Skon Posted March 4, 2020 Author Posted March 4, 2020 ^[~[Welcome]~(maroon)]~[Introduction to myself:]~(sienna):::My current organization: ~[Black~Bullets]~(red)List of my current groups:~[World Farming Supply]~(lime)~[Global Express Trucking Company]~(gray)~[Sky-Diving Organization]~(#689e21,#689e21,#689e21,#689e21,#689e21,#689e21,#689e21,#689e21,#689e21)~[Chaos Society]~(teal,teal):::Hello, My name is Nassim known as Trap in game I am 19 years old. I'm Tunisian , I study in the high school . I live with my parents. I have 2 brothers. They are students too. On my free time, i play video games i predominately play multi theft auto because it is the Catholic that im attached to more than any other game, I'm a regular player ! I play for now only 5-9 hours as an average by day and about 9 hours in the week-end !. My hobby is playing football. During leisure I read novels , story books an watch T.V.^[]^[~[This is where you can find everything. Where I will publish all my activities for Cuban Cars]~(sienna)]^[]^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon)]Event Type:Prize:Winner(s):LWS:ScreenShot(s):^[]^[~[Role Play Number:]~(maroon)]Participants in The RP:RP Story:ScreenShot(s):^[]^[~[Patrol number:]~(maroon)]Activity type:Participants:Duration:Screenshots:^[]
Skon Posted March 4, 2020 Author Posted March 4, 2020 ^[]^[~[Role Play Number: 1]~(maroon)]Participants in The RP: @kiwtfbr^[~[Story :]~(#471c0c) ]^[Patrolin in RC was easy i guessed. It was not the mountain foothill and bumpy roads was too huf for me already. I picked up a phone that coming from my old friend. He told me his fathers friend need a help with a old pickup , he also said he is a farmer. I knew things will get messy so. Prepared my equipments and tools before he arrives , after he came we've talk about the vehicle , car condition. I've checked the hood and saw engine was barely working. the carbody is damaged went to work. Welded the strips and filled the holes with some kind of filler liquid and repaired the base of the doors also the engine's. Then we reached an agreement about the price. After the paying he told me always can come and visit his farm for good welcome. That was some weird stuff but anyways done the repairing.]~[Screenshots :]~(#471c0c,#471c0c,#471c0c,#471c0c,#471c0c)::::::
Skon Posted March 4, 2020 Author Posted March 4, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 1]~(maroon)]Date: 04.03.2020Activity type: Patrolling around and impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member:@Jesse421 @GalDuration: 30 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 4, 2020 Author Posted March 4, 2020 ^[]^[~[Role Play Number: 2]~(maroon)]Participants in The RP: @Faysal^[~[Story :]~(#471c0c) ]^[I was at Modshop , resting for a while. Then i got an message from Fucksapp. A guy wanted to shade his car with a paintjob and modify. I wanted him to send me the Photos of the vehicle and what kind of thing he want. After a describing what he want i understand my friend Faysal can help for these type of work. He was a graffiti painter. He did this job in the streets more years then i know him. So i trusted him about this. After i took the car to his place. When we meet up i told him what is the design and things about. The vehicle was Landstalker and the customer wanted it to be Green colored. Red inner colors and a Flame paintjob with it. Faysal began work and started to paint the car. After his work done i Took a look and everything was looking great. All the work left to me was modifying inner grades of the car. I took the car to near mod shop and started to use locals equipment and some help to modify. We changed the tires to lowrider fashioned one. And added wind skirts. Bumpers are changed same front and rear. With a brand new Strengethed type ones. Exhaust and base barrels of exhaust are changed. Also doubled the exhaust numbers and exits.Added a Nitro booster for races and stuff. Also hydraulic system for Lowrider fashion in the End the vehicle look like Amazing. I carefully drive through the LV to first spot. After we meet he didn't believe his eyes. And thanked me and my friend for Awesome job. After dealing with numbers we agreed about money and the job has done.]~[Screenshots :]~(#542704,#542704)::::::
Skon Posted March 4, 2020 Author Posted March 4, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 2]~(maroon)]Date: 04.03.2020Activity type: Patrolling around and impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @Zombie @GalDuration: 20 MinScreenshots:::::::
Skon Posted March 4, 2020 Author Posted March 4, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 3]~(maroon)]Date: 04.03.2020Activity type: I've met with Gal/Zombie and we started to hanging/patroling around of SanAndreas.Participants: @TrapCC Member: @Zombie @GalDuration: 40 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 5, 2020 Author Posted March 5, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 4]~(maroon)]Date: 05.03.2020Activity type: I've met with Zwole and we started to hanging/patroling around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @ZwolleDuration: 25 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 8, 2020 Author Posted March 8, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 5]~(maroon)]Date: 05.03.2020Activity type: I've met with SWT & Ferthis & Lightning and we started to hanging/patroling around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @SWT @Lightning @FerthisDuration: 45 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 10, 2020 Author Posted March 10, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 6]~(maroon)]Date: 10.03.2020Activity type: Patrolling around and impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @Bartman @GalDuration: 30 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 13, 2020 Author Posted March 13, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 7]~(maroon)]Date: 13.03.2020Activity type: Patrolling around and impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @magooDuration: 35 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 15, 2020 Author Posted March 15, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 8]~(maroon)]Date: 15.03.2020Activity type: impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @Ferthis @NtruderDuration: 15 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 18, 2020 Author Posted March 18, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 9]~(maroon)]Date: 15.03.2020Activity type: Repairing vehicles At Las Venturas CrossParticipants: @TrapCC Member:Duration: 45 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 21, 2020 Author Posted March 21, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 10]~(maroon)]Date: 21.03.2020Activity type: Repairing vehicles Around SAParticipants: @TrapCC Member:Duration: 20 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted March 28, 2020 Author Posted March 28, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 11]~(maroon)]Date: 28.03.2020Activity type: Repairing vehicles Around SAParticipants: @TrapCC Member:Duration: 15 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted April 1, 2020 Author Posted April 1, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 12]~(maroon)]Date: 01.04.2020Activity type: Repairing vehicles Around SAParticipants: @TrapCC Member:Duration: 15 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted April 8, 2020 Author Posted April 8, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 13]~(maroon)]Date: 08.04.2020Activity type: Repairing around and impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @SpentouDuration: 30 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted April 19, 2020 Author Posted April 19, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 14]~(maroon)]Date: 19.04.2020Activity type:Participants: @TrapCC Member:Duration: 25 minScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted October 8, 2020 Author Posted October 8, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 15]~(maroon)]Date: 08.10.2020Activity type: impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @SniperLyfeDuration: 30 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted October 20, 2020 Author Posted October 20, 2020 ^[]^[~[Role Play Number: 3]~(maroon)]Participants in The RP: @Beckham^[~[Story :]~(#471c0c) ]^[I was cleaning my truck at garage and i got a phone call from Mme Laura asking for a fast mechanical help , she is stuck in red country mountain road due to her broken wheel , i took my box tools fast and drive my truck to he mountain , the road was really bad and hard to drive in , when i arrived i found Mme Laura raging and heating her back left wheel so i talked to her to calm her down .and i started my job , i took carefully the flat tire and i place it on the ground in close proximity to the suspended flat tire , i took my wrench and used it to loosen the hub cap on the tire that is damaged. Once the hub cap is removed i placed it to the side. Then i i used the lug wrench to loosen the lug nuts on the wheel with the flat tire. After that i used my mechanical truck jack to lift the car off of the ground. To remove the tire so i spin the already loosened lug nuts and i put it side then i removed the wheel from the car i graped the spare next and i putted the new wheel and its time to lower the car to he ground and last i tighten the Lugs and i made sure that i tighten all the lugs down nice and snug. finally My job is done here i Gathered up all my tools and i putted them in the truck trunk . Mme Laura paid me for my work and i ask her to drive carefully the rest of the road .]^[~[Screenshots :]~(#542704,#542704)]::::::
Skon Posted October 21, 2020 Author Posted October 21, 2020 ^[]^[~[Role Play Number: 4]~(maroon)]Participants in The RP: @baphomet^[~[Story :]~(#471c0c)]^[It was a Saturday morning, the garage had just opened, when a customer showed up. He drove all the way from the desert too come to the best place in all San Andreas to pimp your car. The customer dropped by at Cuban Cars garage in San Fierro with a Super GT.]^[The customer asked to replace his tires with race tires, because he was a professional racer. Also he wanted to increase the amount of nitro in his car and an enlarged fuel tank that can held more fuel and weighs less. The mechanic responded that all of his demands could be successfully fulfilled. The mechanic quided the customer to the lounge area and gave him a fresh cup of coffee.]^[The mechanic started working on the tires first. He replaced them with certified sport tires. After that he replaced the old aluminium tank with a titanium tank. The titanium tank is more sustainable against the rough circumstances it got to perform in. It also weighs less and can be shaped more easily. At the end a compressed tank of nitro was attached, that could sustain longer then a usual one.]^[After all the work was done, a test-drive was arranged. The result was that the customer was satisfied with the delivered work. We hope to see him again soon in our wonderful garage.]^[~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon) ]
Skon Posted October 21, 2020 Author Posted October 21, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 16]~(maroon)]Date: 21.10.2020Activity type: Patrolling around and impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @SniperLyfeDuration: One HourScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted October 22, 2020 Author Posted October 22, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 17]~(maroon)]Date: 22.10.2020Activity type: Patrolling around and impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @Yoko_Kurama , @Nishki , @Beckham , @WestbrookDuration: More then One HourScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted October 23, 2020 Author Posted October 23, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 18]~(maroon)]Date: 22.10.2020Activity type: Patrolling around and impounding around of SanParticipants: @TrapCC Member: @Nishki , @rainy , @FoxZillaDuration: 30 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
Skon Posted October 23, 2020 Author Posted October 23, 2020 ^[]^[~[Role Play Number: 5]~(maroon)]Participants in The RP: @nishki^[~[Story :]~(#471c0c) ]^[It was a nice sunny day, I was working in the impound garage to get some work done. In my break, a cab driver phoned me. He had been in an accident the other day, where some damage had occurred to the bodywork of his company owned cab. The cab driver asked if the Cuban Cars garage could open up in San Fierro for a quick repair.]^[After the phone call the mechanic went on his way to the garage to open up. We in Cuban Cars always try to give the customer the best service and quality products we can. So, declining the request was not an option. Once the cab driver arrived, a conversation was being held about the damage that needed to be repaired.]^[The cab driver had a badly damaged front bumper and needed to be replaced. The mechanic inspected the car his bumper and some vital parts of the car for safety reasons. After the inspection, the mechanic came till a conclusion that only the bumper needed to be replaced and the other parts were still functioning like they should. Before the mechanic started to work on this job, he offered the customer a cup of coffee in the lounge.]^[The mechanic started to work on the car and replaced the front bumper. Since the bumper was from plastic, it could be easily stripped down and replaced by a new one. After all the wires were back attached to the lights, the mechanic tested them and brought the customer back to his car.]^[The cab driver was very pleased about the out coming result. He gave the mechanic a good tip and a good review. After all the paper work was done, both parties separated and went on with their day. .]^[~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)]
Skon Posted October 23, 2020 Author Posted October 23, 2020 ^[~[Patrol number: 19]~(maroon)]Date: 23.10.2020Activity type: Repairing vehicles At Las Venturas CrossParticipants: @TrapCC Member:Duration: 15 MinScreenshots:~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
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