have found out the hideout of Osama Bin Laden. The Elite SEALs went in and assassinated Osama Bin Laden, however the taliban found out and attacked the hideout.While an extraction chopper were about to land 4 of the 8 men team headed towards the chopper, the other 4 sacrificed their lives to save the others, however no one could made it out, as the chopper got blown up by a massive rocket blast started from the taliban.Until 2014 everything went quiet about the SEALs, everyone thought there gone, forever. Obama however managed to have a secret G20 meeting, they discussed about making the worlds best elite unit to protect the whole world. The G20 leaders approved that and started to check the best soldier skills.Only 2 people mastered every test sucessfully, those were Frizi and Faker. They became the leader of the new SEALs, the S.A. Elite SEALs! The S.A. Elite SEALs have became special rights and permission. The Elite SEALs can break any law and right they want, they can kill anyone they want, without getting punished. Because no one else mastered the tests it where up to Frizi and Faker to find members for the S.A. Elite SEALs. The first operation for the S.A. Elite SEALs is to help out the local emergency services in the state 'San Andreas' due to the raising criminalty.In March 2016 the state of San Andreas was a paradise for criminals. The possession and trafficking of illegal drugs and weapons, theft/burglary/robbery, vandalism was a regular thing among San Andreas citizens. Due to this criminal actions the Government of San Andreas gave a task to Mr. Schnaffer Okma from the U.S. Elite SEALs with a special task to bring back the order of San Andreas. The Admiral kept 24 hours at his office to lower the criminal rate in San Andreas, while he was in charge the crime rate descend about 14%, a fact that none special unit ever achieved. 2 years after creating the S.A. Elite SEALs the Admiral died in a car accident while responding to a store robbery in Los Santos Maria Beach. The S.A. Elite SEALs leadership was given to his son Lively Okma, also known as Faker among his friends. The new Admiral continued the amazing job of the previous Admiral and started training police officers, created a project to work side-by-side with government staff and business. Lately the squad has been raiding known gang bases and is on its way to restore the order in San Andreas.Faker loved his job, but unfortunately had to choose a new challenge above us. This is why the new Admiral took place, this is me Mujo Chilean also known as Alliances/Aaran among his friends.:::S.A. Elite SEALs got reinstated in San Andreas after an enormous skyrocketing of criminal activities. I, Alliances, pledge to restore and secure the streets, jails, banks, airspace, government establishments, and sea back to the rightful government and restore the peace of San Andreas.I have set up a team and special methods to make this happen. In the coming weeks you will notice that a lot of things are going to change both within our team and beyond.We expect your cooperation.The following list contains what we are going to tackle now, and what we will address in the future.S.A. Elite SEALs important occupations:Restoring safety to all government establishments.Clearing the sea and airspace of pirates and criminal activities.Return the prison to its old state.Making the streets safe and secure and return the public order.Providing safety while traveling important government personnel and important people through a convoy.Squad name: S.A. Elite SEALsSquad level: 1Squad tags: SEAL|Nickname[RANK]Squad founder: FakerSquad leader: AlliancesSquad HQ team: Alliances, Alexie and Starwars.Squad panel name: S.A._Elite_SEALsSquad creation date: 8/21/2018Squad member: 7Squad motto: ''Hope is an ember in the dust, which SEALs will combust''Squad color: #202347Topic creation date: 8/21/2018Media archive creation date: 8/21/2018Level 5 - Admiral - [L]Level 4 - vice Admiral - [vL]Level 4 - counter Admiral - [sL]Level 4 - Major - [MAJ]Level 4 - Instructor - [INS]Level 3 - Captain - [CAP]Level 2 - Commander - [COM]Level 2 - Corporal - [COR]Level 1 - Private - [PVT]Level 0 - Recruit - [REC]Please be aware of these rules, read them carefully!If you fail to obey any of these rules or you see a member rule-breaking. Report it to an HQ immediately!Rule number 1.0 : Follow/obey the server rules, you can find the server rules in-game by pressing F1.Rule number 2.0 : Put the S.A Elite SEALs binds on, always give the players an warning first, before trying to arrest them.2.1 : It does have to be necessarily our binds.Rule number 3.0 : Always respond to backup calls from within the squad, always help your teammates out.Rule number 4.0 : If there is a global training announced in-game, be there. If you can't for some reason contact the player in charge of that training.Rule number 5.0 : Be active, if there is a reason you can't be active make sure to inform a HQ or higher in-game, discord or forums.Rule number 6.0 : Stay proffessional at all time, always try to roleplay first.Rule number 7.0 : Listen carefully to members in the squad, listen to higher ranks, do NOT disrespect anyone. Remember, we are a team.Rule number 8.0 : If you're spawned as cop and we're going to patroll, trainings, roadblocks, put your tags on.Rule number 9.0 : Make sure to stay informed via the topic aswell as in-game, squad panel, ./squad in-game.Rule number 10.0 : You must spawn more often as cop than other classes.Rule number 11.0 : If you did an succesfull roleplay, event, etc make sure to post the screens in the Media Archive.11.1 : If you do NOT know how, ask a Captain or higher.Rule number 12.0 : If you received more than 2 warnings we will make a emergency meeting with the HQs. We will then decide what we are going to do with you.Rule number 13.0 : Always talk English in ClanChat.Rule number 14.0 : Do NOT give any information free about the global trainings/4 tests.Rule number 15.0 : Never leave a SEAL member behind.Rule number 16.0 : Always try to go on patrol with other SEAL members.16.1 : This does NOT apply if all SEAL members are offline.Rule number 17.0 : You are allowed to kill people on store robs/jail breaks/bank robs without arresting. If you are NOT at a SR/JB/BR you have to try to arrest first before killing.-Shown worthy to join us(includes: English, driving, shooting, arresting and role-playing skills, responding to SRs, BRs, JBs and radio calls, enough maturity and basic understanding of the game/SEALs.Diplomas needed: NoneRank achieved: Level 0 - Recruit - [REC]-To be updated..Diplomas needed: Driving Diploma [DD]Rank achieved: Level 1 - Private - [PVT]-To be updated.Diplomas needed: Driving Diploma [DD], Flying Diploma [FD]Rank achieved: Level 2 - Corporal - [COR]-To be updated.Diplomas needed: Driving Diploma [DD], Flying Diploma [FD], Parachuting Diploma [PD]Rank achieved: Level 2 - Commander - [COM]-To be updated.Diplomas needed: Driving Diploma [DD], Flying Diploma [FD], Parachuting Diploma [PD]Rank achieved: Level 3 - Captain - [CAP]After Captain the decisions of being promoted is up to the HQ Team.Driving Diploma [DD]:Information: You will start at the bottom of Mount Chilliad. You will need to drive to the top of Mount Chilliad in less than 90 seconds and under 10% damage.In the second test you will start from Las Venturas cross. Drive to the end with your 2 back tires flat. The damage doesn't matter but you will have to reach the finish line within 40 seconds.Both of these tests are done in a SEAL "Police" car.Screenshots: Click here for the screenshots!Video #1: Click here to see the Mount Chilliad test!Video #2: Click here to see the flat tire test!Flying Diploma [FD]Information: The instructor will fly to bridges near the beach of Los Santos. You will have to fly under the bridges shown by the instructor. You need to make it past all of the bridges to pass the test.In the second test you will fly from LS Airport to SF Airport while flying under bridges shown in the video and mapScreenshots: Click here for the screenshots!Video #1: Click here to see the Heli test!Video #2: Click here to see the Shamal test!Parachuting Diploma [PD]Information: You will step in as passenger into the Instructors helicopter. The Instructor will fly to a building near San Fierro Police Department and you willneed to lang on the antenna of the building shown. The altitude will be 4+ depending on the Instructor choice.Screenshots: Click here for the screenshots!Video: Click here to see the parajumping test!If you have an issue with a member, contact a HQ or higher in-game, forum or Discord and it will get dealt with.If you have a problem with the squad, contact leader Alliances or vice-leader Alexie in-game, forum or Discord and it will get dealt with.Founder:@FakerAdmiral:@AlliancesVice Admiral:@AlexieCounter Admiral:/Major:/Instructor:@StarwarsCaptain:@RoverCommander:@EstaCorporal:/Private:/Recruit:@Davey@zlatis13Coming back after getting PC:@Script100@Mattias49Friends (VIP's, ask an HQ):@Faker @Glitchmann @Jamal420 @FoxZillaWe've just got the old LV Marine to be our base. Also we've got our own Pay 'n Spray in Tierra Robada.LV Marine Base: See our base!Tierra Robada Pay 'n Spray: See our own Pay 'n Spray!We currently own 2 Police cars in our squad colour. This is the Dodge police vehicle, the vehicles are placed at LV Marine. We also own a Super GT, this is placed in front of the old LV Marine at the house of Alliances (Old house of Faker)Our 2 vehicles: Click here to see our vehicles!Do you want to become a Elite SEAL in San Andreas? Fill in the application format down below and post your application in this topic.After you posted your application start being with members of the squad, if your application got accepted we will have a talk and some tests with you and if you are good enough to pass you will be invited to the S.A. Elite SEALs.Make sure you read the paragraph ''TEST PROCEDURE ''.~[TIP: Use your own words/sentences, do NOT copy from other applications!TIP: Be honest! Do NOT lie!]~(red)Copy this (In spoiler) format, and post it on this topic!:::# Application format### Section 1 - Personal Information**Name:****Account name:****Age:****Country:****Nationality:****Gender:****Languages:**### Section 2 - In-game Information**How long have you been playing MTA:SA?:****How long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours):****Current group(s):****Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies?****If you left, or were kicked, please state the reason:****Why do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?:****If you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?:****What will you bring to S.A. Elite SEALs?:****Have you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?:**#### Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules!**Explain rule 2.0:****Explain rule 7.0:****Explain rule 16.0/16.1:**### Section 3 - Ratings**Rate your english skills (1-10):****Rate your role-play skills (1-10):****Rate your teamworking skills (1-10):****Rate your driving skills (1-10):****Rate your flying skills (1-10):****Rate your sailing skills (1-10):****Rate your shooting skills (1-10):****Rate your arresting skills (1-10):****Strengths:****Weaknesses:**#### For your application to be considered, post a picture of our founder's statue, located infront of LSPD.:::S.A. Elite SEALs Media Archive:Click here to go to our Media Archive!
esta Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 Goodluck to all of us, and to the people that will join uw in the future! We can do this <3
Lincoln Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 I wish you best of luck mate, don't forget to add me to vip :heart:
Alliances Posted October 2, 2018 Author Posted October 2, 2018 @lincoln said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic:I wish you best of luck mate, don't forget to add me to vip :heart:I wouldn't even dare to forget you <3
Markus Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 Holy shit! Well fucking done. Faker is so proud of ya'll up there!Congratz once again boys!
Alliances Posted October 2, 2018 Author Posted October 2, 2018 @blazzey said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic:Holy shit! Well fucking done. Faker is so proud of ya'll up there!Congratz once again boys!Thanks man! <3
StarWars Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 Alright, since we moved our topic.. @PunchLine Welcome, after a short interview and a brief test you've proven worthy of joining us.. Therefore your application is now ~[accepted]~(lime). Welcome!
Rover Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 Application format:Section 1 - Personal InformationName: RoverAccount name: carlAge: 20Country: NetherlandsNationality: DutchGender: MaleLanguages: Dutch/English/GermanSection 2 - In-game InformationHow long have you been playing MTA:SA?: for 6 yearsHow long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours): 4 years 900+ hoursCurrent group(s): nonePrevious squads/gangs/companies? SEALs, HS, FOX, OC, SAFPIf you left, or were kicked, please post reasons why: SEALs died, HS died, FOX left because i made the decision to join them too fast. SAFP, left because we were creating a new generation of OC. I left OC because i want to try something new and i need new motivation to login everyday.Why do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?: 4 years ago i was part of the SEALs Faker invited me as a newbie and teached me a lot of things. Also i love the base inspections and the rp's we made back in the days.If you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?: i expect that the players are still the same as 4 years ago serious, active and skilled.What will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?: I will bring activity's like rp's/events etc. and loyalty.Have you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?: Adminjailed yes, everyone gets bored sometimes....-Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules!Explain rule 2.0: Use your binds show the wanted players that you are chasing them.Explain rule 7.0: Respect everyone and listen to players that have a higher rank then you.Explain rule 16.0/16.1: Never patrol alone! Take another SEAL with you, only if there is no one you can do it on your own.Section 3 - RatingsRate your english skills (1-10): 7Rate your role-play skills (1-10):7Rate your teamworking skills (1-10): 7Rate your driving skills (1-10): 8Rate your flying skills (1-10): 8Rate your sailing skills (1-10): 4Rate your shooting skills (1-10): 7Rate your arresting skills (1-10): 8Strengths: Shooting, RP, Flying, Arresting, teamworkWeaknesses: Sailing never tried it lal
Alliances Posted October 2, 2018 Author Posted October 2, 2018 @rover said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic:Application format:Section 1 - Personal InformationName: RoverAccount name: carlAge: 20Country: NetherlandsNationality: DutchGender: MaleLanguages: Dutch/English/GermanSection 2 - In-game InformationHow long have you been playing MTA:SA?: for 6 yearsHow long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours): 4 years 900+ hoursCurrent group(s): nonePrevious squads/gangs/companies? SEALs, HS, FOX, OC, SAFPIf you left, or were kicked, please post reasons why: SEALs died, HS died, FOX left because i made the decision to join them too fast. SAFP, left because we were creating a new generation of OC. I left OC because i want to try something new and i need new motivation to login everyday.Why do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?: 4 years ago i was part of the SEALs Faker invited me as a newbie and teached me a lot of things. Also i love the base inspections and the rp's we made back in the days.If you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?: i expect that the players are still the same as 4 years ago serious, active and skilled.What will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?: I will bring activity's like rp's/events etc. and loyalty.Have you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?: Adminjailed yes, everyone gets bored sometimes....-Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules!Explain rule 2.0: Use your binds show the wanted players that you are chasing them.Explain rule 7.0: Respect everyone and listen to players that have a higher rank then you.Explain rule 16.0/16.1: Never patrol alone! Take another SEAL with you, only if there is no one you can do it on your own.Section 3 - RatingsRate your english skills (1-10): 7Rate your role-play skills (1-10):7Rate your teamworking skills (1-10): 7Rate your driving skills (1-10): 8Rate your flying skills (1-10): 8Rate your sailing skills (1-10): 4Rate your shooting skills (1-10): 7Rate your arresting skills (1-10): 8Strengths: Shooting, RP, Flying, Arresting, teamworkWeaknesses: Sailing never tried it lalWeve known you for a while, and youre a serious nice lad. Welcome back to the team! Youre
Norwing Posted October 2, 2018 Posted October 2, 2018 Good luck guys I know it's not easy but you can Faker should be happy the lvl 1 let's go you can!
Sam. Posted October 3, 2018 Posted October 3, 2018 Congratulation for level 1, and i wish you good luck for next level!
Zlatis Posted October 4, 2018 Posted October 4, 2018 Application format:Section 1 - Personal InformationName:ZlatinAccount name:Zlatis13Age:17Country:BulgariaNationality:BulgarianGender:maleLanguages:English/BulgarianSection 2 - In-game InformationHow long have you been playing MTA:SA?:6 monthsHow long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours):85hCurrent group(s):nonePrevious squads/gangs/companies?UndercoverCopsIf you left, or were kicked, please post reasons why:too negative for meWhy do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?:I want to have fun and quality time with nice and good guys, also defending the law with themIf you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?:positivity, and fun time, thats why i play mta. having fun times with that kinda group is my goal in Mta/SAESWhat will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?:i dont consider myself for the best player, but i know i can show my positivity, and have fun times together, like a nice Squad(just like SEALsHave you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?:No-Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules!Explain rule 2.0:Don't arrest someone for nothing give them warning and be good with them, give them warning first before you arrest them if they don't follow your warning you can arrest themExplain rule 7.0:Don't do nothing on your own show everyone respect and be part of it because without respect no squad will be goodExplain rule 16.0/16.1:Always try to be teamwork guy, because teamwork makes squads powerful, and makes them better and stronger16.1 if there is no one online that doesnt mean you should not follow your dutySection 3 - RatingsRate your english skills (1-10):8/10Rate your role-play skills (1-10):9/10Rate your teamworking skills (1-10):8/10Rate your driving skills (1-10):7/10Rate your flying skills (1-10):7/10Rate your sailing skills (1-10):6/10Rate your shooting skills (1-10):7/10Rate your arresting skills (1-10):7/10Strengths:being patient in long-time chasing or shooting, positive with everyoneWeaknesses:not the best in long time sailing or sailing trainings
Alliances Posted October 4, 2018 Author Posted October 4, 2018 @zlatis13 said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic:Application format:Section 1 - Personal InformationName:ZlatinAccount name:Zlatis13Age:17Country:BulgariaNationality:BulgarianGender:maleLanguages:English/BulgarianSection 2 - In-game InformationHow long have you been playing MTA:SA?:6 monthsHow long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours):85hCurrent group(s):nonePrevious squads/gangs/companies?UndercoverCopsIf you left, or were kicked, please post reasons why:too negative for meWhy do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?:I want to have fun and quality time with nice and good guys, also defending the law with themIf you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?:positivity, and fun time, thats why i play mta. having fun times with that kinda group is my goal in Mta/SAESWhat will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?:i dont consider myself for the best player, but i know i can show my positivity, and have fun times together, like a nice Squad(just like SEALsHave you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?:No-Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules!Explain rule 2.0:Don't arrest someone for nothing give them warning and be good with them, give them warning first before you arrest them if they don't follow your warning you can arrest themExplain rule 7.0:Don't do nothing on your own show everyone respect and be part of it because without respect no squad will be goodExplain rule 16.0/16.1:Always try to be teamwork guy, because teamwork makes squads powerful, and makes them better and stronger16.1 if there is no one online that doesnt mean you should not follow your dutySection 3 - RatingsRate your english skills (1-10):8/10Rate your role-play skills (1-10):9/10Rate your teamworking skills (1-10):8/10Rate your driving skills (1-10):7/10Rate your flying skills (1-10):7/10Rate your sailing skills (1-10):6/10Rate your shooting skills (1-10):7/10Rate your arresting skills (1-10):7/10Strengths:being patient in long-time chasing or shooting, positive with everyoneWeaknesses:not the best in long time sailing or sailing trainingsSince we've already met in-game sometimes, your application looks fine and you've done a small roleplay with our Instructor @StarWars you've been ~[Accepted]~(lime). Congratz, meet a HQ in-game for further info!
Alliances Posted October 4, 2018 Author Posted October 4, 2018 @scripter said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic:congratulations !!!Thanks!!
StarWars Posted October 6, 2018 Posted October 6, 2018 @mr-joker said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic:Goodluck <3Thanks.
costa Posted October 7, 2018 Posted October 7, 2018 Application format:Section 1 - Personal InformationName:KataAccount name:Kata1Age:16Country:egyptNationality:Gender:maleLanguages:arabicand englishSection 2 - In-game InformationHow long have you been playing MTA:SA?:2 yearsHow long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours):2 yearsCurrent group(s):nonePrevious squads/gangs/companies?N/AIf you left, or were kicked, please post reasons why:N/AWhy do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?:bec it good squade and have nice members and it have lvl 1 and i hope to be lvl 2 soon and i love SEALs and i will be have nice days with members SEAL if i joined and i like job SEALSIf you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?:i will take some nice days with members SEALs and i hope join to SEALs and i play mta and i wanna now join squad bec i want take nice days in server and with squde and SEALs have a nice and good members and we will do a good jobWhat will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?:i dont tell give me good rank and i dont ask for rank never and i dont tell i am best player in SEALs if i joined but i have good skills and i know i will give SEALs all my skills in rps and actives and events and i hope join to SEALsHave you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?:N/A-Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules!Explain rule 2.0:Don't arrest someone for nothing give them warning and be good with them, give them warning first before you arrest them if they don't follow your warning you can arrest themExplain rule 7.0:Don't do nothing on your own show everyone respect and be part of it because without respect no squad will be goodExplain rule 16.0/16.1:Never patrol alone! Take another SEAL with you, only if there is no one you can do it on your own.Section 3 - RatingsRate your english skills (1-10):8Rate your role-play skills (1-10):9Rate your teamworking skills (1-10):8Rate your driving skills (1-10):9Rate your flying skills (1-10):7Rate your sailing skills (1-10):7Rate your shooting skills (1-10):8Rate your arresting skills (1-10):8Strengths:i am good at shooting and driving cars and plans and i am good at arressting and i have good skills and i am good at useing guns like m4 and AK7 and some guns ...Weaknesses:driving bikes and some time my inter net was be bad .( sorry my english not very good i life at egypt arabic) but i can speak english
Alliances Posted October 7, 2018 Author Posted October 7, 2018 @kata said in S.A. Elite SEALs - General/Application Topic:Application format:Section 1 - Personal InformationName:KataAccount name:Kata1Age:16Country:egyptNationality:Gender:maleLanguages:arabicand englishSection 2 - In-game InformationHow long have you been playing MTA:SA?:2 yearsHow long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours):2 yearsCurrent group(s):nonePrevious squads/gangs/companies?N/AIf you left, or were kicked, please post reasons why:N/AWhy do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?:bec it good squade and have nice members and it have lvl 1 and i hope to be lvl 2 soon and i love SEALs and i will be have nice days with members SEAL if i joined and i like job SEALSIf you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?:i will take some nice days with members SEALs and i hope join to SEALs and i play mta and i wanna now join squad bec i want take nice days in server and with squde and SEALs have a nice and good members and we will do a good jobWhat will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?:i dont tell give me good rank and i dont ask for rank never and i dont tell i am best player in SEALs if i joined but i have good skills and i know i will give SEALs all my skills in rps and actives and events and i hope join to SEALsHave you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?:N/A-Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules!Explain rule 2.0:Don't arrest someone for nothing give them warning and be good with them, give them warning first before you arrest them if they don't follow your warning you can arrest themExplain rule 7.0:Don't do nothing on your own show everyone respect and be part of it because without respect no squad will be goodExplain rule 16.0/16.1:Never patrol alone! Take another SEAL with you, only if there is no one you can do it on your own.Section 3 - RatingsRate your english skills (1-10):8Rate your role-play skills (1-10):9Rate your teamworking skills (1-10):8Rate your driving skills (1-10):9Rate your flying skills (1-10):7Rate your sailing skills (1-10):7Rate your shooting skills (1-10):8Rate your arresting skills (1-10):8Strengths:i am good at shooting and driving cars and plans and i am good at arressting and i have good skills and i am good at useing guns like m4 and AK7 and some guns ...Weaknesses:driving bikes and some time my inter net was be bad .( sorry my english not very good i life at egypt arabic) but i can speak englishAfter reading your application, we've decided that we won't give you a chance this time. This doesn't mean you can't join SEALs. Hang out with us, and get to know the server. You may reapply after 2 weeks from today. For now you're
Alliances Posted October 10, 2018 Author Posted October 10, 2018 Added our properties, and our vehicles.
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