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TST - The Strike Team | Media Archive


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Role-play Name: A Dealing Raid

Attenders: @kurcina21 , @Andre and @TaJ

Story: Couple minutes before taking actions, The Strike Team has received an urgent report and call from the dispatcher informing about 2 criminals dealing weapons on a hunted farm. Agent Bidrift and Little Bori checked their equipments then got into the Police Enforcer to respond to the dispatcher request. They were on high speed with sirens and lights on. When they reached the place, both officers got out and picked up their M4s aiming at the suspects. Although suspects weren't responsive in a quick way, but the officers hadn't any permission that time to fire the guns. The suspects pretended to be legally dealing. They hadn't any warrant proving that. Due to that, the officers decided to force them to get into the Enforcer for facing the custody on the nearest police department, that was Red County Police Department. They put them on the cells until their judgment days checks in.
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/r5CeQdO
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Role-play Name: Grouded-exploration

Attenders: @NRG , @MR-joker , @Aspect , @lil_borivoje

Story: The Strike Team, as the name says, we strike. Get in, get it done, get out. That was our job as usual, today. We set up ourselves for a secret operation. Top secret operation. We were ready, we picked up our helicopter to go through the base safely. We collected enough information about it. Till now all our units were safe. But we had to call a tactical unit for completing the operation. Unfortunately for the agents. We had one dead while trying to go down the hills to get out. We went to the cemetry praying for him to rest in peace.

Screens: Screenshots will be provided as soon as possible
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Role-play Name: Documentation Transport

Attenders: @NRG

Story: After some duties of the The Strike Team as their role of being officers and tactical units, we had a call from the Red County Police Depertmant willing us to get the documents we have that relates to the recent suspects and keep them there. We got them documents inside our Enforcer and we drove to the Red County Police Department with lights on and full speed for security of the documents. We got out our documents and went inside the department and we placed them inside the reservatory. After that, we were done, all our job of this transportation was done perfectly without any mistake.

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/iK7Lltk
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So me and agent Bidrift got word that there are a couple of criminals at the LS Marina exchanging weapons!When we got to the location we found two criminals.There was one pirate who was selling weapons to an OC member! Luckly we came at the right time and were eable to catch the OC member.Unfortunately the pirate escaped but badly wounded!
SS: https://imgur.com/a/dQNHT3G
Attendents: @Bidrift @Kurupted
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Role-play Name: Set It Up!

Attenders: @lil_borivoje, @Kurupted

Story: Officer Bidrift and Lil Bori have found an issue in the SWAT Tank, fortunately, they were both aware of it. So they called a TMH Specialist to look into the matter and fix it. It didn't take too long to get it fixed. There are no such things I need to mention in this but the price, it was 9,210$.

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/Hi39fxQ
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I was casualy patroling around LV when i get a call from a shop owner telling me that his shop was robbed the previous night....I quickly go to investigate.
When i got to the store i talked with the store owner and he told me that some liqour had been stolen , From there i start my investigation.
Firtst i checked what type of drinks were stolen,then i checked if there were any fingerprints on the back door that was busted.When i went outside i realised that there were tracks from breaking on the road! So i followed them. It led me to another shop owner that supposively bought the drinks from a couple of guys but i didnt bealive him!
Also i forgot to mention that i found .45mm shells near the door , i figured that he fired the gun to open the door to the store he robbed , so i went to a Gun Dealer in LS to ask if he saw this person buy guns and i was right !
SS: https://imgur.com/a/oc5K1aN
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Role-play Name: Shopkeeper's Emergency

Attenders: @Resistant

Story: The strike team have had an Emergency call from the Pizza shop near LV Police Department, we've been informed of a nighttime robbery that happened in that shop. One of our tactical units, Bidrift, responded as soon as he could with a police rancher. Agent Bidrift has discussed some things and some mashed up information about the robbery. Unfortunately, the shopkeeper has never seen any robber passing by the shop. He was too late to save the shop. He said that he realized the robbery from the missing money in the shop safe. Therefore, agent Bidrift got inside the shop searching for anyhints. He has not found anything yet. But after more detailed look up, he decided to take the camera and look for fingerprints in the safes. Also, he had to take the shopkeepers fingerprint so the department of TST makes no confusion between the robbers and the shopkeepers.

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/LnakOOi
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Role-play Name: Stolen Vehicle

Attenders: @Mixpeko, @Disa

Story: While agent Bidrift and Disaster were patrolling, they have received a backup call from the dispatcher, informing about a jacked vehicle in Las Venturas, that is moving to San Fierro through the highway linking between both cities. as always, The Strike Team was ready to face the consequences and responded to the backup with sirens and lights on informing about the emergency to other cars to move off road. They've gently pulled over the first reported vehicle after verifying its plate and making sure that its matching to the reported one. We've checked if the carjacker had any firearms on him and so he didn't. We've asked him for the ID card and the vehicle's registration (grey card), he gave us the ID not the grey card, so we got him inside our cruiser immediately and transformed him to the state's department.

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/LnakOOi
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Attenders:[STF]Ntruder, [AA]Velona, OC|>JohnnyEnglish, [B~B]Harb
Story: I was looking for books and i found one. I started to read. Our head officer called me and i went to the CC Garage on Los santos Las venturas highway i was waiting around 1-2 hour(s) a guy came and he got into the garage. I see lots of person but he seem like an illegal mafia. Velona started to fix his car. It got around 10-20 minutes. Finally Velona came and tried to talk with me. Johnny started to act like scared person. I was sure about a criminal thing about him. I checked his everything about his life. There's a "Drug dealing and killing people" I said to velona to "check his car and tell me if you find any criminal thing" velona accepted it and finally velona found 20Kg white drugs. I got him and we went to The Strike Team HQ. He got my 1 hour for talking. He said me that "i used adrenaline... Help me!" I didn't accept it and i busted him. I don't know what will happen. I want justice!
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tKYDY5m
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@Radrick said in CripZ | Media Archive:
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> Roleplay story: Participants: CripZ~ & The Striker Team, It's been long ago and this task is going on our minds, We prepared for this time since we were doing such little operations like Robbing shops, stores or anything else stealable, This time we decided to reach the last line, the most dangerous thing we've ever done. Lately, we heard from some of our hidden agents that The Striker Team has a big role in the failure of some of our missions and operations, We prepared for that because we knew that TST has the best tactical team in San Andreas, So we were fully prepared for this duty, So, We sent one of our professional spy-guy to his location to keep an eye on him and to put a GPS conductor in the bottom of his police car, our location was so close to him and did a fast response to our spyer's call, After going to the commanded location, We found him going out theCasino, it was super great timing, Fastly, we aimed at him and he was shocked so directly he agreed to get in the car without any kind of punishments, Then, we went to a hidden place to continue the mission, he was really surprised and he didn't move in all the way, he was just looking from the window and following our orders, after we went to the secret place, he start shiting around and trying to escape but meeeh... he didn't do anything, but sadly... he disagreed to share his squad's information and in coming duty's, We tried hard to threaten him with our guns and his family but no way... he won't share the secret of his organization, so in the final, we decided to end his life and hide his body before they relise our dirty crime. @NRG
> Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kiAIIbM

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Attenders: [TST]Rocker[CoS]-(TTRU.Comm2)

Story: I was checking the cameras and i got a phone from a rich guy's manager. As far as i understand from him. A gang got his village and they are using it as warehouse. We went to the house with Mr.Rocker and we killed somebody for gettin into the warehouse. We got all of guns and drugs to our warehouse. We did perfect work with Mr.Rocker and nobody get insulted for this. Now the gang has 1 million 560.000$ forfeit. I am still working on the event about finding the drug dealers. Cause it is so hard... I went to my house with Rocker and we talked about something about our life.

Screens: Here!
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Attenders: [AA]ILLUSION

Story: I got a phone from The Strike Team's Commander. He said me "deal with Arms Assassins and get some guns!" I went to Arms Assassin's offical base and i got guns. Thanks to Mr.Illusion about helping us. Our orders were 2 boxes of M4 and one box of sniper. I got them and it cost 25.000$. I paid the money from The Strike Team offical bank. Finally i went to our warehouse for dropping guns. I dropped all of box of guns and i went to my house.

Screens: Here!
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