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[SUGGESTION] Donation skin


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Posted (edited)

Hello, Mellow here.


This was a suggestion I posted on the old forums and I would like to forward it to this forum as I still think this is a good idea.



Bugtracker: https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/4



So I just thought of this idea; What if people that donate to the server get a custom skin they can turn on by typing a command like (/donatedskin).



  • Restrict the use of skins that are modded like the CLO skins, KKK and Adolf Hitler skin.
  • Could be a shaded skin, which designers can create.
  • Be able to change into the skin using the command with every class so cops can get their own shaded officer skin and criminals can have their own shaded criminal skin.
  • We could make it that the skin has to be approved so people can't make an fully pink skin and walk around like a flamingo.
  • If a donater wants to change his skin he needs to wait like 3/6 months same as donation vehicle changes but longer. Or the donater can never change it at all so he has to be certain he wants the skin.
  • You have to donate a certain amount of money before you get this like above $100,-
  • Make a cooldown on using the command to change your skin so people can't abuse it (every 30/60 seconds).
  • We could put a restriction on police skins for criminals and criminal skins for police so cops cant use criminal skins and criminals cant use police skins. (If admins have to aprove the skins then you can easily fix this)
  • We could make a command so players can turn off the shaders ( so they can't see the shaders) If it makes them lag.




@Crash's Suggestion that comply's with this.



  • Skin rules should be like the Cop Car rules. What I mean? Mellow posted that cops cant have criminal skin's as shader but it's not logical for one reason all squads have shaders now and allowing cops to have a shader on a cop skin with shader allready would be useless so do like the police car rule. Allow Cops/Crimianls to have a skin of the other side BUT if cought abusing they would lose the donation and no refund like the Police Car Rule. This way Cops and Criminal could get a shader if they would like for when they want to spawn criminal or police (depeding on what u are) This would also go for Companys ofc.




Let me know in the comments what you guys think of this idea and if you have anything to add to the suggestion.



MTA Skin page: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/All_Skins_Page



Topic on old forums: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94034-suggestion-donation-skin/
Votings on old forums:
alt text


Edited by mellow
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Posted (edited)

Hello, Mellow here.


This was a suggestion I posted on the old forums and I would like to forward it to this forum as I still think this is a good idea.



Bugtracker: https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/4



So I just thought of this idea; What if people that donate to the server get a custom skin they can turn on by typing a command like (/donatedskin).



  • Restrict the use of skins that are modded like the CLO skins, KKK and Adolf Hitler skin.
  • Could be a shaded skin, which designers can create.
  • Be able to change into the skin using the command with every class so cops can get their own shaded officer skin and criminals can have their own shaded criminal skin.
  • We could make it that the skin has to be approved so people can't make an fully pink skin and walk around like a flamingo.
  • If a donater wants to change his skin he needs to wait like 3/6 months same as donation vehicle changes but longer. Or the donater can never change it at all so he has to be certain he wants the skin.
  • You have to donate a certain amount of money before you get this like above $100,-
  • Make a cooldown on using the command to change your skin so people can't abuse it (every 30/60 seconds).
  • We could put a restriction on police skins for criminals and criminal skins for police so cops cant use criminal skins and criminals cant use police skins. (If admins have to aprove the skins then you can easily fix this)
  • We could make a command so players can turn off the shaders ( so they can't see the shaders) If it makes them lag.




@Crash's Suggestion that comply's with this.



  • Skin rules should be like the Cop Car rules. What I mean? Mellow posted that cops cant have criminal skin's as shader but it's not logical for one reason all squads have shaders now and allowing cops to have a shader on a cop skin with shader allready would be useless so do like the police car rule. Allow Cops/Crimianls to have a skin of the other side BUT if cought abusing they would lose the donation and no refund like the Police Car Rule. This way Cops and Criminal could get a shader if they would like for when they want to spawn criminal or police (depeding on what u are) This would also go for Companys ofc.




Let me know in the comments what you guys think of this idea and if you have anything to add to the suggestion.



MTA Skin page: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/All_Skins_Page



Topic on old forums: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94034-suggestion-donation-skin/
Votings on old forums:
alt text


Edited by mellow
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Maybe what I will write now may not be reasonable, but I would like to spawn as Donator and play the role of a criminal (Sr, br, jb etc)

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@WenDo said in [SUGGESTION] Donation skin:

@Anas_ said in [SUGGESTION] Donation skin:

100$? thats too much lol

If it's for example 30 $ then every 3rd player will run around with special skin and it won't be "special" anymore, same as donator crown nowadays. 90M in bank and they buy it like it's nothing special.

Well, it's not like all of us have got that kind of money you know, and as I mentioned above, it could be 50$ for example.

Yes mate, but people buy donations with In-game money, that was my point

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Make it less common, meaning higher donation amount, add role restrictions and seems like a good idea. I would donate in this case, donations to me seem to be exponentially less enjoyed the more you have donated, as after some point you only get extra vehicles. Now, donation by themselves are meant to fund the servers operation costs, but coming up with new non-P2W additions for donation rewards is a solid idea, and will bring some cash in for the server.

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Appearantly I allready posted it on the new forums.
You can see there that Brophy did say he was looking into making it a reality.

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Ive got another suggestion that I believe is easier to implement. Add CJ skin to the donator spawn and create a wardrobe where you can customize skin the way you want.

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