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Your server login-name, server nickname and forum name : mojtabaR, Guard, Guard
How long have you been playing on the server : I've been playing since 2015 but I was inactive most of this period
Have you ever been a member of a Criminal Gang or Organisation : Nope
Have you ever been in a Police Organisation before on SAES or another server : Yes.
Do you already have PC Qualification (Procops Access) : Nope
Have you read the SAPA application and training Process : Yes.
Why do you want to be a SAPD Server Police Officer : Because I think I am qualified enough to be PC. I don't play only in order to get money and feel powerful. I play this game to have a chance to RP with the players. It's good to roleplay as Police Officer Trainee and it feels good too but when I've the ability to try my chance why would I do nothing? I would like to try my chance and become PC in order to have a greater chance for RPing.
What unit within SAPD would you like to join after training (like SWAT, FBI, etc) : FBI
Do you have Discord : Guard#8610
Your age : 16
Your location : Iran
Explain the concept of "Role play", what do you think that means for a police officer in-game : If I want to explain Roleplay in a word, I would say acting. Roleplay for an officer in-game means that he should act and behave like a real police officer. He shouldn't do stupid things that Police officers don't do in-real life. He should have a nice behavior because in real life police officers behave nicely.
Rate your English skills from 1-10 : 8.5
Have you ever been adminjailed or banned from the server: Yes.

PART II - Rules for Patrol [X = PICK A LAW FROM THE 10 LAWS]

With your own words, Explain law 3 : We shouldn't arrest the low wanted criminals (1-3). We shouldn't arrest these criminals when they don't give you a reason to arrest them but you can roleplay with them so they can lose their wanted this way. We shouldn't arrest the officers that have wanted level. Since it's unfair, we shouldn't arrest the criminals at hospital or events. When the wanted criminal doesn't want to RP, we can arrest him. Only we're unable to arrest someone, we can kill him.
With your own words, Explain law 4 : We always have to give the wanted criminals a chance to roleplay, it doesn't matter what his wanted level is. If he's not willing to roleplay we've to warn him that we'll force him. We shouldn't spam our binds. If he's not willing to stop, we have to give him a last warning. If he refuses to stop after the last warning was given, we can shoot him.
With your own words, Explain law 5 : We need to give the criminal a chance to show his reaction when we tell him to stop because they can't both read and drive. They need time to read.
With your own words, Explain law 7 : Before trying to lead anything, the first step is to learn to follow the orders. We've to respect the high-ranked members because they didn't achieve their ranks by luck or by cheating. They tried hard to achieve what they are. Since the high-ranked members are experienced, we've to follow them and the orders that they give to us. We shouldn't disrespect the SAES players or the high-ranked members. We should behave well and we shouldn't behave like retards.

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