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[FEATURE] - Mark Vehicles Immune to Respawn


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Hello, I'd like to make a suggestion today in regards to vehicle respawns. Lately, I've been trying to RP more and almost every time, we are interrupted by car respawns. Sometimes, we don't notice it and our vehicle de-spawns leaving us stranded.. or if we're pulling a vehicle over as a cop and the driver stays in while the passenger cop RPs with the criminals then 8/10 we either have to stop for the respawn and let the criminal get in his vehicle or now our RP is broken because we have to give this dirty guy a ride to a disk or an arrest when that wasn't our intention to begin with. Anyway.. this was just a quick rant. The suggestion is:

Being able to mark a car as immune to automatic respawns. Be it by click RALT and selecting "No respawn"

Or it detecting a player(s) near to it and it marking itself as immune to a respawn as long as it has been recently used and it is not unoperational.

My opinion on the best way to implement this so far:

@Mega9 wrote:

To prevent overhead of new commands/new functions people have to learn to use, I'd like to propose a simpler solution, like initially mentioned by

@SAFP-Stoner said in [SUGGESTION] Mark Vehicles Immune to Respawn:

Or it detecting a player(s) near to it and it marking itself as immune to a respawn as long as it has been recently used and it is not unoperational.

If the last driver of said vehicle is in the vicinity, don't respawn it. Simpler and more conistent, also automatic.

If your next question is: "What if someone took my private vehicle?"
Answer would be: lock it.

This would be the best middle-ground solution and includes GSC, public and private vehicles. If enough people agree, this can be done rather quick.

22 answers to this question

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Great idea, happened to us yesterday two times @Legend . Anyways this would be really useful as everytime i pull over someone, my vehicle respawns and its already impossible to find anyone to rp with nowadays and then you got this right here ruining a rp when you finally get someone to rp with.

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Not sure if adding an option to altgr would be the best since many people will then use it to troll players when stealing cars. It can be exploit in many other ways than just for rp purposes

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I got an idea, there must be a maximum range that your car shouldn't respawn while you are in the range. So I mean for example you should be in the range of 50 meters while the respawn is going on, so your vehicle shouldn't respawn. And if you are outside the range (50 meters) your vehicle is respawning. It's just an idea, if you have a better one state it.

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Sounds like a great idea. Could also make it to where the owner or appropriate gang / squad / group member has to be around for this to take affect. This way it won't be abused like, ElRastaMan said..

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@Turbo said in [SUGGESTION] Mark Vehicles Immune to Respawn:

I got an idea, there must be a maximum range that your car shouldn't respawn while you are in the range. So I mean for example you should be in the range of 50 meters while the respawn is going on, so your vehicle shouldn't respawn. And if you are outside the range (50 meters) your vehicle is respawning. It's just an idea, if you have a better one state it.

^^ actuall best idea if this is possible

but what is in my non-rp eyes more annoying, is that we have sometimes a looong time no carrespawn at all & sometimes we have 2x carrespawn in ~5mins, ik reporting on github but to lazy..

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Not only for cop class.

Would be nice an option that any class might choose wether make it respawn or keep it parked. In my case, for example, as criminal, sometimes I go to sr and unexpectedly when I turn back where Ive parked my car, it has gone. So, to avoid these unwanted action by adding this, would improve every player experience :)

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I have a mixed idea for each of the suggested solutions.
Instead of making it so it's marking a car as immune, you could instead make it so if the car owner used /engine then it wouldn't respawn AS LONG as the OWNER is in a certain range of the car itself, that way you wouldn't have to worry about any abuse of marking the car as immune to troll people.
But this also brings up the issue of group vehicles, since they technically don't have an owner.

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Yes, all your points are correct. Including the group / gang one. Maybe the solution would be to allow /engine to be used on group and gang / squad vehicles

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After reading multiple thoughts on this I think it should work as follows to prevent abuse and annoyances by players:
The player uses the AltGr interface to select "Prevent next respawn";
This button makes sure the vehicle doesn't respawn during the NEXT respawn, the one following will respawn the vehicle when the button is not pressed again. Doing it this way makes sure the player cannot AFK indefinitely using the 50m radius I've seen suggested.
However I think the radius is a good addition and should be implemented too, so if you're out of radius it also voids the respawn invulnerability.
In addition: it might seem like a nice feature that you can use this on every vehicle so if your RP partner forgets to use the feature you can 'save' their vehicle. But that is a great way to abuse, you could potentially 'steal' people's vehicles and prevent them from respawning altogether. Which can lead to empty bases, no vehicles, and frustration. So give players the ability to use this features only on vehicles they can drive.

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Great idea. If it's a players personal vehicle only then why not just make them not respawn until the player quits or stores them. I don't know their resources works, but toggleVehicleRespawn() and the onPlayerQuit event off the top of my head should work right?

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To prevent overhead of new commands/new functions people have to learn to use, I'd like to propose a simpler solution, like initially mentioned by

@SAFP-Stoner said in [SUGGESTION] Mark Vehicles Immune to Respawn:

Or it detecting a player(s) near to it and it marking itself as immune to a respawn as long as it has been recently used and it is not unoperational.

If the last driver of said vehicle is in the vicinity, don't respawn it. Simpler and more conistent, also automatic.

If your next question is: "What if someone took my private vehicle?"
Answer would be: lock it.

This would be the best middle-ground solution and includes GSC, public and private vehicles. If enough people agree, this can be done rather quick.

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Very nice! Hopefully you would put a nice radius on it.

Question: how would this work if the driver went inside an interior?

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It wouldn't, the key word here is vicinity, because of the nature of GTA:SA interiors where you're physically teleported elsewhere it's no longer in the vicinity of interior's entrance. I'm sure people can live with that though...

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I agree. Something is better than nothing! This would solve most of the issue! I'm going to quote your suggestion on the main post.

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