Razak Posted April 11, 2021 Author Posted April 11, 2021 ^[~[DIA Longevity does not breed success. Success breeds Longevity]~(#54EAFE)]^[]A significant increase in the crime rate was observed, as it witnessed a percentage 80% and this is an imaginary number as it is sponsored United Nations Police,Solve these problems and control them relatively.And with multiple and unfinished crimes decided to arise Defence intelligence Agency To reduce the crime rate in San Andreas .It has been brought up Defence intelligence Agency by the policeman Razak ,Which is one of the best policemen in San Andreas,They are newly formed and originated in this year 2021.The mission of Defence intelligence Agency is to enhance international peace and security by supporting Member-States in conflict, post-conflict and other crisis situations. Its goal is to realize effective, efficient, representative, responsive and accountable police services that serve and protect the population. To that end, United Nations Police build and support or, where mandated, act as a substitute or partial substitute for host-State police capacity to prevent and detect crime, protect life and property and maintain public order and safety, in adherence to the rule of law and international human rights law.1- Protect all property, enforce the law, and ensure the missions are successful.2- Eliminate crime and arrest people who are guilty and break the law.3- They have great experience in discovering the type of crime and combating it, and have sincerity and keenness to recover the rights of others.4- The DIA serves simultaneously as the National Director for High-Tech Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) and as the Department of Defense's director of anti-spyware programs.Squad Name : Defence intelligence AgencySquad Panel name : Defence_intelligence_AgencySquad Motto : Longevity does not breed success. Success breeds LongevitySquad Color : #54EAFESquad Founders : Razak and JukyPlatiniumSquad Founding Date : 11/04/2021Squad Balance : ~[10.000.000 $]~(green)Squad Level : -2-Squad Tag : DIA|NickRecruitment status : ~[OPEN]~(lime) (Application On Discord)Squad Media Archive : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26404/defence-intellingence-agency-media-archiveSquad Discord : https://discord.gg/fhkUNzQD3C^[Defence Intelligence Agency Current HeadQuarters]1. Read The F1 Server Rules.2 . Do not arrest other police officers3 . Do no camp at hospital4 . Do not do Deathmatch Revenge Deathmatch Park Kill Spawn Kill Marker Kill Marker Arrest5 . You can use prison warden spawn to respond JB6. Don't chase someone without binds7. Always speak English on main/team/squad chatLevel 7Leader ( L )The Commander of the Squad, he is the founder or the leader of the Squad. The most authorized person in the Squad.DIA|Razak|LLevel 6Vice Leader ( vL )Same role with the Leader, he is the right hand of the Leader, he must help stuff for his Leader.Also he teachs some basic tactics to the Recruits or like that low ranks.DIA|Remp|vLLevel5SubLeaderDIA|AndreasLevel 4HeadQuarter ( HQ )HQ has to support to the Leader and Vice Leader, he is leading the Squad, You should not rulebreak if HQ is online or he will smash you!DIA|FriziDIA|FodnyDIA|SohaybLevel 3Major ( MAJ )That is a hard rank to reach here, if you came here then you're successfull player and officer. You're skilled and professional cop around. You must teach somethings to the Recruits and Privates.DIA|TadasDIA|LazarDIA|SamLevel 2Sergeant ( SGT )The Sergeant rank for skilled and experienced members in here. You must keep hard working.DIA|FantasticDIA|YatoroDIA|TheGostLevel 1Private ( PVT )Welcome to PVT rank, you're Private for now, you must keep hard working like when you're Recruit. You can teach somethings to the Recruits. You should not rulebreaks because you're level 1 and you must not show us bad.DIA|FlimboDIA|BravoDIA|DominicDIA|YooZyDIA|NehdiDIA|ZarcDIA|Fra1nDIA|FlappyDIA|ExoticoDIA|SidouDIA|qqeDIA|LisnerLevel 0Recruit ( R )DIA|SahibDIA|SayliskiDIA|NejiDIA|MiracDIA|moqinoXDIA|K1voltDIA|OussemaDIA|AyoubDIA|AymanHawkDIA|PosteDIA|IsmakenDIA|GhostregionDIA|NejiDIA|OrphanDIA|DinoDIA|costaDIA|Trinkaw**Application format:** ***Part I*** (About Me)**Real name :****Username :****In game name :****Age :****Nationality :****In 2 lines tell us about yourself:*****PART II*** (About Game)**How long have you been playing on MTA?****How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?****Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why?****Please list your previous squad/gang history:****Give reason of Leaving or getting kicked from S/G:****How many hours do you have in-game?****RP Skills 0/10:****Driving Skills 0/10 :****English Skills 0/10:****PART III** (About rules)**Did you read F1 rules and squad rules?****Explain Roleplay(RP)What does it mean:****Explain Deathmatch(DM) What does it mean:****Explain Marker Arrest What does it mean:****Imagine that you are driving and you see a criminal with 0 wanted started shooting your car,What would you do?****Imagine that you are driving with a police car,And then you find a wanted cavillian,What could you do?****Does you can arrest criminals under five stars?**~[ACCEPTED:]~(lime,lime,lime) You have been accepted by the squad , Now, you have to find a HQ in-game in order to receive your in-game tests. Good luck!~[PENDING :]~(orange,orange) You are placed on pending, either to take the tests or to provide additional information.~[DENIED :]~(red,red,red) That means your application don't fit the necessary requirements or not skilled enough to join our squad.
Remp Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 @sweets said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Good Luck <3@lahuma said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:good luck@ares said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:good luck@element said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Good luck bois!@guard said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Good luck!@antirug said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Best of luck, people!!@skes said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:good luckThanks guys <3 <3
Remp Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 @medo12 said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Good luck boys@aveyro said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Good Luck !@franklin said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Goodluck brothers! :heart_suit:thanks boys <3 <3
Remp Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 @hammer-1 said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Good luckThanks
nCov Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 @polat :money-mouth_face: :money-mouth_face: :money-mouth_face: :money-mouth_face:
Axel Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 Application format:Part I]Real name :AxelCarlUsername : axelcancerIn game name :AxelAge :9Nationality :PhilipinesHow long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?1 yearHave you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why?Adminjail im Deatmatch dm i kill other players with no reasonsPlease list your previous squad/gang history:--How many hours do you have in-game?380HoursRP Skills 0/10:8/10Driving Skills 0/10 :7/10English Skills 0/10:8/10PART IIIExplain Roleplay(RP)What does it mean:roleplay like acting in real lifeExplain Deathmatch(DM) What does it mean:DM Deathmatch killing other players with no reasonsExplain Marker Arrest What does it mean: Marker Arrest is Arresting criminals in the marker of doors.
Remp Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 @james said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:Good luck@zeel said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic:good luckThanks boys
Remp Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 Dear @axel You have 24 hours to fix your application,Or you will be denied.thanks
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