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[CHANGE] - VIP Activity Improvements


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as we all know the mission to get sooo much money (30k) is just to develier vip to some location. what i do sometimes if i get the vip, is driving arround & getting random crimes behind me + random pigs = DM fest for both sides, its fun, but to many people mad at me because they dont get theyr 30k

the suggestion:
-making a timer for both sides 5-10mins, means aslong any crime is holding vip, the timer is counting till the end (lets say 10mins) & after timer is end, the crimes arround gets money.
same goes for copside.

means ofc if timer is at ~3.25, and any cop gets vip, the coptimer starts count, and when another crime gets vip back in hands, the timer is counting from 3.25.

= more fun for both sides
+maybe increase the price, cuz holding 10mins+ (depends how hard the cop/crimeside is fighting) vip should be more worth than 1simple sr

+also if possible, timer shouldnt work on aircrafts*
+timer shouldnt count inside interior

+no base camp (simply rule should be enough)

edit: to makes things easyer (if this becomes a thing hopefully), after the timer hits limit of 5-10mins (can discuss how long), the vip gets an location to develier.
also means: if crime side hits the 10mins, there popps out an location to develier vip for crimes, and cops have timer at lets say 9.12min, they need still pickup the vip, get the full 10mins & they get an location to develier vip like crimes did. also only after timer is full the location to develier popps out, for both sides seperat, hopes this understandable or ask terry: D

ask @Terry if cant understand my english, he good translator for my english

24 answers to this question

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This sounds like a good thing to improve the fun and the interactions between cops and crims while doing the VIP thingy. Back when it got added I thought it would be a lot of fun and a cool crims vs cops display of skills. However, the truth is that most of the times cops doesn't arrive at time to pick up the VIP and viceversa, I guess it is because the winner will always be the one picking it up first.

However, adding this "control de zone" kind of thing would give both crims and cops time to arrive to the place and try to fight for it. Also it might be something fun to take part of. I'd like to suggest some things to Bartman's suggestion, in case this is considered to be added. the way some drop points for the VIP should change. Right now the PDs has no access for criminals to get in (and there's where the cops drop the VIP). Also, it'd be good to keep the drop point outside the PD (in front of it or anywhere nearby. Also gotta remember in LS PD none can recieve damage neither use guns), so there's no abuse with respawning and the 4 seconds or more invulnerability after respawning.

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I think it's a great idea though I'd rather see it as a separate event from VIP. That way we've two activities, similar but different. "VIP" could be an item rather than a person.

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@Bartman the timer shouldnt keep counting on interiors as well don't you agree?
Also keep it in a building that is impossible to climb should not be alwoed as keeping it inside the base; what i mean is that it has to be in open space where evryone have access.
But overall it looks funny as fuck! great idea!

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honestly didnt thought of it cuz vip didnt came inside interior, but added
& basecamp should be simply rule enough, i mean only trustfully people "should" have acces to bases

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@Bartman said in making vip more fun:

honestly didnt thought of it cuz vip didnt came inside interior, but added
& basecamp should be simply rule enough, i mean only trustfully people "should" have acces to bases

In example you have the VIP in binded with you, and you need a car from the base you got to drop it outside pick up the car inside the base and then pick up it again, a rule is enough for that.
We both now that nowadays theres not only trustfull people as it should be in certain organizations unfortunetly @Bartman .

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ik what you mean, but vip (or whatever it will be called) will be visible for everyone, so its not easy abuse base or any police pd without anyone noticing it, + could add visible for everyone the name who is holding it. but either way this should be not a problem at all i think.

hardest step is to get anyone skripting it, also the timer + timer wich dont count when using heli/planes.

i hope this become a thing in future

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Let's make it simpler and more fun. The VIP location will be alerted to all cops first so they can gather at it, and after 5 mins criminals will learn about it's location. (like SR but for cops to defend the progress and for criminals to attack). Use jason script with lower HP, but this time criminals have to kill the VIP and cops have to defend it for 10 mins. Imagine how many criminals will come there, and make it easy for cops to defend like a br lol. Simple script and I believe more fun. Cops get 100k each if they defend, crims get 50k each if they kill VIP.

No need to bind VIP to you as it will stay in its safe location so no buggy game screen, moreover, there will be 5-6 locations and criminals will never know where VIP has spawned first (after 5 mins they'll know). One can be LV casino, one can be Jefferson hotel etc. Adding timers and tons of things will make it just complicated.

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Yet another time Bartman comes with a great idea...
Would bring fun for sure, instead of the same routine all the time, an addition like this could be better of course.

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Wouldn't it mean cops or crims will have to wait around PD or the criminal kidnapping marker for the timer to end everytime there is a VIP? Sounds frustrating. Also, if you are not here in time to get paid then you don't get paid. Finders keepers work on this situation.

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In my opinion, biggest fun in this server is in the places where Criminals and Cops are expected to fight each other. I think it'd be nice idea to re-make VIP event according to what Bartman suggested. Any idea that brings these two sides face to face is worth taking into a serious consideration. Cops and criminals go to JB and SR with the purpose of fighting most of the times.

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Perhaps we could improve the script a bit more? Could make it so the criminals have to control the hostage in a building for a certain amount of time. Cops will have to free the victim without hurting him, perhaps with use of a "shield". I imagine how fun this could be for both cops and criminals, actually having to use brain and all that to accomplish the mission. Working on the shield, I'll have a talk with saes dev as well.

Something like this :

EDIT : Code has been forwarded, just a matter of time now.

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niceeeee coding alrdy started?
but dont make it like standing in one place, make just need to carry ammount of time to get money (just like we did with vip yesterday), so DM fest can be everywhere : D

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also like this (cops won that vip btw) still was fun
also criminal/cop timer right side & top bar develery location @blind people
@Tut-Greco @Lincoln
alt text

alt text

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bumbito, this vip = more DM & fun than br & sr togheter for cops & crimes = this vip could help increase copside aswell

& little side suggestion: cops driving secure car with money from a to b & crimes have to kill cops/break secucar + bring it somewhere to wash the money = another cop activity suggest (more details if someone shows interrest to do this)

edit: should i add vote for it? or its ok that way? on the screens can see that copside & crime side said in chat it made alot fun

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