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Change to Turfs (headshot areas)


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There's been an increase in complaints from players that turfs were reduced to use of sniper only.
What turf areas should headshot be enabled in?

Which of the following systems would you prefer?

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I don't know what does those 50% mean, like how will it work, but to me it seems most fair if the headshot is restricted to some cities or counties only just as how it used to be in some zones in San Fierro only. The reason behind this is the other weapons become useless, players crying of C bugs and whatever not.

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@bisollini said in Change to Turfs (headshot areas):

I don't know what does those 50% mean, like how will it work

Turf starts > 50% chance that headshot will be enabled during that turf. 50% chance that headshot gets disabled.

If it is enabled, all turf participants in that zone will be able to use hs.
It'd be picked at random at start of every turf war.
This way no area is permanently restricted to HS only or no HS at all.

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@drot said in Change to Turfs (headshot areas):

@bisollini said in Change to Turfs (headshot areas):

I don't know what does those 50% mean, like how will it work

Turf starts > 50% chance of headshot being enabled during that turf. 50% chance that headshot gets disabled.
It'd be picked at random at start of every turf war so that no area is restricted to HS only or no HS at all.

Ah I got it wrong, it means 50% chance to get it enabled for ALL turf participants right? Sounds good

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Honestly, the main issue with the turf wars at the moment is the numbers of the participants. I would suggest(as I prefiously have) that the % of the zone increases/decreases depending on whether you are an attacker or a deffender by 7% everytime a kill is made. Helpers kills will not count towards the zone progress. This is going to make the turf wars far more dependant on whether you are actually good or not, not just some rats camping in the zone if they are far more than their opponents.

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Removing headshot or making it 50/50 will demotivate people even more, headshot can be a huge advantage for the gangs fighting against 3 gangs at the same time, removing that advantage will decrease the activity in my opinion. I also agree with what Petrow said above, he explained what the main issue is very well.

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Sniper hs has nearly no impact on countering the quantity>quality defect in turf wars, due to the way progress is gained or lost in zones during a war. This way of gaining progress heavily favors the side that can bring more members to the zone/war, even if you added m4 hs the rule will remain the same - bring a higher amount of members to the turf, make them camp/avoid combat and the zone is yours, even if you have an army of amateurs who will die many more times than their opponent (the hospital/gang spawns are close, the time spent travelled back doesn't do much to delay a less skilled opponent with higher numbers from gradually taking zones).

Anyway this pretty much has nothing to do with this poll, I just noticed this untrue statement and had to say something. If you enjoy the hs power of sniper you can say something else instead of this untrue stuff about it balancing the quantity>quality issue. And yeah if you wanna make a combat skilled player more impactful in wars then reward more the kills he is getting on the enemy attacker/defender members, with some extra points. Or maybe something like an alternative way to capture a zone in addition to the current system, where once either the attacker/defender has first reached a certain amount of kills on the opposing attacker/defender, maybe 15, the zone would then fall to that gang.

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It's so funny to try to headshot people using special key bindings to switch weapons faster and even avoid headshots with weird movements these key bindings provide, else of the bad sync of the game or headshot bug when you headshot people and they just eat it, this has just left out other weapons like m4 and combat shotgun no sense in my opinion.

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Keep the current system. Headshoting is the only way to face 4 gangs members attacking with +15 minion helpers in the same zone, most of turfwars is always the same side outnumbering the other side, in 2020 was a different history and none complained about it. Let the headshot for people who knows how to use a sniper, If not you can hide behind an alpha and spam m4 like a mong bugging the hit-registration making you unreachable by bullets. Taking the headshot out or making it 50% will kill turfwars as you know it nowadays, people who actually likes headshot wouldn't feel motivated to even start a turfwar, killing the activity completely. It will turn in a bunch of monkeys spamming cs, there is no way to win a 1v5(typical turf situation) using your combat shotgun against 5 combat shotguns. Lately is just a money-farmer script for the other side since turfs are pretty much inactive, only AA/ThC turfs from this side.

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Burako you ain't gonna 1v5 even if there is headshot lol.Time to kill is too high with headshot in my opinion. You might get a few kills if you're outnumbered but 5 people that can headshot you vs one person either way you're going to lose. Half of the people who voted on this poll don't even turf ffs. Not to mention most people who get kills with sniper have suspicious binds. There should be a system that checks your binds tbh.

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in my point of view i dont know why you try to make a problem out of something, i mean cmon everyone likes the current system (except those people who sit their asses all day long afking and when it come to turf they complain how OP is the sniping system) headshot is logical we dont need downgrades instead of complaining go take a tour in tr hospital or GT and see people that literally no life there to gain some skills thats how things and that just fair if we gonna change the system expect a huge drop of players skills since its already low thats why the lack of skills make you cry about it, in my opinion either add headshot ability to all weapons or keeps it as it is plain and simple

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Honestly, the main issue with the turf wars at the moment is the numbers of the participants. I would suggest(as I prefiously have) that the % of the zone increases/decreases depending on whether you are an attacker or a deffender by 7% everytime a kill is made. Helpers kills will not count towards the zone progress. This is going to make the turf wars far more dependant on whether you are actually good or not, not just some rats camping in the zone if they are far more than their opponents.

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