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-you are not even in a special group so why are you even talking asslicker -_- '"

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@alex0107 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

+1 , also whoever says the DE killing arrest will be unfair , as someone suggested I'd say to remove it for BRs , JBs.

Nah, if headshot becomes a feature, leave it in bank robs and jail breaks as well. DE is not allowed to go there as long as CLO is not there, so it's fair to be on even there.


@Gengar said in HS back for CLO & DE:

Regardless of HS, they should be awarded more for arresting CLO member as CLO members are supposed to be among the most skilled criminals in community.

Looks at Kipt Looks at Human Looks at Jay Looks at Tritosh


@Rzz0 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@VayraN I play with a mouse that costs around 3 euro, i'd still consider myself pretty decent at shooting, and even tho im pretty decent, headshot is still NOT easy to hit for me especially on a running target, imagine hitting a sniper shot but now imagine hitting it on an even smaller hitbox. Like i said ANY of you could go spawn criminal and experience how headshot feels at SF turfs by doing /assist
You guys act like 50 players ingame are gonna get headshot, there are usually around 5 CLO's spawned, around the same amount of DE's too.
The only special things CLO and DE currently have is:
1)Armor (only good if you're trying to kill us
2)Hydras, Hunters and Tanks (We only use those against each others, they're never used against regular players)
3)If you're high ranked you will get dual wielded weapons (again, most of the members do not have them)
Thats it, literally only 3 things thay dont even feel special.
We are not suggesting aimbot or anything insanely OP, we are suggesting headshot, it has been here for a lot of years and no one seemed to mind it because it is not an easy ability to use
I just want the groups to feel like what they were supposed to be, right now i feel like a gang member with armor. It will not only make the groups more fun, but it'll motivate people to try and join them just like before. Please consider what im writing and think about it logically.

And now just gonna copy paste what i posted in the old topic incase anyone didnt read that:

I think headshot should also be enabled for HLS too, they're pretty much as special as DE/CLO

Anyways to anyone thinking its gonna be too OP, well in a way it might be, its a one shot kill but also its not easy at all to hit unless the person you're shooting is standing still.
Headshot got removed in 2016 (afaik) all those years before that it was there and no one seemed to complain about it, people were actually tryharding to join groups in which they could use special abilities (including me) back then actually joining a special group was a dream.

We can also disable it at SR / JB / BR because at those places i wouldnt see it being very good, if it is kept at those places then maybe headshot kill arrest shouldnt be a thing
Also i think in places such as BR's this would to a certain extent benefit the cop side since if CLO gets headshotted getting back inside the bank without getting arrested is not easy at all, then DE/HLS would just be able to headshot crims and clean up the bank, i dont know what the current % of successful BRs is, but imo if headshot comes back it'd go down (as it should because BRs shouldnt have a high success rate)

We could think of giving some kind of reward to cops who arrest CLO members (maybe more money per arrest?) this i guess can be thought about.

To cops who think it might be op, well it wont change much imo, most of the crims you arrest daily are not even CLO members, our activity is not that high, and you could also tryhard joining DE/HLS so you get headshot too.

Edit: Maybe we should just let DE respond to activities such as JB/BR/SR, but only if CLO is present then only then the headshot script would work, or give a command to DE like /checkbank which would let them know if any CLO is inside the bank so they could respond immediately.

Listen brother, 1-CLO activity is higher than DE activity and we all know that 2- We can let Headshot gets added only if it will be used towards special groups and not regular players, Ofc we wont let CLO getting a headshot to just kill us with 1 shot only easy lol, And about "tryharding" to join DE or HLS, What if a player can't join a special group and he gets killed ezpz from CLO ? Cops are fighting CLO like criminals the whole time while criminals are fighting DE only if there's a CLO there, So don't you think that if we fight a CLO and he can use his sniper with only 1 shot and he kills us will not be unfair ? You just focus about CLO getting headshot you don't give a fuck about what will happen to cops when chasing CLO or fighting them, And about "nOnE fOrCeD yOu tO cHaSe cLo" what if we want to arrest CLO because they are threatening at SR/BR/JB ? Do you want us to run like rats because they can kill us with 1 sniper shot ? Do you think it will be fair ? You saying that the community wants HS to get added back ? Most and maybe all of them are criminals / CLO voting for yes just because they wants to kill cops ezpz, Like if you are a criminal and you killed a DE with headshot WOOOW YOU EARNED MORE XP TO JOIN CLO ! You guys are trying to make HS comes back just to have fun and kill DE/cops to have more chances to join CLO, You don't give a simple fuck about cop side like how it will be unfair to them if they are fighting CLO at JB or BR and CLO just shots them only 1 shot and then rip all cops, You just want to see us running like chickens and dying so you can have fun and escape from getting arrested, Criminals are thinking that SAES are made for them only to have fun and get money they don't say for example, It will be unfair towards cops if CLO got headshot, And btw if you will say "DE are here too and they will fight CLO" What if DE are not online or afking or any thing ? It happens many times DE are afking while there are CLOs at JB or BR, For god sake stop selfishness thinking, Stop thinking that SAES are made for you only to kill cops and escape from them then you go to earn money ezpz -_-


@Rzz0 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@VayraN Do you even read what i post? I already said we can disable headshot at activities such as JB/BR/SR, then the only time you will get headshotted is when you are chasing a CLO member (which no one forces you to do and considering the fact that CLO is probably 1% of the wanted criminals, you're not doing it much anyways)
I even came up with the idea of giving cops a bigger reward for arresting CLO members.
All you do is act like you will get headshotted 24/7, and i can assure you its not even gonna be like that, in a SR you will just get killed by criminals with M4 and CS, these guns are way easier to hit. Like literally think about it for a second:
Imagine a SR, there are 15 criminals with M4 and CS on top and 1 CLO with headshot, who do you think is gonna kill you faster lmao?
I will also again suggest you to try headshot for yourself to see that its NOT easy to hit.

Lol it's even worst if a CLO member will headshot you while you are chasing him, What if you are far away from a CLO member and you are trying to chase and arrest him, And then he headshots you so you die, It will be unfair as fuck to criminals, Headshot should be used towards special groups only and not regular players, Like DE can't use headshot towards criminals and CLO can't use headshot towards cops, It will be more balanced and if you don't like it then don't even add it lol


bunch of noobs from these groups are bored ingame so spice things up let us dm some CLOs and DEs so I can get HSd back :eye: seems like fun to me


@Rzz0 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@VayraN said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@Rzz0 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@VayraN Do you even read what i post? I already said we can disable headshot at activities such as JB/BR/SR, then the only time you will get headshotted is when you are chasing a CLO member (which no one forces you to do and considering the fact that CLO is probably 1% of the wanted criminals, you're not doing it much anyways)
I even came up with the idea of giving cops a bigger reward for arresting CLO members.
All you do is act like you will get headshotted 24/7, and i can assure you its not even gonna be like that, in a SR you will just get killed by criminals with M4
Lol it's even worst if a CLO member will headshot you while you are chasing him, What if you are far away from a CLO member and you are trying to chase and arrest him, And then he headshots you so you die, It will be unfair as fuck to criminals,

I honestly didnt understand anything and i dont think you can get my point so im gonna try to make it easy:

You are a cop, you are driving your car on LV highway and you see a CLO member, that CLO member has headshot, if you dont chase him he will not shoot you! If you chase him he might headshot you!

Lol and why we would get scared from chasing CLO while we can make it balanced and disallow headshot on regular players or even let SAES without headshot ! Like CLO isn't a criminal ? We should arrest anyone whenever we want and not just getting scared from CLO just because they got headshot -_-


@Rzz0 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

Open TAB and check how much
Offical Gang + Criminals are spawned, probably around 100

Now check CLO, probably 5

You have 100 criminals to arrest yet you're complaining about the 5 that you cant, which technically you can, you'll just need a bit more skill and thats why im suggesting a bigger reward! Dont you people like a challange?

@Bartman @Terry we need bartman drawing method since he is too dumb to understand what rzzo is saying


@Rzz0 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

Open TAB and check how much
Offical Gang + Criminals are spawned, probably around 100

Now check CLO, probably 5

You have 100 criminals to arrest yet you're complaining about the 5 that you cant, which technically you can, you'll just need a bit more skill and thats why im suggesting a bigger reward! Dont you people like a challange?

I like challenges if it's fair challenge and balanced :)


@Rzz0 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@VayraN said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@Rzz0 said in HS back for CLO & DE:

Open TAB and check how much
Offical Gang + Criminals are spawned, probably around 100

Now check CLO, probably 5

You have 100 criminals to arrest yet you're complaining about the 5 that you cant, which technically you can, you'll just need a bit more skill and thats why im suggesting a bigger reward! Dont you people like a challange?

I like challenges if it's fair challenge and balanced :)

You started playing the server after headshot got removed, how do you know if its unfair when you've never experienced it?
Anyways im not gonna reply to ur posts anymore you seem to not understand.

Even if I didn't see it happening I can just imagine how it will work


@VayraN it was fair for everyone before and people was not crying because they knew it was special group and thats why they was being happy like you on mainchat ^arrested clo ahaha^
Please dont spam anymore, try to read old posts i am not gonna reply to your posts too seems like you cant understand


Honestly, when I actively played as a cop, nothing was more frustrating than chasing clo who had other criminal friends with him. As soon as you aim with taser or rubber shotgun, it's over if you just e rmb lmb while looking at the crim. Problem was that crims and clos do realisticly move together as cops do, and HS gives the advantage on aiming targets. There's obviously de-sync and lag tho.

I still respect others opinions and understand why they want HS back tho.

I won't say "don't change hs back" nor will say that do put it back, as I am not enough active cop to comment to that. In my opinion, testing it out while adding the rewars of catching a clo might make it more worth-while doen't hurt and could be done. Risk/reward faction has to be right to make it more worth-while to take a risk on taking down clo assisted by other clos or crims.

You can easily do this by adding a bounty. Each cop killed by CLO members increases his bounty, paying more to the arrester, this would require sceipting tho. Other way is to just buff it by a small amount


well tbh, i see that its unfair but nvm if you will make a reward for arresting a CLO Member its okay, also im not interresting at arresting CLO members if i see that there is +50 Criminal is active, and yes im with you, you must have some skills to arrest CLO Member while he has HS. GL


@VayraN before 2016 CLO and DE would have it and noone complained mainly because people were used to it and also because people could understand that's why they were special groups and had special scripts as rzz0 said now it's just sitting there waiting for a war to happen, so no arresting a CLO won't be impossible ofc some will be supper hard but once again you are arresting a CLO not a gang member so don't go alone or make sure to have good tactics to make sure he doesn't got the time to aim at you and take the shot


"You can easily do this by adding a bounty. Each cop killed by CLO members increases his bounty, paying more to the arrester, this would require sceipting tho." - @Bunny

Nice idea, mister Bunny!

This sounds really, really good and perfect. For each cop killed by that CLO member, 10k more reward. So if the CLO kills 7 police forces, the arresting money reward on him would be the default arresting money reward from the 42 wanted level + 70k $. At the moment he gets arrested, the bounty of 70k $ on him gets reseted to 0 $. Very simple and good!

Sounds good, eeeeeeeeeeeeh? Sounds promising, sounds fair! The risk is very worthy!

And what else I can say... I'd love to see back the fucking OLD and GOOD DE/CLO from back in the years! With all the restrictions and removals both of our groups had... CLO is the most thing closed to a level 5 official gang and DE to a level 5 squad, lol. There are a very few differences between us/them, from what I've read, some of you already mentioned this differences.

From what DE/CLO were before and what we're now... yeah, it's FUCKING PATHETIC. I don't know, I don't understand and I don't get how we became this with the passing of the years. It's sad too.


same, just add higher bounty to clo, also remmembers the time ~2011 when blibs on whoole map was normal & arresting systhem was working only if people had 75hp or less = nightstick arrest, so arresting clo was only possible if damage whoole armor + 25hp. you know what cops did that time? they all hunted clo 24/7, gone hard try, did teaming, damaged clo & arrested them, without any extra reward or something, it was just the challange & the respect "i arrested an clo". and nowdays when we have one hit arrest & everyone is used to it, some are crying how hs is op... i bet that most people here didnt even fighted clo as police when hs was able & dont even know how hs works. just add this ~50/70k for one clo arrest (outside jb & br), and people are motivated to team up for clo arrests


@Crash said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@VayraN before 2016 CLO and DE would have it and noone complained mainly because people were used to it and also because people could understand that's why they were special groups and had special scripts as rzz0 said now it's just sitting there waiting for a war to happen, so no arresting a CLO won't be impossible ofc some will be supper hard but once again you are arresting a CLO not a gang member so don't go alone or make sure to have good tactics to make sure he doesn't got the time to aim at you and take the shot

Man you don't understand what I mean, For example you are a cop and you are chasing some crims outside the jail and there's a CLO with them, And then the CLO kills you with only 1 shot sniper, It will be boring as fuck lol


@VayraN said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@Crash said in HS back for CLO & DE:

@VayraN before 2016 CLO and DE would have it and noone complained mainly because people were used to it and also because people could understand that's why they were special groups and had special scripts as rzz0 said now it's just sitting there waiting for a war to happen, so no arresting a CLO won't be impossible ofc some will be supper hard but once again you are arresting a CLO not a gang member so don't go alone or make sure to have good tactics to make sure he doesn't got the time to aim at you and take the shot

Man you don't understand what I mean, For example you are a cop and you are chasing some crims outside the jail and there's a CLO with them, And then the CLO kills you with only 1 shot sniper, It will be boring as fuck lol

so does DE to the criminals you cant just thing against you , thing in the middle of both partys

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