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[POLL] Remove Speed


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Hi guys,

So I decided to make this official thread for it after reading this discussion thread here seeing as the people that were pushing for the wanted level have since changed their mind.
(I know there was a thread surrounding this in the past however I feel there's been a large change in some opinions since then and I just want to check again).

As everyone is entitled to, I will post my opinion below which will ultimately be very similar to my response in the linked thread.

I had a written an essay but I've decided to keep it short instead. After discussing my response to the linked topic above in the discussion channel on discord with some high ranked criminal organisation members, it became slightly more apparent that there is now mixed opinions on the criminal side regarding speed as a feature therefore I felt this needed readdressing. Granted the last few weeks we have seen cops getting their own speed dealer to spawn and as a result we have seen criminals complaining about this due to cops being harder to kill. So quite simply why not just remove it out of the equation so there's no team differences when it comes to game speed.

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Personally I feel like the game would be more consistent without speed. Even now when cops are benefitting from it to some extent during bankrobs, I do think that overall the idea that adding a mechanic to the game where you could pay to move faster, shoot faster and drive faster than other people was short sighted.

I actually don't think this is even a cops vs crims issue, genuinely think removal of speed wouldn't impact one side more or less than the other, it would just make the game more consistent.

I doubt it will pass, people aren't very fond of change but it'd be nice if people considered this from a perspective of the game itself as opposed to "us vs them" mentality.

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-1, simply because thats the only feature that gives the criminals advantage against a cop/s that have shotguns that slow us down.

Instead of thinking this way, I feel like it would be way better to plan on adding things for both sides, instead of continiously nerfing / removing stuff, thats pointless. Instead of removing stuff, we can actually think of something that could interest and satisfy the both sides, removing and nerfing won't lead anywhere.

Anyways, that was just my opinion about it.

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@Draven said in [POLL] Remove Speed:

My only concern in this is some gang's roleplay and their selling ability. If one of the gangs have only drugs as main roleplay what would they do and what would they sell?

This suggested changes seems to be around removing speed, not all drugs. You would still have the ability to sell the other drugs I imagine, but yeah that's less lucrative.

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@Daryl said in [POLL] Remove Speed:

@Draven said in [POLL] Remove Speed:

My only concern in this is some gang's roleplay and their selling ability. If one of the gangs have only drugs as main roleplay what would they do and what would they sell?

This suggested changes seems to be around removing speed, not all drugs. You would still have the ability to sell the other drugs I imagine, but yeah that's less lucrative.

Exactly. We all know that we only need and buy speed from drug dealers, I would say the others are pretty much useless and drug dealers won't have any benefits from their selling.

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No - don't remove it this way. It gets boring removing things for the sake of removing them, without providing an alternative that would perhaps bring the game towards more fair and or consistent gameplay. Speed is fun. I can see from a cop side of things that having 20 or 30 criminals inside a bank rob is a nightmare to deal with sometimes when they are all high on speed firing combat shotguns, but just removing something for next to no reason is just going to make this game more dry than it already is.

I've said it before, I think there just needs to be alternative options with similar effects, or even counters. Maybe energy drinks or protein bars could provide a legal way to have a similar effect to speed with perhaps making it cheaper but doesn't last as long. These can be sold at any food places, sold by food vendors or how about we could even place vending machines around high traffic areas such as banks, jails or store robs so people can stock up before attending.
Maybe even replace the 'sandbag' rounds in police shotguns to a type of 'anti-speed dart' than temporarily removes the effect? These sorts of things should be easily added as it is surely just playing with some simple code that is already used in game.

A few ideas. Just for once I would like to see something added to the server instead of just removing yet another popular mechanic because it's "an easy fix".

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@Rzz0 said in [POLL] Remove Speed:

Remove shotgun slow too not only speed then i agree(maybe make a poll for it if you feel like its a good suggestion)

I was about to suggest the same lmao until I read your reply...but ye reduce the tazer's range aswell as Due and some others mentioned before..

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If you remove speed, the game needs to have alternative money sink and balance changes. Alternative drug that could be more fair in my opinion, would be something along that gives you a bit of resistance (10-20% armor?)
It is true that speed is one of the best ways to defend in br's and jailbreaks. If speed were to be removed, the amount of successful bank robberies should be looked at make it more valuable to do.

One thing that would be is also nerfing the rubber shotguns speed a tiny bit (imo)

I do personally think that for the health and balance of the game, removal should be done, but other variables have to be taken looked at. I gotta agree with crim that speed is one of the real benefits they have, included with the amount of criminals in-game.

There might be also methods to balance out the speed, in a way that it doesn't have to be removed.

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