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Name (Ingame and Username): Ingame name: Foxzilla, username: mertt
Member of Which Groups?: TMH - The Motor Heada
Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have: i usualy fly for stop robberies and do stunts.
What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?: Homabase las venturas air port rank pilot.
Why do you want to join SAIA?: Because i liked this group and i try for take spawn for hoodie and this group.


Name (Ingame and Username): ing :Dollface
Username: dollface
Member of Which Groups?: Overdose Crime - OC
Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have: i love living the life of a pilot driving different planes with my head up in the clouds. Helping different people. Legal or not. I fly to them and help them. Escape from robberies. Or helping medics to reach their destination.
What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?: I'm applying for SF homebase
Rank: Human Resources
Why do you want to join SAIA: Since it's the only group with this kind of roe in the server and that's pretty special. Plus i got lot of friends in this group.


@FoxZilla, Please meet me ingame to discuss the role you want and to have your interview, ~[Under Review]~(yellow)

~[Accepted]~(lime) - San Fierro Division - Junior Flight Officer


Name (Ingame and Username): Nord, njogrsenbalgruf
Member of Which Groups?: I'm members with TMH, BES and I lead KHC.
Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have: I have been flying planes since I knew how to walk. But I feel more interest in controlling air traffic and talking with fellow pilots.
What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?: I'm applying for San Fierro Homebase and as an ATC Operator.
Why do you want to join SAIA?: I want to apply my knowledge in manning an aeroplane, radio control and overall this group has a unique role in SAES.


Name (Ingame and Username): milan6969
Ingame name: [TST]Cappo[SGT]
Member of Which Groups?: None. I'm not in any groups.
Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have: I've been using Planes, Dodos and helicopters back then in my "career" to stop SRs, JBs etc, I've also been flying a couple of times as a Pilot.
What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?: Well, homebase can be San Fierro , simple Pilot as of now.
Why do you want to join SAIA?: This group seems fresh and nice to join, I'd also like to make myself improve by flying all around SA.


Name (Ingame and Username):Harb&omarharb
Member of Which Groups?:BES (sHQ),MCC(Rct)
Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have:ah actually i have been training on planes since i have joined saes so i am very intersting to join SAIA now to get more experince and learn from them and help with mine
What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?:SF homebase
Why do you want to join SAIA?:i want to be in groups of pilots and learn more from them and i think i have some experinces that would help you guys also members are very kind so thats would be good


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Name (Ingame and Username): Meliodas / prometeus
Member of Which Groups?:


  • DZTG

  • CEO


Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have: I have experience flying because before I was in a squad and then occupied the airplanes.
What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?: Air Traffic Control: SF , ATC Manager
Why do you want to join SAIA?: Because I find that it is a good group I also see a good future within SAES and it is interesting.


@Meliodas Unfortunately due to some information arising about you and not seeing you in game. You are ~[Denied]~(red). Please reapply if you feel you still want to be apart of SAIA.

@Harb your flying skill is excellent and we feel you will be a real asset to SAIA, for that reason you are ~[Accepted]~(lime)


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Name (Ingame and Username): Meliodas / prometeus
Member of Which Groups?:


  • DZTG

  • CEO

Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have: I have experience flying because before I was in a squad and then occupied the airplanes.

What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?: Air Traffic Control: SF , ATC Manager

Why do you want to join SAIA?: Because I find that it is a good is interesting and I think it has a future within SAES also I would like to come in to help with RP and as much as I can for this group day after day to strive and progress with levels technically I want to form a history with SAIA. Also on the other side SAIA has an interesting history.
Redgars, Matias
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