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Role Play Number: 205

Participants in The RP: Cooltrol

RP Scenario: While i was around LS with my towntruck i get a call from unknown number , he said he know me from his friend , his car has stopped working and heavily damaged , i didn't understand what is he meaning first but then i realized he is from a MotorcycleClub. So i went there and i've invested the situation the car was damaged by gunfire and tires were blowed. I told him to get in his car and i pulled car with the towntruck to repairbase. I told him about the job he accepted this and i started repairing. Changed the tires which is blown from left back and left front of the car. Engine was good , i checked trunk that needing to repair and car doors after everything i took like 30min. I gave the car back him. Told him what i do , and the job done well.
ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/OR0jeAQ


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Role Play Number: 206

Participants in The RP: @ZeKinG @Cappo

RP Scenario: Today, as usual, I was working in our garage. After I've done with my daily tasks, I decided to have a cigarette break, just in a couple of minutes telephone started to ringing. Someone close to our garage was asking for a immediate help. It was approximately 500 meters far. I took my keys and head towards my tow truck to assist that person. When I have arrived at the location, the driver had a little incident with another car. The other car was fine and it was able to move on so I helped my customer first. I took a look at the car, to detect what is wrong with the car. It took me a few minutes to find the problem, the main problem was about the cylinders of the engine. So I had no chance to fix it right there so I decided to pull the car into our garage. When we reached the garage my partner Cappo was willing to give hand to me in an order to fix this poor guy's car. We've placed the car carefully on the platform, to have a better look on other parts too. Had to check our toolboxes and storage for needed parts, after a couple minutes later we did find the needed parts in Cappo's tow truck. We took the parts immediately and started to work. It gave us hard time at first but somehow we managed the bring life to this car again. When we were done with the job, the customer was happy I had no doubt that guy was gonna be okay soon but I just realized one thing after I've done everything with that car. The owner of the car was a hobo, so which means I had no way to get payment from this fella well I did a bit regret for this however then when saw the guy he told me that, " That is the only wealth that I have I'm so grateful to you."Well, I end up with no payment in this job, but that fella prayed for me so maybe I'll have more job opportunities in the future who knows!

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/tkun2h3


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Role Play Number: 207

Participants in The RP: Cooltrol

RP Scenario: I was at repairshop near LSPD a biker came and told me he wants to change his bikes color i asked him about new style and tires. He accepted and said like "why not?" So we had a deal and i started to change tires. I taked out the chasis of the bike and checked my oldstyle fast racer bike parts and find out a NRG chasis , I've added the NRG chasis to freeway and put the new tires on , added brand new bcycle chain for better performation , boosted engine and a bigger gas tank. Then it was ready to show.



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~[E]~(green)vent Number: 66.

~[E]~(green)vent Type: Tube Race.

~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Ramos.

~[D]~(green)ate: 24/09/18.

~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000.

~[W]~(green)inner(s): DodgeR.



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Type: 1v1 Race.
Participants: DJO , @ziad-i
Location: racer spawn
Winner & Prize: ziad.i (50.000$)


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-TMH Racers Take On the Raceflag
Type: Raceflag Race
Participants: reket, NubBob, TaJ, Green, Nobody, Rainy
Location: Mount Chilliad
Winner & Prize: NubBob (1st) Rainy (2nd) reket (3rd)
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-TMH Racers Take On the Raceflag
Type: Raceflag Race
Participants: reket, Chemist, Ted, Llaop, Rainy, Blade
Location: Las Venturas
Winner & Prize: Blade (1st) Chasin (2nd) reket (3rd)
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~[TMH Institute Post]~(green)

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~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: TMH|TaJ|L( @TaJ ), Tech.Chemist|TMH ( @chemist ) and Tech.Ted|TMH ( @Ted ).

~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical.

~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: @KARIM, @reket and @Blu.

~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: @Ramby and @Wimpoie.

~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical - Cars Expert Advice ; Free of cost, as no major lesson except expert advice was provided.

~[S]~(green)tory: TMH, which just recently introduced TMH Institute firm, had just installed many advertisemental posters around the nation when the Leader TaJ received a phone call from a Bus Driver. The Bus Driver's name was "Ramby" and himself along with his friend "Wimpoie" who was a delivery man by occupation, wanted to know more on the things that earn them a living, Vehicles. And so TaJ fixed an appointment with them. At the exact time they visited TMH Headquarters with Wimpoie's delivery truck. The truck did not look so good but it was "working" as per the owner. So after a brief introduction session, All of them gathered around the truck where Ted became the head Instructor and gave out some information about the truck, it's engine and the working. The owner wasn't so happy with the way the truck was working.. and why would he even be? It had so many holes in the radiator, no air-filter and too many more troubles. It was a thing to keep at a museum more than to ride everyday. Ted made him realise that he should not just ignore such troubles but rather get them fixed as soon as possible. The guy who earlier had a lot confidence over his vehicle now started losing it. He was then adviced by TaJ to visit a TMH Garage to get the troubles fixed effectively as well as efficiently. At this time the delivery man got reminded of the fact that he had to rush for an important delivery, so he could not delay the clause. Therefore he then bidded a goodbye to TMH and left after Ted denied to take any sort of payment because "Expert advice isn't that costlier sir". We wished him a safe journey and got back to our respective works.



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~[E]~(green)vent Number: 67

~[E]~(green)vent Type: Alpha Race

~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Koko

~[D]~(green)ate: 25/09/18.

~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000.

~[W]~(green)inner(s): BS|






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~[E]~(green)vent Number: 68.

~[E]~(green)vent Type: Chicken Nader.

~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Brondy.

~[D]~(green)ate: 25/09/18.

~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000.

~[W]~(green)inner(s): Melou.



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~[E]~(green)vent Number: 69

~[E]~(green)vent Type: Kart Race With obstacles

~[L]~(green)WS/G6: Matizz

~[D]~(green)ate: 25/09/18.

~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,000,000.

~[W]~(green)inner(s): ICE|NorberPL






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Role Play Number: 208

Participants in The RP: Foxzilla - Kannenki

RP Scenario:I was talking with my buddy kannenki about weather , then i get a call from a biker member. He said his vehicle is not working while he was going in the highway. so i told kannenki about it and i take the towtruck and move to the place. When im arrived i asked him about what happened he told me that he crushed to a Tree and lost control after car is out he said he pushed it through last place of the car. And i took a look at car try to fix engine but i cant do anything at there i wanted to bring the car to a autopart repair place i told him about it, he accepted this i told him to get in his car. i've hooked the car to my towtruck and pulled it to the repair place. I recognize i can't overcome from it by myself so i called another mechanic which is my fellow friend kanennki. We started to repair together as i though it was hard even tho. after we finished we looked at our great job we handshaked the biker and gave him his ride back as better and better style.



~[TMH Institute Post]~(green)

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~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: Racer.TaJ|TMH ( @TaJ ) and Racer.Rocker|TMH ( @Rocker ).

~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing - Cars chasing and quick driving.

~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: N/A

~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: ICE|Clash|ssHQ ( @clashgamer ) and ICE|Greensky|R.

~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Racing -

~[S]~(green)tory: TaJ was at TMH Automotive showroom at Los Santos, when he received a call from the new and growing police department, ICE. They had called for the same reason as Ramby and his friend did last evening. ICE's 2 officers, a Recruit and a old and promising ssHQ required some chasing training. And as this one of the functions that TMH Institute taught, TaJ agreed upon educating the young officers and called them at the property itself.



When the ICE Officers came, TaJ just told them that the best way to learn something race-y was to just perform and try it on the roads themselves! As TMH had special permissions from the local department, they had a little speed increment granted and hence it won't be an issue to teach in the real world. To help TaJ explain Chasing, he called another Instructor, Rocker. Rocker was a new Instructor as well and hence they lined up outside the property, all set to teach the cops how it is done.



When they began, Rocker was the guy being chased by TaJ in his race machine. Rocker's Super GT did perform nice, but not as promising as TaJ's green vehicle. Accompanying TaJ was the Recruit GreenSky while Rocker's passenger was the more talented and experienced Clash. Both the ICE members were asked to observe closely how the both experts drove flawless and were successful in the illustration when both ICE Officers agreed that they are now ready.



After this, ICE Officer Clash got handed over Rocker's vehicle while GreenSky asked to let him use his own vehicle, a Jester, on which he felt to be more experienced and used-to upon. Rocker then sat with Clash and TaJ with GreenSky. Both the vehicles then started the revving and they began chasing each other. After a certain point of time, Recruit GreenSky, who was chasing his senior, was successful to make his senior stop. ICE was now quite happy with TMH Institute's teaching service which had just begun, and the senior officer Clash then happily paid TMH a $1000 for it's service, and promised to take more benefit of TMH Institutions in the future.



Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

-Thanks Everyone for participating.


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Role Play Number: 209

Participants in The RP: Karim.

RP Scenario: It was a Sunday morning, I was lonely in a small apartment having my breakfast. As usual, I knew that I would get interrupted by someone but I didnt think that my direct might do it. As I understood from what he said, its some fixing kind of stuff. He needed me in my garage after 20 minutes. I spent 10 minutes getting ready then I headed to the most location I spent time in. When I got there. I waited 14 minutes until our guest which was a costumer thats been visiting us in every issue he got. He came with a racing modded car. It was fully damaged, thats why I told him to come back tomorrow if its possible. Then I had a clear look at the car. I was fully aware that he needs it fixed in just 1 day since I heard he was doing races per day. Anyway, I got from our garage a new stereo & ties & some pieces of tools & glasses. I made a change-up to everything in the car then I called some of my old buddies to get for me a 400 turbo original engine today if its possible. He has done it and I got the engine. So I changed the old one. Tomorrow, I ended up getting paid after I gave the racer his car.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Eoqk5YS


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Role Play Number: 210

Participants in The RP: Karim.

RP Scenario: Recently, we were getting a lot and a lot of business to do. Thats why, us, "The Motor Heads" TMH got a lot of new workers which is proof that we are progressing better every day. Anyway, today, my last mission of the day was a bit hard since it was needed to get perfectly fixed in just 3 hours as max. It all started with a phone call when I was doing some kind of stuff we can call as a "New project" which is something all the mechanics around are thinking of it. Whatever, I had a talk with the customer.
-Good day, Is this the responsible mech of Los Santos garage from "The Motor Heads", James_Rivala.?"
-Yes, Sir, I'm James.
-Nice to meet you. ---
-The honour is mine
-Well, I'm stuck in Los Santos Highway since my car, I don't know how or why got crashed.
-Understood, I'll get your location. 15 minutes and I'll be there.
After the promised time, I was there, It was an engine crash which is really a hard situation but not for me but he made it harder since he needed it in 3 Hours.
I tried my best, Hopefully, I grabbed a new Engine. So it took me 2 hours to change it. Then I cleaned up all the issues besides changing the engine.
After I've finished my job there, I got nothing to do since my duration period of working is done.
ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/AuifAdb


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Role Play Number: 211

Participants in The RP: Karim.

RP Scenario: It was a morning on a busy day full of work. It already started with a costumer's phone call.
-Hello, Is this the technician from "The Motor Heads" that is well-known as "James_Rivala".
-Yes, Sir.
-Are you in your garage right now?
-Yes, Sir, anything needed?
-I need some upgrades on my car, we can continue our discussion there, Can you send me the location of the garage?
-Definitely, yes.
-"Red County, BlueBerry Street". here you are, sir. when you get there, call me again for more information.
-Okay, Get your material ready.
-Already done, Sir.
Within 1 Hour, He called me again, He said that he just got into Blueberry street, So I had a look at the beginning of the street. I waved to him.
we had another conversation about what equipments he wants to add in his car.
-Sir, I would like to know in what you are using this car if it's possible.
-Sorry, It's not possible but I need to use it in some transporting stuff
Here, I understood the case. That's why I grabbed a Big trunk we lastly bought. Then I grabbed some costume doors which was protected. That makes the car protected enough from 250 Bullets. Then I added some strong wheels that don't get damaged by bullets. The guy liked the change-up in the car. He thanked me after he sent the money to my leader.
ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/PsC2834


Event Number: 71.

Event Type: Carshow.

LWS/G6: Matizz.

Date: 27/09/18.

Prize(s): $1,000,000.

Winner(s): Pozmester/Duh/dodger.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/39KlKPW


Event Number: 72.

Event Type: infernus Race.

LWS/G6: Matizz.

Date: 27/09/18.

Prize(s): $1,000,000.

Winner(s): Roadskill

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/z6YMWTA


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Type: 1v1 Race.
Participants: Pump, Freshboy (Again)
Location: LV-X
Winner & Prize: Pump (I won because he was out of gas) (500.000$)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yU7Z1yQ

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