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We're now releasing the following media posts format accompanied by specifications on what is considered a valid activity post, to avoid any confusion. We would hate to see your posts not counted towards the monthly quota because of some small details.

While you're naturally allowed to choose in which style you will manage your media archive, we ask of you to do it based on this simple blueprint. You will notice that the main detail is that every activity should have an image of its own which fits GM activity standards. This image needs to be easily visible for us, so that we don't have to search through clutters of screenshots to find that one which is needed.



Media Archive Post Format




  2. (Basic information, date etc.)
  3. (Activity Name)
  4. (Activity image matching GM Media Activity Standards)
  5. Any other additional images of that activity, inside a spoiler under GM image.


  • Repeat if including several activities in one post.
  • Banner (1) and additional images (5) are not mandatory.
  • Style your posts as you wish, just keep these guidelines in mind while at it.


Media Archive Post Format Example:



Media Archive Post Format Example:






alt text


alt text


Date: 4.1.1997.
Activity: SWAT's 10th Birthday Celebration


alt text


alt text





(Spoiler containing additional images)





GM Media Activity Standards:

For an activity to be considered valid, these things must be taken care of in the screenshot/post:


1 ) Name tags must be visible in the screenshot.

2 ) Clock must be visible in the screenshot.

3 ) At least three members of the gang/squad must be visible in the screenshot.
- Roleplays, events, turfs and "special" things like trainings; do not require 3 members screenshot.

4 ) There must be a sufficient timelapse between activities (around 30 minutes).
- Do not farm posts by trying to split 10 minute activity into several activities.
- 4 activities completed in 15 minutes total could be counted as 2 activities.
- Example: If you're travelling between SR and BR, the travel itself is not the third activity.
- Example 2: If you do a VIP for a minute between SR and BR, that is not a third activity.

5 ) Activity as the word suggests, requires activity. Sitting in your base is not an activity.

6 ) Images of scoreboards and /gang panel are not considered an activity.

7 ) Links leading to posts made by another gang/group/squad is not considered your activity. Roleplays are an exception to this rule.

8 ) If your post contains several activities at once, split them with titles/banners/spoilers. Do not write a list of activities and then include a bunch of screenshots all mixed together. If we are not able to easily tell which activity is which and which screenshot belongs to which activity, we will count the entire post as just 1 activity.



  • We will no longer open external site links such as imgur to browse media images.
  • Only the first image of each activity will be reviewed.
  • The GM month from this day henceforth ends on 27th of each month.



Edited by DROT
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