Wittii Posted July 20, 2020 Author Posted July 20, 2020 Section 1 - Non-RP InformationNickname: My nickname is WittiUsername: my username is wittiOld nickname/Other used names ingame: Witti my first and my last name .Age: 18 years oldGender: MaleCurrent G/S: I'm Part of Hell_Solidiers .Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement: i left because its a inactive SquadUnderground Empire: because i want to try for cop sideBlack~Bullets : Ileft it because i wanted to help BloodZ , but BloodZ dead .Los_INKAS : i left because i wanted to create my own gang with my friends .Genration-X : i left because i wanna to be part of FOX operation X .Medellin Cartel : i left , i can explain the reason in-game .MIT : I want to join with my friends .How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank? - Like 1week ago , and i'm a member .Current groups:Member of -Global Expresse and Trucking Co -Memeber of -World Farming Supply-Prevous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):Cunning Stunts : I did not post in thing for like 1week .San Andreas Studio : i can explain the reason in-gamePrevious SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them:I got ban for multiaccount for like 1 month .Tell us something about yourself: Hello , My in real life name is Mohamed , but in-game name is Witti , i'm male with 18 years old who lives in Algeria . i love playing football with my friends every morning also i'm sportif one and so respectfull guy also i love playing video games the most one is SAES:RPG i play it like 5 hours in the day .Section 2 - QuestionsDo you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Yes , I know that.What is your goal within the Fire Department? My goal within The Fire Department is Working on it and helping it to rich like the best media archive also i want to show my self that i'm Hard working and so respectfulll boy .Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly? Yes , i'm ready for that as i'm always playing like 5-6 hours in the day .Section 3 - Detailed ProfileWhat are your strengths? Driving , Roleplaying , Patroling , hanging , shooting , aiming , parachuting .What are your weaknesses? Some times drop FPS when i'm driving a car .?Why do you want to join the SAFD I want to Join SAFP because it is realy a huge group , and roleplaying Group as i'm pretty good in roleplaying and also i want to know more about the roleplay also i want to help this group with my activity, loyality and my knowledge of RP .What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? I want to learn EMT .Applicant's signature: ~Witti~Date: 20-07-2020
Wittii Posted July 24, 2020 Author Posted July 24, 2020 Participants: AloneDistrict: Around San AndreasShift period: Night Shift (23-07-2020)Number of vehicles: 7Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/QjSsSlI
Wittii Posted July 24, 2020 Author Posted July 24, 2020 Participants: @The_best1District: Around San AndreasShift period: Night Shift (23-07-2020)Number of vehicles: 5Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/9BHk0XX
Aurora Posted August 6, 2020 Posted August 6, 2020 Dear @WittiThank you for your application, we greatly appreciate your interest in being part of the San Andreas Fire Department. Please continue to post your activity and shifts with current SAFD Firefighters and we will process your application when possible. Keep up the good work.Sincerely;~[James Aran]~(black)~[Fire Lieutenant]~(green)
Wittii Posted August 11, 2020 Author Posted August 11, 2020 I was inactive for important reasons , now , i'm back.Participants: me alone.District: Around SA.Shift period: Night Shift (12-08-2020)Number of vehicles: like 5 cars.Screenshot:::::::
Wittii Posted August 12, 2020 Author Posted August 12, 2020 Participants: me alone.District: Around SA.Shift period: Night Shift (12-08-2020)Number of vehicles: like 10 cars.Screenshot:::::::
Wittii Posted August 12, 2020 Author Posted August 12, 2020 Participants: me alone.District: Around LS.Shift period: Night Shift (12-08-2020)Number of vehicles: like 5-6 cars.Screenshot:::::::
Wittii Posted August 14, 2020 Author Posted August 14, 2020 Participants:@AuroraDistrict: Around LS.Shift period: Afternoon Shift (14-08-2020)Number of vehicles: like 5-6 cars.Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/9FCn7LV
Shadro Posted August 19, 2020 Posted August 19, 2020 San Andreas Fire DepartmentHQ Team19th August, 2020Dear applicant, @WittiThanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. You can also ask for a test in 3 days.We wish you best of luck!Best regards.Supervisor ShadroSan Andreas Fire Department
Wittii Posted August 21, 2020 Author Posted August 21, 2020 Participants: @The-Best1District: Around SA .Shift period: Morning shift (21-08-2020)Number of vehicles: hanging with remp around SAScreenshot: https://imgur.com/a/EyNvXFy
Aurora Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 Dear Mr. @wwittiWe apologize for the long wait in your tests, there have been unforeseen circumstances that have hindered our progress and we are sorry.Please join the SAFD Discord channel and request the Applicant role - this way you can keep informed about ride-along schedules and role-play scenarios hosted by the department. Also, we will see if we can expedite your entrance exam, sorry for the wait.Invite Code https://discord.gg/33vFJ77Signed;James "Aurora" Aran~[Fire Lieutenant]~(maroon)
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