First, let's point out the problems. The marker abuse rule is being unfair on the cop side because it is unfeasible according to the amount of prison wardens that spawn during the jb's to fit in a small space like this, somehow or another cop will have to stay on the marker for a while.
Ignoring the fact that this space is small, we could solve this problem by saying that it would be enough to move a little to the side to avoid this "marker abuse", but this is what happens when you spend time moving to the side :
~[You die instantly if you are in a big jb]~(red)
Thinking about the criminal side, you shoot 2/3 times with a sniper at a cop on the marker and his life always goes back to normal (100%) while he is shooting you until he arrests you.
Without a doubt, both sides are being harmed.
In addition, criminals are constantly killing criminals and cops killing cops unintentionally because the corridors of this jail are very narrow spaces.
Temporary solution: ~[Cop side:]~(cyan) Invalidate the "marker abuse" rule in jail, since protection ends after approximately 3 seconds, just like the marker protection on the crimminal side ~[Crim side:]~(sienna) Waiting for the final solution, criminals don't need to benefit right now. Crim side already benefits from the number of players: 23/04/2020 ~[33 cops vs 151 crimminals !]~(red)
Definitive solution: I know that the administration of saes is very busy with several tasks but I believe it is time to change this jail system that has already caused several problems to the server.
First, let's point out the problems.
The marker abuse rule is being unfair on the cop side because it is unfeasible according to the amount of prison wardens that spawn during the jb's to fit in a small space like this, somehow or another cop will have to stay on the marker for a while.
Ignoring the fact that this space is small, we could solve this problem by saying that it would be enough to move a little to the side to avoid this "marker abuse", but this is what happens when you spend time moving to the side :
~[You die instantly if you are in a big jb]~(red)
Thinking about the criminal side, you shoot 2/3 times with a sniper at a cop on the marker and his life always goes back to normal (100%) while he is shooting you until he arrests you.
Without a doubt, both sides are being harmed.
In addition, criminals are constantly killing criminals and cops killing cops unintentionally because the corridors of this jail are very narrow spaces.
Temporary solution:

~[Cop side:]~(cyan) Invalidate the "marker abuse" rule in jail, since protection ends after approximately 3 seconds, just like the marker protection on the crimminal side
~[Crim side:]~(sienna) Waiting for the final solution, criminals don't need to benefit right now. Crim side already benefits from the number of players:
~[33 cops vs 151 crimminals !]~(red)
Definitive solution: I know that the administration of saes is very busy with several tasks but I believe it is time to change this jail system that has already caused several problems to the server.
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