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GM Questionnaire: Why are you not a cop?


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It's widely known that the police team has seen a decrease in numbers over the years, and in an effort to potentially better understand the causes behind the issue in order to choose adequate solutions, we ask you the following question:

Why are you not a cop? Or rather, why are you a criminal instead?

There are many people and many reasons, what is yours? We're not asking what you think should be done about this problem, or what you think why other people don't play as cops, why do YOU personally choose to be a criminal instead? Perhaps it is something unique and positive about the criminal side or something negative about the police one. Maybe it about the players, a combination of many things or something entirely different. Even if it's not something that you think we can affect or was already said by someone else, your comment may provide us with valuable information.

Whichever your personal reason may be, please let us know in a comment below.

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Hi,I am playing as a criminal from the time I started on this server back in 2011. I tried switching to cop side over the years, but I am going to be honest it bores me and I am talking about myself I found it extremely boring trying to chase someone with a nightstick and dive in an sr to rambo arrest 10 crims and die 50 more times. I do like rp'ing as both sides to be honest which is a plus but thats almost dead nowadays. I do find cool people and retards in both sides as far as I can tell by the mainchat. So to conclude this I just find it a bit boring(for me at least, I am not judging anyone ) and I always did it is not something that happened recently.

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I actually started my SAES Career as a cop, and frankly it can be a lot more fun than playing as a criminal, but only and only if you work together with other people. I used to roleplay quite a lot, because it was very popular among the community back then and it was tons of fun, not so sure if it is the same way now.

Going back to the cop's gameplay - a lone cop can't do much himself, such as police pursuits which is a vital part of their gameplay. And I barely see cops patrolling together, only SWAT here and there. So basically my point is, in order to have fun as a cop you have to work together with other people, because otherwise it gets incredibly boring.

I personally don't play as a cop, because I have commitments in TT and I am also a part of CLO. I do sometimes spawn as a cop and play with my friends, and it actually is very fun, but I don't feel like I would enjoy doing it on the long run because arresting can get very stale as it is not that hard to do at all. On top of that, criminals have much more stuff to do such as bank robberies (and I honestly think that attending a bank robbery as a criminal is much more enjoyable than attending it as a cop), turf wars, store robberies (Just like bank robberies, it's a pain in the ass to attend a store robbery as a cop, especially if you are all by yourself because you get ganged up by 20 criminals), gang robberies and so on.

Now to my final point, criminals are proactive, while cops are not. Crims are the ones to start/trigger most of the activites, some of which are bank robberies or jailbreaks. It's kind of similar to DE and CLO's situation, where DE is reliant on CLO to do activites, hence why they are sort of inactive most of the time.

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Lemme share my story.
As everyone of you know, we had Balkan Spies Squad back then, I was Deputy Director of Secret Service (VL of squad), SWAT almost level 3, NNB etc.
I was part of DE too, almost Leader of Assault Unit, HLS

Why did I go to Crim side after all these great squads?

After DE HQ team changed and they did some new rules, I decided to leave it and go to Crim side because CLO was and ist my favorite group which I want badly to join it, why? Because they may have rules but they are somehow free without any permissions and etc.

Edit: Plus Patroling alone makes no sense at all.

DE back then was; if you want to drive around with Rhino, no problem, dont DM but you can drive it nowadays you need permission from HQ to spawn as DE.

HLS was great too, they did the rule no crims in HLS which made it worse so had to leave it and try the another side.

Means crims have better groups to choose than cops.
Its really hard to join those groups but they are better.

Cop side was different/harder when I was cop it was easier and you earn more money as crim.

Cops nowadays

  • Tazer, you can taze him 15m away

  • BRs/JBs kill/arrest

  • faster cars

Its easier now but we created M which means Im staying as crim till our gang die.

Writing it fast from work, english bad like always but I hope you get my point.

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I have been a criminal for the most of the time and I intend to stay as a criminal because of the network of friends I play with. I played in SAPA when it still was a group and back then the cop side was pretty good, yet it still lacked many qualities.

Its not about the gameplay and activities but the police community which is mostly bigoted, not interested in recruiting new players by teaching them how to play, lacking teamwork between the squads and generally being assholes towards the who community in cases when they just play to bait for reports, spamming RP binds so you can stop (and arresting immediately after the person stopped), writing to the person to surrender and not giving him the time to do so, immediately shooting at the criminals as it always is some kind of a raid and so on(rather than warning before shooting as it was before).

Why would I join the side that has been fucking me over, trolling me and getting me into trouble for stupid reasons?

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I had been in the copside for 3 months. I joined it because I loved it that every jailbreak gave you 2 mil in an hour.

When entering I noticed that one of the big reasons why the copside is bad is because the cops don't know how to play as cops. Always there was someone complaining about arrest steal or whatever or complaining that stopping a JB was impossible so unfair.

I always had the thoughts of letting JBs or bankrobs go on so I had an activity to do as a cop. I remember even not arresting guys so they can open the cells and I can continue having fun.

Here is the last and biggest thing that annoyed me. I always had to wait for Criminals to do something in order to play the game f.e start an SR or JB. I wanted to start something as a cop and defend it not being dependant on the other

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First of all, it is a great idea to create such a topic in order to understand the reason of unbalance in numbers. Congratulations.

I will say the same thing what I have always said for this unbalance: To play as a criminal, you don't need cops. But to play as a cop, you need criminals. What do I mean? Let me explain.

  • You are a criminal and you go to the storerob. To do that you naturally don't have to care about cops. But as a cop, in order to have fun in a storerob you need criminals present in SR so that you can attack them and arrest them.

  • A criminal can start a bankrob (with certain number of required cops ingame and non-AFK but that is not my concern in this post at the moment.) with their friends. But a cop needs criminals to start a bankrob in order to participate in a bank robbery. This is the second case in which a cop needs the existence of criminals.

  • Turf war. Here gangs again can have fun without needing cops. In this scenario, the only thing required for a turf war is an enemy gang and a bunch of weapons. However, a cop still needs a turf war which must be started by criminals so that a cop can participate.

  • Jail break. The same scenario. To have fun in jail as a cop a criminal should start a JB (independently of course) just so you can go and fight.

So, for a cop to enjoy the gameplay completely, existence of criminals in game is crucial. What I suggest is to add new features which cops can enjoy on their own without needing criminals. For example, "money transporting job" was a great thing to enrich cop gameplay and it made me excited. I hope more will come so that a cop can find things to do when criminals are absent. There should be scripts in which cops can start without needing criminals and criminals can join afterwards if they wish to.

Another reason (in my opinion) is that Police Squads overwhelm their members with rules like "don't arrest 1 star" or "you must roleplay before arresting in certain situations" or such. Well, what if I want to be a bad cop? What if I want to warn criminals with 15 shots in the game like cops do in U. S. A. ? The thing I enjoy most is arresting people with low wanted levels (maybe I am a little bit toxic, I accept). Why should a squad take that away from a member? A wanted level is a wanted level and should be treated like that.

Lastly, since the majority is in the criminal side, people who are new to the game tend to play with their friends. And the chance of those friends being in a gang is approximately %80 considering the population of two sides.

I will edit this post in future if I remember any other reason why playing as a criminal is more attractive. By the way please do not add something like "There should be minimum 10 cops to start a turf war" just because of the things I wrote above. ~[We don't necessarily need to take things away from criminal gameplay in order to enrich cop gameplay]~(red) please do not forget that.

Thanks for reading.

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I've been a cop before and I'd love to point out why I am not playing as a cop.

  • The cop community. Every squad is acting big and edgy, trying its best to look good, meanwhile (as I said in Adi's post) all squads are equally bad. Not to even mention the autistic binds to "flex" when some people are about to arrest, the tries to yet again "flex" in the mainchat after an arrest, the focusing in turf and I am not talking about whole gangs (which also happens, but yeah), I am talking about individuals that are getting focused just because they said something. There aren't a lot of squads and they all have barely active members, won't even comment the skill, yet somehow, they all try to act big with shit like "hAhA, mY sQuAd iS thE bEsT". Thats pure autism. The squads are not teaming up in order to do something, thus all they do is walk around and spam their nightsticks. Yeah, none would have fun doing this alone.

  • The cop groups. I find it pretty surprising that there are more cop groups than criminal groups, yet the criminal ones (even though they are just 2) are somehow more active. From my point of view, the groups are there to bring more activity within not only the side they support, but the whole server. Currently, neither of the cop groups does that, there might be a few exceptions, but I am gonna take HLS as an example. The members of this group spawn only to stop BRs and simply that isn't right. If you want to catch the interest of the people, you have to do a lot more things, than spawn for 5-6 minutes till the BR ends.
    Overall, the criminal groups, especially the ones that are dead (uuuuh sap) were about doing something (mainly DM, because it attracts more people) and not spawning for 5 minutes just to take screenshot and show comedy moment in mainchat by writting "WOW GOOD ACTIVITY" and respawn 5 seconds after that. If the cop side wants to be active, the groups must be active, they must work for the sake of the cops as a whole and not to "hAhA, gOnnA spAwN aS HlS sO I ArrEsT cApPO wIth ArMoUr, hAhA!!!!!!!!!" Gonna remind that the last proper cop raids I saw were 3 years ago.

  • The requirements. As I said in Adi's topic, temporary reduction of the requirements should be fine. Something like a spawn in lvl 1 or something like that might work, as long as it's temporary. I mean, I don't see it happening grinding for months to get a spawn in an almost completely dead cop side, as the most of the current cops (that are not a lot anyways) are edgy assholes anyways.

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Well, where to begin. I became criminal back in 2011 only due to the people that introduced me to the server, since that Ive never left gang I originally joined. During these years I observed that criminal life simply is funnier in terms of gameplay, but also of people u meet. Bonds Ive created with many guys over the years is something Ill always cherish. Been here during incredible gang vs gang wars across whole city, been here during times when I was actually afraid to drive alone when there were multiple SWATS online, frankly because I just knew, they would hunt me down without a single problem.
What I simply love in criminal side is the will to cooperate even if certain gangs dont like eachother or even certain members of organization. No matter what, in the end we work together and well, its something I dont see when it comes to cop side. I simply would be way too bored if I had to catch criminals all by myself, or try to stop br/sr solo. I keep saying the same thing since 2017, cops dont work with eachother its just my personal opinion, which might be wrong. This is just a theory, but if squads actualy started to work with eachother, patrol together, attend srs/brs together, there would be a serious decrease in br success rate.
Another thing is that, goddamn some of they are so lazy. I fucked up once and instead of texting in cc, I texted on global chat about TT BR in LV, to my surprise none of the cops went there, not even to check if it was a joke or not. So I decided to ask some guy who was just chilling at LVX, Hey why didnt u attend br? It almost failed, he answered something like whats the point, its boring and pointless.
Final factor is that, chances i become high wanted international criminal are pretty low, so I just prefered to be someone I can't be in real life. Sounds stupid, but its just the way i always felt about games.

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I am going to leave my thoughts on here too. For me personally it has nothing to do with the gameplay of it, as I personally think I'm better at the cop job than criminal one and I personally prefer the law aspect more than the criminal one. Years ago I tried joining SWAT but my application was not answered and that turned me around back into the criminal side, from where things led to another and I had built a "reputation" to say the least, and some positions which I do not want to leave.

I was part of a squad (MI-6) for a brief period of time in 2015 and I did not like how it felt to be 100% tied to the job, and how most of the criminals saw me as an iminent threat when I was just minding my business, like driving around or just sitting at LVX. When you are a criminal you have a feeling that you can relax.

I would love to be part of a Squad-like system, I even spoke with @Daryl that I would like to open a squad-like private military company, but the discussion ended with no results.

What I'm going to say next, I think a lot of people will be on the same point with me. It's not that we would not like to be in a squad, or a similar cop like structure with gameplay orientation. It's just that most of us have something on this side already that we can't afford to leave, either a group, HQ position or even a gang.

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Sorry if this isn't the answer you're looking for, but it's quite simple;

I chose to be a criminal when I started playing. I'm HQ in TT where I have a certain obligation to make sure, that the retards in our gang don't run it to the ground. For me it's less of a gameplay-thing, and more of a loyalty issue. I'd stay on the copside if TT decided to become a squad tomorrow

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Because tazer doesn't work as it should.
Sometimes it doesn't have any effect on crim, you need to shoot him twice or more, sometimes it works with only 1 shoot. The same happens with the nightstick, you rush to arrest crims at sr, you hit all crims around,but somehow you only arrested some of them.

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I will just throw in my 10 cents from what I encountered of playing as a cop over the last years:

It's just not fun to play as a cop for a longer period of time.

Let me break it down:

  • It's stupidly easy to arrest people. Yes, it is. Ofcourse, if you solo it, don't expect to be able to take down a group of 3-4 people. But 1-1 is easy to pull off and 1-2 can be a mild challenge depending on you approach it.

  • There is no teamwork involved. I loved it when we could get a group of AA together and start playing with 4 AAPD's in a car. Its fun and changes up your gamestyle. But there is also where the cop life shines in my opinion. Teamwork. Its not fun to drive around solo in the streets and not being able to find people. BRINGING BACK BLIPS could help a lot as for people to find activity. Criminals can go find groups of cops to provoke into roleplay (E.g. chases, pullovers, etc) and cops can find people to interact with.

  • There are no activities to do outside patrolling and arresting. As @ILLUSION mentioned cops need criminals to thrive. Patrolling can be boring as fuck if you can't find people to interact with.

What needs to change:

  • SAES has to decide whether they wanna go the Cops N Robbers way or the roleplay way with CnR mixed into it.

  • People should have to worry less about how something they may do could cause an admin to admin jail them for it.

  • Take inspiration from different servers. Just look at NoPixel for example on how they handle a whole different meta game with their inventory system. Imagine the possibilities that such system opens up for cops in activities.

  • Get rid of PC. Its stupid, always was, always will be. Half of the 'features' of police are hidden behind. Open it up for all players and you might see a change, maybe even a group forming out of it.

  • Rework spawning/arresting/death system. Its stupid that you can respawn 10m away within 5seconds after you died. For both cops and criminals.

  • and most Important TEST -> ASK FOR FEEDBACK -> CHANGE ACCORDINGLY. Don't expect your golden idea or change to be what people want. Be transparent about the reasoning and the expectations you have with the ideas you implement. Some changes are good for the server even if the majority sees it differently but it is important to say why you are doing them. And if it doesn't work out. Roll it back and start over.

So. Whatever comes up, we need different type of scripts and ofcourse you gonna say "Yea that requires scripters" - but people have ideas and are willing to help just the attitude they get for trying are scaring them off.

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Seeing this topic I remember the times when I was looking for my place while playing SAES, thinking about my past and I was like a teenager trying to fit his character. And I also want to tell a word or two. Firstly, 10 years ago when I first started playing, quite like any other new player back then when money was worth shit, I needed to make some to buy a car or two, hence I started as a cop in those dark days when taser wasn't a thing. I remember I actually had fun playing as a cop back then but when I wanted to try out the crim-side I realized it fits me more, independently on the money it makes you. The key reason behind was and still is the friendships I've made through the years. Considering the very last time I had been a part of a squad was more than 8 years ago, the people I've met, the gangs and groups I've been a part of and led at times binds me to the crim-side. This is why I don't see myself trying the cop-side ever again.

But as an outsider looking in, the reason why cop-side players are either bored or hop on to crim-side looks like a lack of communication. Especially in these times when criminals heavily outnumber cops, it is nearly impossible to patrol alone without getting killed in a second or two. And it sounds like a cop-side problem if 3 cops try to stop a Store Robbery with only 5 random criminals in it while there is a Bank Robbery going on with only a couple of cops responding it.

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I was just about to leave the criminal side , I'm on the crim side since a long time ago and I don't see anything useful or special on it so i want to move to cop side , more skills and everything useful there , radio usage/RP and everything related to cop side

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Very simple, my communications. At this state, although I'd very much want to arrest @Teddy while he's struggling to crack 0 to 10, I don't see myself raiding a ThC BR as a cop, because it just doesn't feel right.
Cop-side by its nature is to be hated by criminals, this is why it is hard to switch to cop-side for a player who has been on the criminal side for years and built a lot of friendships and perhaps is respected amongst crim-side. While on the other hand, it is easy to switch sides for cop-side players because they don't have much to sacrifice besides a couple of groups which seemingly are not that hard to obtain.

I mean, I am a part of the leading team of a newly established level 3 gang and a respected criminal group, meanwhile a member of another respected group. Rather than questioning myself why am I not a cop-side player, I'd more of question why is cop-side not attractive for new players and what is lacking on the other side of things. I've made all my friendships on the red side through years, and whichever cop-side player is still reading this, if you let new players do the same, at the end of the day you will end up having even more unbalanced numbers.

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there is nothing that attracts a criminal(s) attention in cop side even if a new player join cop side he can't improve him self in combat and enjoy the gameplay.
as we see 95% from cops aren't skilled enough with other weapons because they use taser/nightstick most of the time.
Also they aren't even using teamwork as they should, instead they fight each other for stealing arrests.
but ! in crims side there is too many activities such as turfing against others gangs or assist each other in bankrobs etc.. simply you can't make a better reputation with the current players in copside.

if there is smth that cops need it is only new scripts like money transporter ... etc & new activity like we suggest ago to make cops able to turf .. there is too many suggestions.

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I have been a cop before, I really enjoyed it and honestly I still do.

I think it would be good for cops to have more ways of earning their money. Obviously our main focus should be putting wanted criminals locked up, but at some point I actually want to chill for a bit and still earn money. Money transporter is a good example and a very good start of making the cop side more attractive, but what saddens me most is that such job had to include a criminal part. You can get jacked, thus you need to be fully armed, thus still cant really chill.
I'm not sure what type of additional job for police would fit, but I'm pretty sure with the current active clan members, contributors and with this community there sure as hell can be at least 1 good idea.
I also think neutralizing turf wars and bankrobs would be a good addition. (Bankrob could look same as current PBR, if cop enters cracking marker after door1, the criminals cannot continue BR anymore).
Maybe also changing the way storerobs work. If eg a cop enters the SR marker, the % will not go higher no matter how many criminals are on top. Right now 1 cop doesn't affect the 30 criminals on the roof. This will force the criminals to leave the roof and attempt to kill the cop, with all possible risks.

Just a little input which I believe would be cool, and would most definately increase my chance of switching side.

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Only reason I quit copside was pretty much since they removed the taser instant arrest from the old days..

I enjoyed that alot. chasing goons down without having to nightstick.

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Probably best I answer why I have 5000 hours, of which 3000+ were spent in B~B and ThC since 2018 and <2000 were over 8 years in SWAT and it's mostly the first point:

  1. The challenge difference between the two sides. Scripters and rule-makers have made being a cop insanely easy to the point that it is simply not fun beyond an hour or two. It is impossible to lose a 1v1 scenario as a cop unless you make a mistake or you suck.

The lack of a proper challenge outside of major server events like Turfs, BRs, JBs, maybe SRs and VIP drops where you meet several criminals grouped in the same location makes cop life boring because you can either AFK and wait for them to happen or you can chase people around knowing that when you manage to stop them, you will win no matter what.
(Unless you are @Sou then you manage to lose 8 v 2 streamable.com /uxo31v

  1. Squad politics when it comes to groups

The level of squad politics when it comes to getting groups as a cop is in a different fucking dimension compared to gangs. Crims may complain that e.g. CLO is AABBTT-sided, it does not even come close to the favouritism and politics on the police side. On the one hand - in order to become a DE member while in FOX and FBI or HLS in SWAT the only thing you need is a pulse and good relations with your HQs.

On the other hand, in order to become a DE/HLS member in MIT or SAFP (sometimes FBI) or countless of other closed squads, you literally have HQs of other squads PMing you "join us and we offer you DE." Borderline impossible to join from SAFP/MIT anyway. I am part of the 3 people who experienced both DE and CLO and I think @Fnabbe can say the same thing. It's not just the recruitment process but the ease of getting ranks.

Everyone who joined CLO when I did and the batch before that 6 months earlier is still a Soldado (that's January & Summer 2019 btw) meanwhile there are people who joined DE in 2020 and are already leading units or borderline HQ. When it's that easy you just give up as there's nothing to achieve.

  1. Cops/squad side complaining and report baiting/hunting

Probably the more controversial of the points but it's true and nauseating. The culture in squad side of complaining about everything like how hard it is or there's too many crims is extremely annoying to any casual player.

This includes report hunting / report baiting. The criminal side is far more forgiving when it comes to small rulebreaks and there's a different culture. Meanwhile playing as a criminal feels like you have to pray to allah and have shadowplay on 24/7 whenever you come close to cops, especially at banks.
Which isn't wrong, because from an admin POV, cops far fucking outnumber criminals in reporting people. There's 26 reports ingame right now, 11 are from cops. Cops do not make up nearly half the server. There's a general attitude of; if you can't beat them, report them.

Playing among such people is off-putting and many people who might've switched to cop side simply don't want the association with said people and the hate that very justifiably comes along with it.

youtube com/watch?v=2K96bl_rHoY - a prime example of a report baiting ""deathmatching"" report by a cop sent by the crim as a defense from the weekend. Why would the average crim want the hate that comes along with being associated with such people?

  1. The switching difficulty/rigidity

The server simply isn't fluid enough to make switching between crim side and cop side easy, and over time it has actually become more of a lifetime choice. There has been so many changes to the cop side over the last few years like fewer squads to choose from and the Desert Eagles ban on gangs that made it way too restrictive to bother. Because if you join the cop side and want a break or switch back, you'll undo all the progress (DE/HLS/SAI) you made.

The only counter-argument is that CLO is gang-restricted, but cop side is not in a position to make demands when it can't fill three 4-door cars at peak time, especially when opening CLO to cops would make cops even less active.

Also the disappearance of groups like SAP and the recent inactivity of OB (probably down to new jail?) has reduced crim-side groups to basically CLO only. So if you make the switch but want to play around as a criminal sometimes, your only options are drug dealer. Not that fun.

And it makes the Group Management ban on new criminal-like groups even more confusing. There's literally only one and it isn't even under GM supervision. The other is inactive and there used to be like 5 or 6. CLO & CeM & SAP & OB used to exist at the same time and it worked fine.

It's a funny irony that the most active DE HQ members (Terry and Strong) are both criminals, actually.

  1. Why the actual fuck are PC spawns locked?

I can't find the reason for this. They should be public spawns. Trainee itself should be eliminated as a spawn. Don't know about Dog since the hitbox is shitty, unless you restrict it to Turkish IPs since they're all dogs anyway.

  1. The people making the decisions are ignoring average cops

Don't really want to moan about other admins / group HQs but a major problem lies here as well. There's an illusion among people making decisions that they are helping cop side or decreasing success rates when they aren't.

An MIT squad member couldn't give a shit whether HLS are allowed to attend LV bankrobs or not. They aren't HLS and you've made it impossible for them to join anyway.

A SAFP member with 250 hours couldn't give a shit about your BR defence rules which were made to protect your house-spawn-spamming 5 seconds away from the bank because they don't have 100 mil to waste on an icon right outside.

I can't think of a single gameplay or rule change in the last year or 2 which made cop side easier for the average cop, despite so many new fucking rules and gameplay/mapping changes. Except vending machines.

The entire 10-Squad rule literally hurts the squad side a lot more than it hurts the criminal side, and the whole fact that GMs & Squad leaders don't see it the same way makes it a comedic tragedy. 2 of last 5 ThC members are taken directly from squads. Latinos who have literally nothing to do after 21:00 when bankrobs stop until 15:00 the next day.

That's not to say that you should invite every squad member to HLS or give every cop a spawn outside the bank whenever a BR is going on (then again, this is SAES, so I fully expect this to be taken onboard as a legitimate idea,) but simply think whether whatever you are doing is helping cops, or you and your friends. This goes to every squad HQ, DE/HLS/SAI HQ, GMs and developers.

TLDR Version/Fix options

Cop side is too easy & too boring alone, cop side reputation is too toxic, server is way too rigid making moving between cop and crim too difficult.

A - Reverse every gameplay and rule change in the last year or two to return to sanity because cops were more active back then anyway. Don't know about mappings, personally I feel jailbreaks have completely died since the new jail, might explain why it's 150 peak instead of 200 players now, not much to do.

B - Let crims open cop groups with the option of having a spawn and actively encourage them. Actual groups that behave like squads, just in a group format. Like SAPA in the past. It fixes up short term activity problems and long term people might move around more often because the server is more fluid and easier to switch sides.

C - Completely forget the whole idea of a squad and go down the APB:R style route. Kill-arrest across the whole map, reduce jail time to like 1 second per star and let cops turf. Basically turn cop side into a premium crim spawn. Then maybe people who like combat will join as well, instead of only people who like to rambo swing a stick.


People should have to worry less about how something they may do could cause an admin to admin jail them for it.

Jesus, this. Also might explain why money transporter is completely dead less than a month later considering it turned into an adminjail simulator on day one.

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Most of the time I played for the police, but in the end I gave up and decided to stay in the crim side, since most of the cop side players are, sorry, unbearable. With the changes in recent years, you don't feel any progress, because your abilities are overpowered, PC is totally useless thing(detective and dog spawns killed by rules), RP??? and all you get is tons of shit and humiliation from the "majority". Creating your own squad can be compared to mazahism, since SWAT has established a monopoly on the cop side.

Another point: getting into the adminjail for a cop is much easier, especially if you are not in a squad, and expecting a punishment for a rulebreaker from a criminal side is equal to the expectation of a miracle, knowing that most of the admins and staff are in the crim side and they will turn a blind eye to violations of their ward.

In the end: playing as a cop is very simple in terms of gameplay, but humiliating in relation to yourself, which is very, very sad.

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@teddy said in GM Questionnaire: Why are you not a cop?:

Probably best I answer why I have 5000 hours, of which 3000+ were spent in B~B and ThC since 2018 and <2000 were over 8 years in SWAT and it's mostly the first point:

  1. The challenge difference between the two sides. Scripters and rule-makers have made being a cop insanely easy to the point that it is simply not fun beyond an hour or two. It is impossible to lose a 1v1 scenario as a cop unless you make a mistake or you suck.

The lack of a proper challenge outside of major server events like Turfs, BRs, JBs, maybe SRs and VIP drops where you meet several criminals grouped in the same location makes cop life boring because you can either AFK and wait for them to happen or you can chase people around knowing that when you manage to stop them, you will win no matter what.
(Unless you are @Sou then you manage to lose 8 v 2 streamable.com /uxo31v

  1. Squad politics when it comes to groups

The level of squad politics when it comes to getting groups as a cop is in a different fucking dimension compared to gangs. Crims may complain that e.g. CLO is AABBTT-sided, it does not even come close to the favouritism and politics on the police side. On the one hand - in order to become a DE member while in FOX and FBI or HLS in SWAT the only thing you need is a pulse and good relations with your HQs.

On the other hand, in order to become a DE/HLS member in MIT or SAFP (sometimes FBI) or countless of other closed squads, you literally have HQs of other squads PMing you "join us and we offer you DE." Borderline impossible to join from SAFP/MIT anyway. I am part of the 3 people who experienced both DE and CLO and I think @Fnabbe can say the same thing. It's not just the recruitment process but the ease of getting ranks.

Everyone who joined CLO when I did and the batch before that 6 months earlier is still a Soldado (that's January & Summer 2019 btw) meanwhile there are people who joined DE in 2020 and are already leading units or borderline HQ. When it's that easy you just give up as there's nothing to achieve.

  1. Cops/squad side complaining and report baiting/hunting

Probably the more controversial of the points but it's true and nauseating. The culture in squad side of complaining about everything like how hard it is or there's too many crims is extremely annoying to any casual player.

This includes report hunting / report baiting. The criminal side is far more forgiving when it comes to small rulebreaks and there's a different culture. Meanwhile playing as a criminal feels like you have to pray to allah and have shadowplay on 24/7 whenever you come close to cops, especially at banks.
Which isn't wrong, because from an admin POV, cops far fucking outnumber criminals in reporting people. There's 26 reports ingame right now, 11 are from cops. Cops do not make up nearly half the server. There's a general attitude of; if you can't beat them, report them.

Playing among such people is off-putting and many people who might've switched to cop side simply don't want the association with said people and the hate that very justifiably comes along with it.

youtube com/watch?v=2K96bl_rHoY - a prime example of a report baiting ""deathmatching"" report by a cop sent by the crim as a defense from the weekend. Why would the average crim want the hate that comes along with being associated with such people?

  1. The switching difficulty/rigidity

The server simply isn't fluid enough to make switching between crim side and cop side easy, and over time it has actually become more of a lifetime choice. There has been so many changes to the cop side over the last few years like fewer squads to choose from and the Desert Eagles ban on gangs that made it way too restrictive to bother. Because if you join the cop side and want a break or switch back, you'll undo all the progress (DE/HLS/SAI) you made.

The only counter-argument is that CLO is gang-restricted, but cop side is not in a position to make demands when it can't fill three 4-door cars at peak time, especially when opening CLO to cops would make cops even less active.

Also the disappearance of groups like SAP and the recent inactivity of OB (probably down to new jail?) has reduced crim-side groups to basically CLO only. So if you make the switch but want to play around as a criminal sometimes, your only options are drug dealer. Not that fun.

And it makes the Group Management ban on new criminal-like groups even more confusing. There's literally only one and it isn't even under GM supervision. The other is inactive and there used to be like 5 or 6. CLO & CeM & SAP & OB used to exist at the same time and it worked fine.

It's a funny irony that the most active DE HQ members (Terry and Strong) are both criminals, actually.

  1. Why the actual fuck are PC spawns locked?

I can't find the reason for this. They should be public spawns. Trainee itself should be eliminated as a spawn. Don't know about Dog since the hitbox is shitty, unless you restrict it to Turkish IPs since they're all dogs anyway.

  1. The people making the decisions are ignoring average cops

Don't really want to moan about other admins / group HQs but a major problem lies here as well. There's an illusion among people making decisions that they are helping cop side or decreasing success rates when they aren't.

An MIT squad member couldn't give a shit whether HLS are allowed to attend LV bankrobs or not. They aren't HLS and you've made it impossible for them to join anyway.

A SAFP member with 250 hours couldn't give a shit about your BR defence rules which were made to protect your house-spawn-spamming 5 seconds away from the bank because they don't have 100 mil to waste on an icon right outside.

I can't think of a single gameplay or rule change in the last year or 2 which made cop side easier for the average cop, despite so many new fucking rules and gameplay/mapping changes. Except vending machines.

That's not to say that you should invite every squad member to HLS or give every cop a spawn outside the bank whenever a BR is going on (then again, this is SAES, so I fully expect this to be taken onboard as a legitimate idea,) but simply think whether whatever you are doing is helping cops, or you and your friends. This goes to every squad HQ, DE/HLS/SAI HQ, GMs and developers.

TLDR Version/Fix options

Cop side is too easy & too boring alone, cop side reputation is too toxic, server is way too rigid making moving between cop and crim too difficult.

A - Reverse every gameplay and rule change in the last year or two to return to sanity because cops were more active back then anyway. Don't know about mappings, personally I feel jailbreaks have completely died since the new jail, might explain why it's 150 peak instead of 200 players now, not much to do.

B - Let crims open cop groups with the option of having a spawn and actively encourage them. Actual groups that behave like squads, just in a group format. Like SAPA in the past. It fixes up short term activity problems and long term people might move around more often because the server is more fluid and easier to switch sides.

C - Completely forget the whole idea of a squad and go down the APB:R style route. Kill-arrest across the whole map, reduce jail time to like 1 second per star and let cops turf. Basically turn cop side into a premium crim spawn. Then maybe people who like combat will join as well, instead of only people who like to rambo swing a stick.


People should have to worry less about how something they may do could cause an admin to admin jail them for it.

Jesus, this. Also might explain why money transporter is completely dead less than a month later considering it turned into an adminjail simulator on day one.

Ive been a cop who has had everything teddy mentions here. DE HLS PC bla bla bla so on...

It is true man, the favouritism and many other factors that are currently happening within he server are one of the main reasons that are making he cop side slowly die decaying.

I would erase all that favouritism and friendships among the cop side, give everybody a chance of experimenting the taste of these groups new cops wish for. Stop playing cool and almighty towards them. Cut that chain of swat hls fbi fox DE its enough.

And as teddy said remove those new rules that have been implemented in the last 2years ; they clearly arent working.

Those features that would add a plus of joyness for the solo players in the cop side would be fun watch.

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imma keep it short as possible Cops doesnt pay any much effort to recruit ppl, as crime and gang member ppl go to SR and roll around for new ppl they teach them the game and then they recruit them rather than cop when he see a newbie he taze him and arrest him lowkey so yeah i think cops should communicate with new people and try to teach them, dont you think that people are coming to us like that but we really do recruitement day in and night out and thats why you see nobody in copside its just laziness of cop members to recruit those ppl nothing come in handy and if you pay attention most new players join crimeside before they come to copside so basicly most copside are either game vets or ppl who were a cop in other server and they joined saes to continue what they been doing

And another thing is The copside isnt a challenging as crimes, we crime put alot of effort to learn and to fight but copside is just boring all you gotta do is taze and hit with nightstick or in BR just grab ur m4 and spread the crowd thats all and i think you should involve the cops in turfs too so you can atleast give it lil push but for me i tried to play as cops and i found out that cop side is super easy for crime

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I've been serving to cop side more than 3 years until last month,i can honestly say there are no team work in cop side.Crims sure do know how to have fun between each other forming useful groups and stuff.While only one useful group cop side is holding in its hands is HLS.Basicly people dont want to be cop because they are thinking it is an easy stuff.What can i say there are no return from it,back then arresting people would require skills.

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Well i started over back in 2011 were i met some guys and made friends with. They became family and i joined the gang where my place still is today. That's one point why I'm not a cop and never will be.

But over all those years i could get a lot of informations and stuff what the cop life is about i remember the RPs from back in time which are completely gone nowadays. Idk how that happened but the RPs may would give an opportunity for some people to get into the cop life as they enjoy that.

With all the changes made the past years cop life became pretty easy and does not provide fun over a great amount of time.

I don't see myself ramboing a SR with a shamal and just swing my nightstick while running around like crazy or going into a bank and kill crimes there that's not what I expect of cop life so maybe thats for myself the reason why I dont want to play as cop i would enjoy a bit more "realistic" gameplay of the copside

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  • Make SAES:RPG similar on GTA 5 RP servers (rage/fivem/altv)

  • Reset economy

  • Rescript all scripts

  • Bring RP

  • Add realistic to server

  • Add voice chats

  • Remove all donation vehicles and add something new for donators (bcz its make lags i think)

  • Add limit gangs/squads/groups on the server for example 5 gangs 5 squads no more

  • Add inventory system with trades etc (as i said like in GTA 5 RPs servers)

and maybe more i just forget xD

And a quastion to SAESHQ , when finally you open SAES on GTA 5? will be very interesting to play with such abilities like on GTA 5

EDIT: Aaah i thought this topic is "How to make SAES Great again " sorry wrong post :p

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