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Your server login-name, server nickname and forum name :CapitalWE, [FBI*]Capital, CapitalWE
How long have you been playing on the server :I've been playing since 2017 with a few breaks.
Have you ever been a member of a Criminal Gang or Organisation : I've been member of Comando da Capital.
Have you ever been in a Police Organisation before on SAES or another server : I haven't been in a police squad before, but FBI right now.
Do you already have PC Qualification (Procops Access) : No, i dont.
Have you read the SAPA application and training Process : Yes, i did.
Why do you want to be a SAPD Server Police Officer : Because i think that i can learn many stuff about being a good cop and also i can learn new things about the cops!
What unit within SAPD would you like to join after training (like SWAT, FBI, etc) : No where, i am currently in FBI!
Do you have Discord : Yes i do!
Your age : 15
Your location : Bulgaria
Explain the concept of "Role play", what do you think that means for a police officer in-game : Roleplay is a simulation of a real action like for example, a cop pulls you over and start to investigate your indetification licenses.
Rate your English skills from 1-10 : i did rate it a 5 out of 10, due to some grammatical issues.
Have you ever been adminjailed or banned from the server: Yes, i have.

PART II - Rules for Patrol [X = PICK A LAW FROM THE 10 LAWS]

With your own words, Explain law x :
Whenever you are chasing a wanted civilian, you should always offer a roleplay before attempt to arrest him.
Always offer a roleplay before arrest, doesn't matter if they got wanted level of a low stars (1,2,3)
With your own words, Explain law x :
Always give the suspects reaction time of atleast 10 seconds, They might be hiden the chat or cannot read it while being chased!
With your own words, Explain law x :
Always obey saes rules and sapa rules, Deathmatching is strictly forbidden, if you get caught by an admin there will be consequences!
With your own words, Explain law x :
Never attempt to arrest police officers while they are being wanted, offer them a bribe in order being unwanted,If you chase a wanted person and hes not pulling his car over, you can attempt to arrest

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