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Roleplay type: Apartments on Fire.

Description of roleplay: Today in the midle of my shift the bell started to ring and we all started to get the basic equipement while our superiors were discussing the details, after a bit of discussion Our superior ramos passed me the information that we should go as fast as possible and try to get people out first and then extinguish the fire as says the protocols he also said that the fire was in a advanced state so get people out of there was really the priority.
Since we were going to an apartment which is an high building we took 2 engines and a leader truck in order to get inside by the windows if necessary. After we get the necessary equipement inside our trucks we put the trucks on the road as fast as possible.
We arrived the local in a few minutes and the fire was already very spread and strong even the fire on that state we tryed to rush the door which was blocked by flames then we grabed the leader truck and tryed to rush the windows that unfortunetly were blocked by flames as well.
The only way out is extinguish evrything as fast as possible and pray to somebody that is inside to not get burn.
After that we extingushed all fire we entered by the front door and started to check every single room, there we found a body that was alive and not totaly burn, we still can save her life possibly.
Mr.Bas called an ambulance but none of the ambulances were operational, after this beeing said there was just a single sulution, take the victim to the hospital with the fire department vehicles, and so we did, after we arrived the hospital we droped the victim and informed the central via radio about what was going on and that the fire was compeltly extinguished and with no chances to burn again.
In the final we returned the base and Mr.Bas gave a few words to our braves helpers.

Location: RedCountry

Participants: Bas,Bangas,Freezoom,Hope,Each and Ramos.
Screenshots: Here.


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Participants: NORI
Shift period: 30 min
Number of vehicles: 21





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Participants: NORI
Shift period: 45 min
Number of vehicles: 30





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Roleplay : car is burning

Today i was patrolling around SF after 30 minutes i received a call about a car is burning in ThC base (TR), i turned on the siren of my truck and i Headed towards the location after 15 minutes i arrived in ThC base , member from ThC was waiting me there he opned the gate ,i entred inside and i checked the place then i decided to take an extinguisher and spray into the flames after 20 minutes the fire stopped .
The mission completed successfully with no victims .
Location: TR ThC base
Participants: [ThC]Smokey


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Roleplay : Car On Fire

While I was chilling at LVFD, I heard a called from LV South West Car Dealer that there is car on fire so I immediately prepair my gears and drive to the scene. once I arrived at the scene, I found car on fire so I prepair my fire extinguisher and I success to extinguish it. It was a lucky day that no injured.
Location: LV South West Car Dealer
Participants: @MrTheBank


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Roleplay type: Rescue Operation
Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Whilst I was preparing for my morning shift same as it ever was, I suddenly got a call about a person got stuck in a tree after jumping from a mountain in order to parachuting. I have brought our ladder-truck over there. The person was sort of wounded, I have climbed on the tree by using the ladder and took him therefrom and called an ETM to take the person away to a hospital; He had required to get stitched up on his head due to bleeding from an open sore of his forehead.
Location: Tierro Robado
Participants: @Anas_ @FoxZilla


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Roleplay type: Cars accident
Description of roleplay: In the morning of the 17.08. there was a traffic accident near Bayside, one of these vehicle caught fire.
During the operation, there was one seriously injured found, which was handle by the EMTs and came immediately to the Hospital at Bayside.
the driver of the other car was able to save himself and refused a transport to the hospital.
the fire was successfully extinguished and the injured person is currently not in mortal danger.
In use were forces from SFFD including 1 fire engine, 1 ambulance and one chief car.
Location: Near Bayside (SF)
Participants: Myself & @JohnnyEnglish
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fYcQNkw


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Daily activities, doing a shift as SAFD EMT (healing up the victims in front of jail, reviving victims at roads), everyone else were busy taking out burning vehicles.

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Roleplay type: Crane Collapse on Highway

Description of roleplay: BCFD has been dispatched about a crane collapse at Bone County highway. Therefore, BCFD responded with 2 firetrucks, 1 ladder truck, 1 ambulance, 1 battalion car. When they came to the scene, SAFD EMT immediately prepare all equipment needed to take care of the wounded victims, while firetrucks 1 and 2 prepared themself to go into search and rescue action. In the meantime, ladder truck took the ladder to the higest point at the crane, and looked for any victims from up there and also checked for the stability of the crane. Few minutes later, fire suddenly started up at the oil barrels, so both teams firetruck 1 and firetruck 2 took out the fire extinguishers and prepared water tanks and started to extinguish that fire out. 2 victims were also found in that accident, there was a guy from a gang called Patrick who had an accident with a vehicle nearby, and a guy called JohnnyEnglish who almost died in the grave pile. Both victims and the fire have been taken care of and that's it.

Location: Bone County Highway

Participants: @Ramos - @NORI999 - @Bozi - @Howlze - @Spicey - @VayraN - @Matthews - @Richard - @LAPD_Spanish_VEN - @Freezom - @Pato (victim) - @JohnnyEnglish (victim)

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FM4YsKk


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Roleplay type: SAFD Cadets staying in great shape

Description of roleplay: After SAFD Firefighters and cadets returned back to BCFD, Assistant Chief has decided to send SAFD Firefighters on a rest and SAFD Cadets to the cardio run. Cadets started running from BCFD and all the way to the RCPD, where they finished a run. After a run, everyone were rewarded with the money from Assistant Chief's own pocket.

Location: BCFD Headquarters, RCFD

Participants: @Ramos - @Spicey - @VayraN - @Matthews - @Richard - @LAPD_Spanish_VEN - @Freezom

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BrHD2hX


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Participants: Bozi and Antirug
District: Los Santos but got dispatched at both LS and LV
Shift period: 27 minutes
Number of vehicles: 13
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gSeE8U7


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Roleplay type: Trash on Fire

Description of roleplay: LVFD have been dispatched through dispatcher about trash fire in Las Venturas, Old Strip Venturas. They've responded with firetruck 1 and firetruck 2. When they arrived to the scene, Captain Ntruder immediately secured the road and made a roadblock, while other firefighters and cadets were preparing fire extinguishers to extinguish out the fire. But a few moment later, fire went out of control, and it became very smoky, so cadets and the rest stepped away, since it wasn't possible to take that fire out with fire extinguisher. Captain Ntruder and As. Chief Ramos drove the firetrucks closer to the fire, 2 of the cadets turned on the water tank at the top of the firetruck, turned on the pressure and Ntruder and Ramos started extinguishing the fire through water tanks. Fire was after 6 minutes succesfully extinguished. When the SAFD was done there, LVPD was dispatched about the incident.

Location: LV, Old Strip Venturas

Participants: @Ramos - @Richard - @Matthews - @VayraN - @Freezom - @Qweezy - @Ntruder

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3Nv1uMZ


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Roleplay type: Injured Hiker
Description of roleplay: It was a quiet evening when we got dispatched by the dispatch for a call at Mountain Chilliad.A young hiker fell down and all we knew were that he may have only a broken leg.I responded as fast as possible as he was alone with possible serious injuries alone.When I arrived to the location, I saw him with a squadbike nearby.He managed to drive with it even if his leg was seriously injured.I checked everything on him just in case of the attitude mountain has.Firstly, I stopped the bleeding from the leg.Then, I put slowly a plaster on it.Leg was fine after that.Then, typically some check ups. Oximeter showed a 80% oxygen and 130 pulses.Blood pressure 14/9.After the check ups, I transported him to the nearest hospital, San Fierro's.
Location: Whetstone
Participants: Skinner
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MfwS97d


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Participants: @Ramos - @Bozi - @ZeKinG - @JohnnyEnglish - @Ramby - @AntiRug
District: LV / LS
Shift period: Morning Shift - 30 minutes
Number of vehicles: Over 50 Vehicles Extinguished.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TxGi58r


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Roleplay type: Injured Farmer
Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): We got a call from a farmer at Flint county.He fell down a ladder and couldn't move.I responded to that farm and saw an old farmer laying nearby the ladder.Immediately via my med kit, I administrated analgesics via injection however it was still painful.His stats were good though, lungs and chest were looking fine from an external view.He could breathe easily, no oxygen mask needed.I applied a C-Colar around his neck, brought the stretcher and lay him on it slowly.I transported him to Los Santos Saint Hospital for further examinations.
Location: Flint County
Participants: Skinner
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YYDoOEm


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Roleplay type: Fire Academy Lesson #1

Description of roleplay: SAFD Firefighters and Cadets have been called in to the classroom, where Assistant Chief Wallace Boden had a lesson with them about Radio Usage.

Location: LSFD Headquarters

Participants: @Ramos - @Toolbox - @Bozi - @ferthis - @Ntruder - @Qweezy | Cadets: @Richard - @Batuhan - @each - @Ramby / FastYounq, Freezom.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/L4winXt

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