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Hi, I just wanted to share you my story with you. But before I even start I'll say that I considered of making it for a long time, and you just can't imagine how big of a balls it took to even make this topic.
So what's going on with me is that I've been fighting with my thoughts daily in my own head, and I can't control them in any ways, which cause a constant head foggyness that are caused by missthoughts and illogical thoughts, I know it doesn't make sense to most of you but I'll go for it regardless: I've been in constant war with myself for past few years and it seem to get worser every day, by far what I've found out personally is schizophrenia, which I can't control any longer of. Bottom of this topic is that I just want to thank you all the peoples that have been holding and respecting me beside how I've been and all that, you don't know how much you mean to me. I'll take a bit time off from the game because I can't even concentrate to make a proper topic, because of the illness, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the the peoples that have been with me, I wish I could hug you all, adios until I get my shit fixed, if ever. Love you all, I really do.


We haven't really spoken to each other, but I am sure it takes a lot of balls to talk about this and I respect that. Stay strong, keep the people around you informed and most importantly of all, win your fight. Get well


I thank every single of you for the good wishes, because to be completely honest with you I felt like I had to share this as being part of a family, means alot to me.


You have always been a cool lad and I got tons of respect towards you, thanks for also trusting me and coming to VeC when we were on our downfall and still sticking around.

Ole tugev ja saa terveks! :flag-ee:

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Hello Chasin,

I also had suffered some psychological problems 4-5 years ago. There is no need to explain what exactly my illness was, but to clear it out it was not schizophrenia. However there are things I can suggest you to do so as I made a great progress and nearly overcame what troubled me. My biggest fault was waiting for it to go on its own. I thought if I kept ignoring it it was going to be okay in the end. Don't do this. DO NOT FIGHT IT ON YOUR OWN. Talk about it with your family, friends whoever you love. And get a psychological help from a psychologist. I wish I had went to see a doctor when it first started. But instead I waited two years. Second advice is be pshysically active. Do exercises, go for jogging etc. Keep your body busy. AND SLEEP DECENTLY! Do not stay awake in late hours. You will see the difference when you put yourself in a decent sleeping schedule. Believe me human mind is the most adorable thing in this world. If you believe in yourself you will be okay. You are strong, so be aware of your strength. Have some routine of things that makes you happy. It will definitely help.

I know how it feels like to be in conflict with yourself, I know life sometimes looks too big to overcome but it is not impossible. That is how life is. Sometimes hard, sometimes delightful. Our part is to live it. You are not alone. :) (munn karambit)


Wish you the best amigo. Will certainly miss deathmatching with you at the jail. Hope you get better soon, and remember you're not alone, you don't have to go through that alone. Be with you family and get professional help and I guarantee things will get better! See you later.


Chasinoob you are a great boy and i will miss your ass in the jail (jk)

Thanks for everything and those nice moments you vs me at the Srs

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