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  • Section A: Information:

Nickname: Faker

Account name: veelkoren

Age: 19

Primary Language: Dutch

Current S/G/C and rank: Current leader of the S.A. Elite SEALs.

Other RP groups you're in: After a long in-activity I started playing again a month ago. The ex-groups are on my profile if that's of concern.

Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) San Andreas Medics are THE medics on foot first to arrive on the scene. They are experienced and no freelancer like other medics. SAM stands for quality and taking care of its patients, hence the motto. They bring role-play to a new level by being a medic in San Andreas.

Why was SAM founded? SAM was founded by going against corruptions and all that comes with it. They wanted something else and want to take care of the actual patients instead of going for the money. They were the first dedicated group to make a change and they did.

What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us the most.

Who founded SAM? Dr.Valachi

  • Section B: Theory:

1 - A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use.

Answer: Being in a position to make calls on what vehicles to use is a big one. As I am applying to move out of the freelancer medic and being in a actual dedicated team I can see myself making those calls. I would get the regular ambulances and solo ambulances, as well as the trauma helicopter. I would get as many as I could but leave a couple behind for other emergencies that may occur. I would sent out the first ambulances right away while the rest goes in a quick meeting on how we are going to do it and what supplies we need for such a big earthquake and with that many casualties. When arriving on the scene we will take as many to the hospitals (which at this time is already warned that many patients are coming in).

2- Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond.

Answer: I would do the same in the beginning as the earthquake only now I would hold all the medics until we hear from a police chief what the best position will be to handle. I am not risking more casualties so we should handle as strict and neat as we can.

3- Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you 're the first medic to arrive on scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds?

Answer: Depends on the police... if the police aren't there I would move in slowly and getting as many patients out and treat their wounds. When stabbed I would apply pressure to the wound and if it is to severe move the patient as soon as possible to the nearest hospital. With burning wounds I would apply warm water and carefully get them in the ambulance to get them to a hospital.

  • Section C : Aptitudes:

1.How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I would listen to what he has to say, he is the superior for a reason and got more experience and as I am open to learn I think I can improve myself.

2.Why exactly are you applying today? I have moved to San Andreas in 2010 and since then always secured en ensured the safety of the citizens. I want to do more now. I've been fighting crime a long time and see how people get hurt, today was the day I wanted to change and help the people. I am always dedicated and that is why I think this dedicated medic team is something for me.

3.What are your strengths and weaknesses? My weakness is that I sometimes get pushed and start over doing things. Where I think that is the best way the other person might this his way is the best, it's something that irritates me. It's not of concern or huge but worth noticing. My strength is handling situations quickly and typing fast to keep a role-play fresh and interested. I got alot of exerpience role-playing with either 3 or 10 people. I can manage, do my part and get the job done. I am really looking foward to playing as medic in a dedicated team and bringing quality role-play.

4.Why should we accept you to our team? I am a active, dedicated role-playing who knows the ins and outs of role-playing. I understand our role and what I have to do. I am looking foward to the role-plays and playing along side the hierarchy of the team. I hope you will have me and I will do my best to improve and bring a quality medic to the team.


Patrol: It was a quiet day, unfortunately there were no SAM members online. I saw someone calling a SAM member in main chat to ask for help at an event. I stepped in and helped! Further more I responded to two store robberies happening with a lot of crims. The radio lines were busy with police forces trying to get ahold of them so I figured out I stepped in and help. Later I went to some individuals and gone to an event as said before and in the end I parked and stayed at Las Venturas cross because it was busy with people. Prevention is always better!
Participants: Medic.Faker
Patrol duration: 2 hours.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ecPhog5


Patrol: I saw SAM worker Tefa was online so I contacted him to an role-play. He was down and we went in a party. Later Scropyo joined as he had a shift too. There were 2 other medics flying around in a plane to make fast reponse. I was responding to radio calls. Unfortunately Tefa had internet problems so the role-play couldn't be made. I went on and responded to radio calls, went to lv X and several store robs to help the people in need.
Participants: Medic.Faker - 2 others medics flying around and party with SAM|Tefa and Scropyo
Patrol duration: 1 hour
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YFGvrpP


Patrol: Today I worked a 2 hour shift for mainly radio calls made by the police and went to several storerobs. In the end I went to an event and healed people up as they needed it. For the rest is was a quiet day.
Participants: Medic.Faker
Patrol duration: 2 hours
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tMHDlc3


Patrol: First I started alone so I met up with a SAM member and had a conversation with him, we drove to a guy who died but we were just in time to give him medical aid. After that we patrolled around, gone to busy spots. We didn;t had much radio contact, we were mainly patrolling around the busy spots.
Participants: Medic.Faker and [SAM*]Dopeen
Patrol duration: 1.5 hours
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LamEfCE


Patrol: I started working more with radio calls, SWAT drove by at LV Cross but I called him over the radio and he came and healed up. There were several other occasions were the same thing happens. There were store robberies were I healed the citizens who got wounded. After that I went to cross and started being ative on the radio to give aid who are in need of it. Also went to a G6 event and healed people up there, there was a big price so many people came! it was a parkour.
Participants: Medic.Faker
Patrol duration: 2 Hours
Screenshots: Forgot for the most part to make screenshots oops :( https://imgur.com/a/2xRF4Ek https://imgur.com/a/7BQbPEC


Patrol: Started the day in the medical building in Las Venturas. Went to the PC and started searching documents, after that, I printed them out and gone outside to the car, checked what stuff I had and went to the places that needed medical assistance. The first place I went to were 3 criminal who needed medical healing after a big store robbery happened. I proceeded to heal the people who got shot/fallen off the building. Then I drove to cross and made radio calls to people that if they needed medical assistance they could meet up at the cross. After that my shift was over and I checked out.
Participants: Medic.Faker
Patrol duration: 1.3 Hours
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uBXkggi


Patrol: I started at Los Santos hospital when I got a radio call that I was invited to the San Andreas Medics base in San Fierro. I arrived and Tefa was there to lead me around. We started downstairs with a conversation, after that, we went to check the garage and its cars. Then we took the stairs to go to the place where the family can sit while they wait for the patient. Then we went to the cafeteria we also took looked around the kitchen. After we went to the gym where we looked around, he also told me they had a coach who leads the programme for the medics who take the ambulance. Then we went to the place where patients are taken care off. They got several computers, beds, and an x-ray machine. Later we took the path to a drinking station and drank some water. After that, we were done with the tour and I went home.
Participants: [SAM]Tefa, Medic.Faker, Medic.Aboody
Patrol duration: 1.4 Hours
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fch4PQ7


Patrol: I started my shift in the afternoon and started solo patrolling not really paying attention to the hotspots, after 30 minutes I saw that DJO also had a shift so we started patrolling together. We went to 5 store robs and helped a lot of people. We also went to cross where we met a lot of people who were in need of heals. After the store robs we went to cross and after we healed everyone there DJO said the shift was over and that I was dismissed.
Participants: Medic.Faker and [SAM]DJO
Patrol duration: 1.5 hour
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/obPnOMd


Patrol: I started the day with a morning patrol until I met up with fellow medic and SAM member DJO. We patrolled and checked the hotspots, as it was early in the morning it was very quiet. Went to 2 store robs aswell.
Participants: [SAM]DJO and Medic.Faker
Patrol duration: 45 minutes
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GEj9cTV

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