bas260 Posted May 1, 2018 Author Posted May 1, 2018 (edited) San Andreas Police Department SAPD HQ Chief of Police @DROT Deputy Chief of Police @kain RPG Commander <vacant> TSG Commander @magnus SAPD Staff Director <vacant> SAPD Staff Senior Instructor @JohnnyEnglish Instructor @Sou Instructor @niceez Instructor @Legend Instructor @LandShark SAES Members in Pro Cop SAES>Angelo (( @Angelo. / ryanmiller )) SAES>Ardron (( @Ardron / king1992 )) SAES>Fyrr (( @Fyrr / fyrr73 )) SAES>Arse (( @Arse / lokkaas )) SAES>Bambook (( @Bambook / bambook )) SAES>Brophy (( @Brophy / brophy )) SAES>Craig (( @Craig / craig )) SAES>Delin (( @Delin / delin )) SAES>Dennis (( @GameZoneX / gamezone )) SAES>Dequ (( Dequ // dequ )) - 2121 SAES>Dezzolation (( @Desolator / desolator )) SAES>Ghost722nd SAES Henry (( @Henry / mierburns )) SAES>Jasem SAES>Kain SAES>Kasimir SAES>Kenny SAES>King SAES>Lior SAES>Luke SAES>Mac Taylor SAES>Magnus SAES>Martijn SAES>Niklas SAES>Panther SAES>Rabbit SAES>Rares SAES>Ronseal SAES>Rampage (( Rampage / deadoralive )) - 2069 SAES>Shaun SAES>Siddman SAES>Taser SAES>Tilong SAES>Tombaa - Police Officer 313 SAES>toast SAES>Nanoboobs SAES>Joe Pro Cops 140 - Police Officer Name (( Cristian / 9509cristian )) - 140 141 - Police Officer Name (( Zaba / 9lctpe6 )) - 141 000 - Police Officer Name (( Ahmed / ahmed000702 )) - 142 000 - Police Officer Name (( @Alexdvla / alexdvla )) - 143 000 - Police Officer Name (( @MafiaMan / alexrud )) - 144 000 - Police Officer Name (( Tony / als5 )) - 145 000 - Police Officer Name (( Anderson / anderson9 )) - 146 000 - Police Officer Name (( @Angry / angrycop )) - 147 000 - Police Officer Name (( Markus / apocalipto )) - 148 000 - Police Officer Name (( Arkcleo22 / arkcleo22 )) - 149 000 - Police Officer Name (( Cake / armour )) - 150 000 - Police Officer Name (( Katze / arne99 )) - 151 000 - Police Officer Name (( dsl / ayisael )) - 152 000 - Police Officer Elliot Spencer (( @MrPhrost / alper35 )) - 153 000 - Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 154 000 - Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 155 000 - Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 156 000 - Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 157 000 - Police Officer Name (( Pedro / babs38 )) - 158 Police Officer Name (( @BMaster / baffousam )) - 159 Police Officer Name (( Bart / bardo45 )) - 160 Police Officer Ray Givens (( @bas260 / bas260 )) - 161 Police Officer Name (( Twix / bas564 )) - 162 Police Officer Name (( Bertje / bedirty )) - 163 Police Officer Name (( Bad_Nightmares / benardikhalia )) - 164 Police Officer Name (( Berker / berkersaes )) - 165 Police Officer Name (( Kendo / bigboss2708 )) - 166 Police Officer Name (( Marko / blackflage )) - 167 Police Officer Name (( Blanck / blanck )) - 168 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 169 Police Officer Name (( Garfio / bly809 )) - 170 Police Officer Name (( Absent / bobi02 )) - 171 Police Officer Name (( Genetrix / bootes )) - 172 Police Officer Name (( Halo / buch )) - 173 Police Officer Name (( Buddler / buddler )) - 174 Police Officer Name (( Bunny / bunnyxd )) - 175 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 176 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 177 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 178 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 179 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 180 Police Officer Name (( Sanek / cahek23 )) - 181 Police Officer Name (( PuerQuero / canelo )) - 182 Police Officer Name (( Chronic / captainchronic )) - 183 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 184 Police Officer Name (( Cash / cashisback )) - 185 Police Officer Name (( Soohappy / catarpg )) - 186 Police Officer Name (( Jarhead / chives )) - 187 Police Officer Name (( Alfa420 / chrilleberg )) - 188 Police Officer Name (( BrianL / clubmimo123 )) - 189 Police Officer Name (( Payn3 / cok1e )) - 190 Police Officer Name (( Trump / colqmanzz )) - 191 Police Officer Name (( Corla / corla )) - 192 Police Officer Name (( Yei / crazyloc )) - 193 Police Officer Name (( Crizz / crizz )) - 194 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 195 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 196 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 197 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 198 Police Officer Name (( CyberGhost / cyberghost )) - 199 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 200 Police Officer Name (( DanielP / danielhehe )) - 201 Police Officer Name (( DanielRey / danielrey )) - 202 Police Officer Name (( Ginger / daoal )) - 203 Police Officer Name (( BassDrop / denisvalisev )) - 204 Police Officer Name (( Pio / desmond )) - 205 Police Officer Name (( Dian / dian96 )) - 206 Police Officer Name (( Kasmet / dinozavur )) - 207 Police Officer Name (( DmitrY / dmitr789 )) - 208 Police Officer Name (( DominBoss / dominboss007 )) - 209 Police Officer Name (( Matio / doudou98 )) - 210 Police Officer Name (( Doufa / doufa )) - 211 Police Officer Name (( Dovah / dovahkiin23 )) - 212 Police Officer Name (( Dreeze/ dreeze )) - 213 Police Officer Name (( Maikel / dutchmaikel )) - 214 Police Officer Name (( Dyam / dyam98 )) - 215 Police Officer Mahoney Towers ((Dragous /Dragous )) - 216 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 217 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 218 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 219 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 230 Police Officer Name (( Psilocybin / eatalia )) - 231 Police Officer Name (( Elias / eliasmajid31 )) - 240 Police Officer Name (( El_Kebeer / elkebeer )) - 241 Police Officer Name (( Fallen / emank )) - 242 Police Officer Name (( @Heaton. / emerge )) - 243 Police Officer Name (( Printer / emresx43 )) - 244 Police Officer Name (( Vitamin / enebish )) - 245 Police Officer Name (( Mert / ennes )) - 246 Police Officer Name (( @Eren / eren97 )) - 247 Police Officer Name (( @Estinoge / estinogen )) - 248 Police Officer Name (( Pinky / eversman )) - 249 Police Officer Name (( JohnPrice / ezel1996 )) - 250 Police Officer Name (( Ezio / ezio0826 )) - 251 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 252 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 253 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 254 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 255 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 256 Police Officer Name (( Whoop / fabiovezzoli )) - 257 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 258 Police Officer Name (( Jim / Falco )) - 259 Police Officer Name (( Cpt.Price / fantom97 )) - 260 Police Officer Name (( @FTH / fatihgo )) - 261 Police Officer Name (( Death / fatko )) - 262 Police Officer Name (( Fear / fe4r )) - 263 Police Officer Name (( Fhal / fhal )) - 264 Police Officer James Ramirez (( @Flame / flameeagle )) - 265 Police Officer Name (( jacks / flappieheesch)) - 266 Police Officer Name (( Flippy / flippy10 )) - 267 Police Officer Name (( Frank / frank12 )) - 268 Police Officer Name (( Ricarda / frankstan12 )) - 269 Police Officer Name (( Freddie / freddy95 )) - 270 Police Officer Name (( @Freeze_Monkey / freezemonkey )) - 271 Police Officer Name (( @CheGuevara / frickov )) - 272 Police Officer Name (( Fusion / fusion0 )) - 273 Police Officer Name (( @Fyrr / fyrr73 )) - 274 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 275 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 276 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 277 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 278 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 279 Police Officer Name (( Galaxy / galaxy )) - 280 Police Officer Name (( Dennis / gamezone )) - 281 Police Officer Name (( @Gene/ gene48 )) - 282 Police Officer Name (( @Gheri / gheri )) - 283 Police Officer Name (( iTsme / guyfusfus )) - 284 Police Officer Adam Malcomson (( Split / g3tknock3dup )) - 285 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 286 Police Officer Name (( @Harry98 / harrystt )) - 287 Police Officer Name (( WorldEdit / haj )) - 288 Police Officer Name (( Hamza / hamza2012 )) -289 Police Officer Name (( Swal / Hannun )) - 290 Police Officer Name (( Hassoni / hassoni )) - 291 Police Officer Name (( @Haveer / haveer890 )) - 292 Police Officer Name (( Henk / henkie )) - 293 Police Officer Name (( @Herrjorss / herrjorss )) - 294 Police Officer Name (( @Alperreis / Hextech )) - 295 Police Officer Name (( HunHarcos / hunharcos )) - 296 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 297 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 298 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 299 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 300 Police Officer Name (( @IamEmkay / iamemk )) - 301 Police Officer Name (( @IG8820 / ig8820 )) -302 Police Officer Name (( Thomas / igthomas )) - 303 Police Officer Name (( Remco / ikamikazenl )) - 304 Police Officer Name (( @potatoes / impactomar )) - 305 Police Officer Name (( @Blaze. / irililike )) -306 Police Officer Name (( @ironorange / ironorange )) -307 Police Officer Name (( Batman / isky )) - 308 Police Officer Name (( Anti / ivanrk )) - 309 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 310 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 311 Police Officer Name (( Arma / jaja55 )) - 312 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 313 Police Officer James Aran (( @Aurora / jamesmpf )) - 314 Police Officer Name (( @jamy6 / jamy6 )) - 315 Police Officer Name (( @Striker / jan_kneta )) - 316 Police Officer Name (( @jccalvin / jccalvin )) - 317 Police Officer Name (( Jerku / jerkkui )) - 318 Police Officer Name (( @Lumen / jom )) - 319 Police Officer Name (( @Blade / joey11 )) - 320 Police Officer Name (( Joge / joge )) - 321 Police Officer Name (( Abdallah / Johnk )) - 322 Police Officer Name (( John Turner / johnturner )) - 323 Police Officer Name (( Jonas13362 / jonas13362 )) - 324 Police Officer Name (( Pika / jpoperes )) - 325 Police Officer Name (( Juan / juanfernando1 )) - 326 Police Officer Name (( Jurian / jurian )) - 327 Police Officer Johnny English (( @JohnnyEnglish / johnnyenglish )) - 328 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 329 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 330 Police Officer Name (( #John / kakoki )) - 331 Police Officer Name (( Gray / karlshooter )) - 332 Police Officer Name (( Kemolove / kemolove )) - 333 Police Officer Name (( Ketsh / ketsh)) - 334 Police Officer Name (( @Dakota / kieespada )) - 335 Police Officer Name (( Koeno100 / koeno100 )) - 336 Police Officer Name (( KSA /ksa4fever70 )) -337 Police Officer Name (( Fabian / kut1 )) - 338 Police Officer Name (( @Ramos )) - 339 Police Officer Stanley McStagg (( @Denox / kavkazets )) - 340 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 341 Police Officer Name (( @Laza / l4ki1)) - 342 Police Officer Name (( @iLazy / lasanhapt )) - 343 Police Officer Name (( Alain / lavellop )) -344 Police Officer Name (( Lethalis / lethalis )) - 345 Police Officer Name (( Tram / linikusa )) -346 Police Officer Name (( Lior / lior )) - 347 Police Officer Name (( Lopov / lopov )) - 348 Police Officer Name (( Freezs / lsdriftking )) - 349 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 350 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 351 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 352 Police Officer Name (( Crotch / m4nder )) - 353 Police Officer Name (( James.K / madmens )) - 354 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 355 Police Officer Harold Tayberson (( @Tayber / magma )) - 356 Police Officer Name (( Mayer / mahmut119 )) - 357 Police Officer Name (( Majore / majoreystick )) - 358 Police Officer Name (( Makefoo / makefoo )) - 359 Police Officer Name (( Malik / maliks )) - 360 Police Officer Name (( Mac Taylor / mallone)) -370 Police Officer Name (( Scooter / mamo )) -371 Police Officer Name (( Mark / manrsko )) - 372 Police Officer Name (( UglyOne / marxmarx )) - 373 Police Officer Name (( mcRain / mcrain )) - 374 Police Officer Name (( Matheus / mctouch )) -375 Police Officer Name (( Panther / meanpanther )) - 376 Police Officer Name (( Jake - menaphos )) - 377 Police Officer Name (( Mike906 / mike906 )) - 378 Police Officer Mike Busk (( @Mike_Busk / mikebusk )) - 379 Police Officer Name (( Mikson / mikson )) - 380 Police Officer Name (( Alex / mineboss63 )) - 381 Police Officer Name (( Ming / ming1434 )) - 382 Police Officer Name (( Pup / mlbshowdown )) - 383 Police Officer Name (( Modasser / modasser )) - 384 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) -385 Police Officer Name (( Charmania / mormor323 )) - 386 Police Officer Name (( @Zer0. / morters )) - 387 Police Officer Name (( CiViC / mrcivic )) - 388 Police Officer Name (( @Caucasian / murat35606 )) - 389 Police Officer Name (( Mush / mushaid001 )) - 390 Police Officer Zack_Looker (( Zack_Looker/ mootjess)) - 391 Police Officer Jason Letterman (( @Bizzle / marinagodoy)) - 392 Police Officer Steve Elliot (( @MrTheBank / mrthebank )) - 393 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 394 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 395 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 396 Police Officer Name (( Trickshot / n30 )) - 397 Police Officer Name (( Nathan / nathan )) - 398 Police Officer Name (( Nara / niella )) - 399 Police Officer Name (( MoneyMaker / noes )) -400 Police Officer Name (( N-FUN / nvb )) - 401 Police Officer Frank Smiten (( Niceez / nice3549 )) - 402 Police Officer David Webb (( @JasonBourne / nejc1234567 )) - 403 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 404 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 405 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 406 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 407 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 408 Police Officer Name (( Teddybear / officerraven )) - 409 Police Officer Name (( DCActvitity / oobanooba )) - 410 Police Officer Name (( Chrome / oradidas )) - 411 Police Officer Name (( Oscar / oscar1999 )) - 412 Police Officer Name (( Toretto / owanko )) - 413 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 414 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 415 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 416 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 417 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 418 Police Officer Name (( Panchito / panchito )) - 419 Police Officer Patrol Martinez (( @Patrol / patrol )) - 420 Police Officer Name (( Dude / payzone )) - 430 Police Officer Mike Lowrey (( @Pera98 / pera98 )) - 431 Police Officer Name (( Piem / piemonster11 )) - 432 Police Officer Name (( Piercecro / piercecro )) - 433 Police Officer Name (( Pilcrow / pilcrow )) - 434 Police Officer Name (( Kaj / pitbike )) - 435 Police Officer Name (( @NextRoman / poiuyt )) - 436 Police Officer Name (( Polat / polat12 )) -437 Police Officer Name (( Ghost / price7 )) - 438 Police Officer Name (( Paradox / professorparadox )) - 439 Police Officer Name (( Psibot / psibotfx )) - 440 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 441 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 442 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 443 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 443 Police Officer Name (( Qweezy / qweezy331 )) - 444 Police Officer Name (( Ranger / ranger )) -445 Police Officer Name (( Rapture / raptureknight )) - 446 Police Officer Name (( Reem / reamazriel )) - 447 Police Officer Name (( Reda / redahida )) - 448 Police Officer Name (( Redeye / redeye )) - 449 Police Officer Name (( Infrared / redhotita1 )) - 450 Police Officer Name (( Ricardo / ricardobbj )) - 451 Police Officer Name (( Borat!! / rickmickey111 )) - 452 Police Officer Name (( Vulture / rjxd )) - 453 Police Officer Name (( Kostya / rkbvfn )) - 454 Police Officer Name (( G-Force / roaann )) - 455 Police Officer Name (( Spooky / robkiller )) - 456 Police Officer Name (( Robert / robtje )) - 457 Police Officer Name (( Z / rocky779 )) - 458 Police Officer Name (( Ronnie / roni2799 )) - 459 Police Officer Name (( Royal / royalbreedx )) - 460 Police Officer Name (( Royalty / royalty )) - 461 Police Officer Name (( Rozloo / rozloo )) - 462 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 463 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 464 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 465 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 466 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 467 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 468 Police Officer Name (( Legend / s007 )) - 469 Police Officer Name (( Replaysam / sam465 )) - 470 Police Officer Name (( Jackson / sawadogo1 )) - 471 Police Officer Name (( Wu / seattlewu )) - 472 Police Officer Name (( Seba / seb123 )) - 473 Police Officer Name (( ExziBit / senorbrick )) - 474 Police Officer Name (( Haydar / severe )) - 475 Police Officer Name (( Shah / shahchaki )) - 476 Police Officer Name (( Sharon / sharon123 )) - 477 Police Officer Name (( Becki / sixhundreder )) - 478 Police Officer Name (( Hunter / skander1 )) - 479 Police Officer Name (( @skann / skann )) - 480 Police Officer Name (( Snake / snakeer )) - 481 Police Officer Name (( SniperX / sniperxnl )) - 482 Police Officer Name (( Sam# / sparky )) - 483 Police Officer Name (( Leon / spifioy )) - 484 Police Officer Name (( DDerek / spkultimate )) 485 Police Officer Name (( Squar / squarlight )) - 486 Police Officer Name (( Elzbieta / srendy )) - 487 Police Officer Name (( Stoner / staaaven )) - 488 Police Officer Name (( iStar / starwarsfan02 )) - 489 Police Officer Name (( DevilJ / stickkillers )) - 490 Police Officer Name (( Stiffler / stiffmister )) - 491 Police Officer Name (( Darius / suporter )) - 492 Police Officer Name (( Fattie / stoprunningimfat )) - 493 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 494 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 495 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 496 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 497 Police Officer Name (( Tarber / tarber )) - 498 Police Officer Name (( Smoon / taysoun )) - 499 Police Officer Name (( Amon / tazg7 )) - 500 Police Officer Name (( MrGamer / testedgamer )) - 501 Police Officer Name (( torbjorn / texmanskillz )) - 502 Police Officer Name (( trident / tgoossens )) - 503 Police Officer Luke McCarthy (( Sou / thedamnboss )) - 504 Police Officer Name (( Turismo / theflyingdutchman )) - 505 Police Officer Name (( TheKiller / thekiller101 )) - 506 Police Officer Name (( @KaKush KaKush / thepilot )) - 507 Police Officer Name (( Rock / thepro1711 )) - 508 Police Officer Name (( Deu / thereis41 )) - 509 Police Officer Name* (( TIlin / tilin1000 )) - 510 Police Officer Name (( @tim260 tim260 / timmoto )) - 511 Police Officer Name (( Titan / titan )) - 512 Police Officer Name (( @Hapro / toohapro )) - 513 Police Officer Name (( Toolbox / toolbox )) - 514 Police Officer Name (( jelmer / tseard )) - 515 Police Officer Name (( tut / tut )) - 516 Police Officer Name (( Kristiina / twister )) - 517 Police Officer Alcott Cardwell (( Alcott_Cardwell/ tedfrost)) - 518 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 519 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 520 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 521 Police Officer Name (( @vektor / vektor )) - 522 Police Officer Name (( Velo / velo )) - 523 Police Officer Name (( Leblanc / vempkiller )) - 524 Police Officer Name (( Euphoria / w0keronnn )) - 525 Police Officer Name (( George / wease )) - 526 Police Officer Name (( Carl / xirokax )) - 527 Police Officer Name (( @-Pegasus- / xpegasus )) - 528 Police Officer Name (( xSkillz / xskilzz )) - 529 Police Officer Name (( Yarin / yarin1559 )) - 530 Police Officer Name (( Platinum / yarinraz155 )) - 531 Police Officer Name (( Yasin / yasinkl )) - 532 Police Officer Name (( Yasso / yassin )) - 533 Police Officer Name (( @Yoav Yoav / yav123 )) - 534 Police Officer Name (( Younes / younesa1 )) - 535 Police Officer Name (( McGarret / yuvaleraz )) - 536 Police Officer Name (( Zoogata / zax44 )) - 537 Police Officer Name (( Noisyboy / zizou123 )) - 538 Police Officer Name (( Zpilot / zohar872 )) - 539 Police Officer Name (( Ostkaka / zoro )) - 540 Police Officer John Davis (( @Coma Coma / zoomspeed )) - 541 San Andreas Police Academy Police Officer Mahmoud_Elnashar (( @Fire Fox / firefox201791 )) - 800 0-100 :: San Andreas Interceptors 101-600 :: Pro Cops 610-690 :: SWAT 700-790 :: FBI 800-950 :: SAPA 950-1020 :: SAFP 1030-1130 :: NNB 1140-1240 :: Vacant 1250-1350 :: FOX Edited July 29, 2023 by DROT
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